Recent content by matban

  1. I need advice pls

    Thank you alot @Redline !! Seeing positive comments anywhere with people supporting each other is how I keep going and have a positive mind. Im really glad of finding out about DAREBEE where I can see some changes already! :)
  2. I need advice pls

    I see. Thank you for the help and I’ll start doing it from today ! I wasn’t able to workout sunday and monday due to a fever but Im feeling much better so I can start again. :LOL::LOL: Thanks for the advice again, I appreciate it lots.
  3. I need advice pls

    Thank you for the links and reply! I’ll check them all out when I have the time. One question though for the programs, could I do more than just one program or should I rather stick with just one?
  4. I need advice pls

    Thank you, I appreciate that!!
  5. I need advice pls

    Im trying to stay fit and lose weight but i need advice on what my workout routine should be. Im a begginer that just started last week and ive just been doing begginer and leg workouts from the collections but I need help on rountine I should be doing. And I also wanna ask on what i should be...