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originally from Bavaria

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    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to AquaMarie's post in the thread Morning vs After Work? with Like Like.
      Hi @Breakneck ! I'm in the 'after work' camp, myself - morning is when the pain in my back and joints is the worst, so I physically...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to EnbyFitness's post in the thread Morning vs After Work? with Like Like.
      Hullo, To add to @avatar’s point, I’d like to say that I started working out in the mornings after breakfast. I’ve found that smoothies...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to avatar's post in the thread Morning vs After Work? with Like Like.
      Hello and welcome , A problem with a workout at the morning is to do it before or after breakfast. I thing we can do the bodyweight...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to GentleOx's post in the thread Morning vs After Work? with Like Like.
      This is a very real problem. There are advantages to doing both (I presume you're working out at home). If you do it after work, you...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to Laura Rainbow Dragon's post in the thread Morning vs After Work? with Like Like.
      Hello @Breakneck ! Welcome to the Hive! If you think it might be easier for you to stick with morning workouts as opposed to evening...
    • Nebulus
      So there comes a time as you become more consistent when you're internally fit to a degree but still look like someone who is about to...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to TheFatMachine's post in the thread I'm scared with Like Like.
      For the first time in my many attempts to take on a fitness journey I have finally managed to achieve consistency and its been awesome...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus replied to the thread Nebulus' restart.
      On the 3rd october i did another nice jog of 5K and today i joined a class of Strong by Zumba. Not a lot of workouts/activities but...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to Anek's post in the thread The Wonderbunny Playbook with Like Like.
      Today is Oktoberfest day so I'm posting early because I know tonight I won't be able to... Before breakfast - 2 rounds sun salutations...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to Anek's post in the thread The Wonderbunny Playbook with Like Like.
      @Laura Rainbow Dragon thanks! Today was a decent day, we achieved stuff on the roof but it was cold and wet, I finished a good book...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to Anek's post in the thread The Wonderbunny Playbook with Like Like.
      Yesterday evening I went to my partner because my husband was at a concert, this morning we drove out together and in the afternoon we...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to Anek's post in the thread The Wonderbunny Playbook with Like Like.
      @NancyTree thanks! Today is rainy so no roof work but reading by the fire. Now this is vacation! Before breakfast - 2 rounds sun...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to Anek's post in the thread The Wonderbunny Playbook with Like Like.
      @graoumia @HellYeah @VacTom @Sólveig @MadamMeow @Lady Celerity @Obsinosterous @JCU @Syrius @Fremen @PetiteSheWolf Thank you Bees...
    • Nebulus
      Nebulus reacted to Anek's post in the thread The Wonderbunny Playbook with Like Like.
      The party was fun, and we spent Sunday at home until late afternoon when we went to play DnD which went very well. This morning I came...
    • Nebulus
      October 3rd, 2024 ==================== Morning Routine: [5min Meditation] M2-D3 [2min Stomach Vacuum] M2-D3 {1000 Calf Raises} D3 [Daily...
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