Recent content by CDay54

  1. CDay54

    CDay54 - Training Log/Fitness Journal - Accountability

    Hey everybody, it was just abject chaos last week so I haven't been able to post regularly so here's an update on last week. I was able to work out 3 out of the 4 time I was scheduled and able to stay -500 calories below maintenance 4 out of 7 days. Also beat Move goal on watch 6 out of 7 days...
  2. CDay54

    CDay54 - Training Log/Fitness Journal - Accountability

    Oct 17th Update Thanks everybody for checking this out and interacting! This is going to be the weekend update and weekly planning post. This weekend was a decent success though the fasting was an issue as I had forgotten about a family function with a dinner attached to it. 16:8 starts...
  3. CDay54

    CDay54 - Training Log/Fitness Journal - Accountability

    Finished the workout today. It was the Assassin's Workout you can find here because I was looking for a full-body workout, and when I saw the AC nod I was sold. HIIT is compatible with my goals of cardiovascular improvement and toning. The food has been decent today but not great as I had to eat...
  4. CDay54

    CDay54 - Training Log/Fitness Journal - Accountability

    Hey everybody! I'm Charlie, I am finding it challenging to keep my fitness thoughts organized so I'm going to give it a shot on here plus if people are willing I would love to get some accountability and community built up in this endeavor. I have a few things I would like to keep organized on...