What happened to the recipes and meal plan section? [SOLVED]


Active member
Jedi from United States
Posts: 32
"May The Force Be With You!"
Back in 2020 when I discovered Darebee I learned a lot about food and nutrition from this site, I could find meal plans, and super tasty healthy recipes!
I still make the healthy chocolate ice-cream recipe till this day! and the baked falafel recipe is amazing! those two stuck with me, but I forgot how to make a lot of the other great recipes that were on this site, back when I was vegan for a while I relied totally on Darebee recipes... I can never forget how the mushroom burger tasted so great and just like a beef burger! among many great and tasty recipes that are no where to be fond on the website anymore.!

Was there a specific reason that they were removed? can we ever get them back? or least have a downloadable copy of them? it was such an amazing source that I am sure adds a lot of value and benefits to all users!


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,380
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
The section related to nutrition was discontinued with the change to the new forum, now there is only a cooking section :)