Recent content by gerbil

  1. gerbil

    wuzz up

    14 and deadlift and bench is like 2 more pounds
  2. gerbil


    you should try the Oreos with pop rocks in the middle oh yeah I've been trying the rocks workout routine and what he eats and it helps a lot
  3. gerbil

    work outs?

    today I did 4-minute planks 12 times then pushed qween repeated that one maybe 5 times with 1-minute breaks
  4. gerbil

    DAREBEETS videos

    i subscribed and liked some of the videos how you become part of the team and are you Nayla
  5. gerbil

    Exercising towards a better tomorrow!

    is that your cat because she or he's super duper cute
  6. gerbil

    What is your favorite music to work out to

    mine is hip hop or rap but if I could choose it would be ISIS by Joyner Lucas here try, listen to it :LOL: Isis (feat. Logic) - song and lyrics by Joyner Lucas, Logic | Spotify
  7. gerbil


    dang they are good
  8. gerbil

    Exercising towards a better tomorrow!

    oh that make sense now thanks
  9. gerbil


    are dates good :plot: :vibes:
  10. gerbil

    meeting join if want to 😄

    :pose:join Feb 21 2024 to chat at 5:30 pm Google meets
  11. gerbil

    Happy New Year!!!

    welcome hope you have a good year and its okay i have to take 10 pills a day for ADHD and listening
  12. gerbil

    Coming out of a month-long depressive state... [Quiet Rant]

    it's okay it happened to me just precise and do your best
  13. gerbil

    No, I literally cannot do 20 kg (vent)

    its okay but im only 14 and can lift 120
  14. gerbil

    ADD/ADHD and Exercise

    try your favorite music or watch tv while doing it