Posts: 231
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Currently living in Germany
originally from Germany
Birthday: Sep 1, 1996 (27)

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    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Yes, yes. I know I´ve been AWOL a bit again. But with good reasons this time :D Friday was the wedding of my best friend, haven´t slept...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Kinda forgot to update the last days. Tuesday: GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :v: Weight: don´t know anymore Workout: FL Day 25: 5 sets Wednesday...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Consecutive Days: 24 GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :x: (apparently I disabled my alarm last week. Oops...) Weight: 110,7kg (no surprise there, after...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Consecutive Days: 23 GTBOT: :x: GUOT: :x: Weight: forgot Workout: FL Day 23: 5 sets
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Yesterday Consecutive Days: 22 GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :v: Weight: 110.1kg Workout: FL Day 22: 5 sets
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :v: Weight: forgot Workout: FL Day 21: 7 sets Machine: not yet
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Forgot to update yesterday. GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :v: Weight: 110.5kg Workout: FL Day 20: 3 sets Machine 2km
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :v: even earlier. Switched from 9AM to 8:30 Weight: 110,5kg Workout: 2km on the elliptical, two times Needed a "rest"...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :v: Weight: 110.3kg Workout: Foundation Light Day 19: 5 sets
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :v: kinda. Got up at 4:30 due to stomach problems, got up at 9 like planned, but laid down again for an hour. Weight...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Alright, I hope all you EU citizens went voting today, so the shit we Germans voted won´t matter that much. New Nazi party second...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Yeah, no. Definitely not gonna run after that job. If they don´t want me, that´s their loss. There´s other fish in the sea, even if it´s...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      I am once again, back again. *facepalm* Well, technically I´ve been back for two weeks now... My weight is way down, technically...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Consecutive days: 4 :cry: GTBOT: :v: GUOT: :v: Refresh first thing: :v: Workout: Herald: 2.5 sets Machine: legs and especially feet are...
    • legolo
      legolo replied to the thread DAREBEETS Adventures.
      Potato Pickle Soup Do not cook with your mother... I´m the type of guy who follows a recipe exactly to the letter. So if it says cook...
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