Recent content by Juan Martin

  1. Juan Martin

    Aquila's journey

    Hi. What kind of coffee do you usually have daily?
  2. Juan Martin


    Glad to hear that. Wish you all the best!
  3. Juan Martin

    Because I'm Still Stupid...

    Congrats on the achievement! In the pursuit of knowledge, even the brightest minds may doubt themselves at times, but there are tools to ensure a fair evaluation. Proctoredu offers an advanced online solution for proctoring or monitoring exams. With its browser-based platform and no need for...
  4. Juan Martin

    What are you doing when you're bored?

    When boredom strikes, I'm as lost as a sock in a washing machine! But hey, why not turn that downtime into productive time? Imagine the excitement of getting a one-off deep cleaning service by professional cleaners, giving your space a fresh makeover. Emop offers this with cashback up to £150...
  5. Juan Martin

    Resolutions 2023

    Same here :) I would also add that it would be great if I had more expertise in money management because feel near zero confidence in this respect. Recently I started to dive into trading and at the moment studying different patterns on Litefinance. Very interesting!
  6. Juan Martin


    Hi there. did you get the position? Just curious :) I am an accountant. Like Math thus chose this occupation. Soon consider opening my own shop that is why study such programs like Priceva at the moment.