Where to start?


New member
Posts: 1
Hi everyone!
I'm a 35yold male trying, for the countless time, to get engaged in some weight loss and get in shape.

I should loose around 15 kilograms to be around my ideal weight but all in all I would like to be able to get in shape for the sake of it since when I was younger I used to practice a lot of team sports (I hate gyms and this is why I'm looking for home workout routines)

So I was wondering, which would be an ideal program/routine to start at an intermediate level. For additional info, at home I have a treadmill and a pull up bar(not used still :p).

I was looking at the cardio & abs program but I'm not sure if it's a good option? That alone is enough to get started? do people add in additional exercises on top of it? Should I do like 30 mins of treadmill before or after the daytoday activity?

Thanks a lot for the help and this amazing site :)


Well-known member
Bard from The Netherlands
Pronouns: They/them
Posts: 440
"I sing and I know things"
Getting in shape just to feel more in shape is an excellent goal =D
Any programme at level 2 or 3 would be a good start, the most important thing is that you pick one where you at least somewhat enjoy doing it.
You may be capable of higher level workouts, but especially at the start building a consistent and achievable habit of exercise is more important.
Unless you're one of those people who thrives on pushing themselves hard; we do have a bunch of people here like that :chuckle:
Cardio & Abs seems like a great way to get started!
If you want to do more and focus on building strength in a specific area you could also find a challenge that trains your push-ups or squats, for example.
If you enjoy using the treadmill, you can absolutely add that to your routine!

Making a log here in The Hive could be helpful, as the habit of posting and responding to friends helps cement the habit of working out.

In any case, I wish you good fun on your fitness journey :gogogo:


Well-known member
Hunter from Alexandria, Egypt
Posts: 55
Welcome to Darebee.

As you stated your goal to lose fat and strengthen your core.

You need to look for cardio programs with subtitle "High burn & streamline" and add-on programs with title core or abs
Do not forget to start filter by difficulty 1 and so on.

For example you can start with Baseline program and "Back And Core" program.

Note add-on programs are designed in away will not affect other programs you are doing

Hope this help!