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  1. TheNourWayWoman

    I am starving at the end of the afternoon! Please help! :)

    My current meal plan: - Oatmeal for breakfast - 1-2 cups of dark roast black coffee with a tablespoon of honey - Fruits for snacks/lunch - Full Balanced meal (with something green) - 1.5 Liter of water or more
  2. TheNourWayWoman

    Mindset and Motivation

    So not entirely sure what I am going to post here. My name is Amanda. I am a 33yo, Mother, Tradwife, and muslim hijabi woman. Highest Weight: ~400lbs (At that size I wasn't exactly weighing myself) Lowest Weight: ~ 150lbs (After the first baby! Lost 150lbs in one 8-month period!) Current...