Recent content by jma

  1. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    I've been closing 2 nights a week at the brewery so a lot of movements those nights! I just did some good stretching today to prep for my shift tonight where I will get my steps in!
  2. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    Still trying to take it easy on the ankle as it's getting better but it's not fixed yet. I just did some stretches both for my ankle and just in general to get off my butt without aggravating the ankle. The weather where I am has been brutally cold so I am looking forward to some nicer weather soon!
  3. jma

    need advices for bloating

    I also struggle with bloating and have irritable bowel syndrome. The biggest things for me to help have been reducing stress and eating on a regular schedule. Being active after eating has also helped but some days all I can manage is a walk around the house and some stretching but it still...
  4. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    The ankle is improving! I've been resting it and taking it easy when I am on my feet. Today I did the Micro Break workout and then some stretches for my injury as well as just in general. Fingers crossed that my ankle and the weather cooperate so I can go on more walks
  5. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    Not sure why I stopped updating this besides life is busy in the last 2 months of the year! I went on vacation over New years and walked over 10k steps a day! But I aggravated an old ankle injury so now I am limited in what I can do. So today I did the Seated Cardio Workout and am going to work...
  6. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    My motivation to move today was PokemonGo. I wanted to go to the nearby stop about a half mile walk away, so I got about a 15-20 minute walk in and caught a lot!
  7. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    Did the core and balance workout, and I really liked that. The only challenge is I need to clean up so I have more space for the leg raises. I also went to a concert last night so I got a lot of steps and some jumping in. Hoping to be more consistent but life loves to get in the way
  8. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    So last night I closed at the brewery which always wears me out and then I opened today for an event and I am worn out. I didn’t have a ton of steps but putting up chairs, washing dishes, and moving kegs around (even empty ones) is a lot. I’m glad I got to get my movement in yesterday and today...
  9. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    I have been busy and lazy lately. I got my updated COVID booster and that took me out for a couple days. Yesterday I did do some Nintendo sports for an hour and that was a good workout as I get very into it. Hoping to go for a walk tomorrow but the weather is starting to turn here so it may be...
  10. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    Today I work at the brewery and will be getting a bunch of movement through that. I might do some yoga or stretching at some point today before then. And today was payday so I was able to donate $5, hoping that the funding % will go up soon.
  11. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    Today I didn't do much activity but I donated blood for the first time! I have a fear of needles and wanted to challenge that and I am very proud I did. I unfortunately had a lot of wooziness and my ears were ringing so I am not sure when I will donate again but I am very proud of myself...
  12. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    Did the Start Here workout and some stretches today for a lazy Sunday. I hate seeing how low the funding is lately, will be trying to donate next paycheck!
  13. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    I had a horrible migraine yesterday but I still went to work at the brewery and got 7k steps, so I will take that as a win! The weather is finally cooling off here, so I hope to get outside for more walks. I also am going to start volunteering at my local food pantry which will be fun and help...
  14. jma

    ADD/ADHD and Exercise

    I also am looking into getting tested as a lot of my family have ADHD and I finally have the time to go to the doctors. For getting bored I try to multi-task when I work out. I'll throw on a podcast or a TV show to hold my attention, especially for walks outside or on the treadmill. I also use...
  15. jma

    Josie's Movement Progress

    I had a blast at the ren faire, I walked like 9k steps and it was hot as heck! Today I was worn out and tired from that so I just did the seated warrior workout. I was feeling too tired and lazy to stand up and do anything, but anything is better than nothing.