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  1. Noen

    No, I literally cannot do 20 kg (vent)

    So I was just at the gym, and today they had like a class of aspiring physical therapists, sports students or personal trainers (don't know which) there who were all working out. I had chatted up one of the young men when setting up my squat rack (I always have a lot of trouble replacing the 20...
  2. Noen

    My lamest/coolest fitness milestone; standing up

    Ok so a couple of weeks ago I was sleeping over at a friend's place on a mattress on the floor. And I sat on the edge of the mattress, feet flat on the ground. And then I just stood up. No gaining momentum, no stabilising or pushing off with my hands, I just got up. I reproduced it on the...
  3. Noen

    I realised I really don't like bodyweight exercises, ehe

    Heya, after a while of being absent I return to preach that indeed even for me there exists a type of exercise I don't hate while doing and actually look forward to. Clickbait title, I know, but if any of you still remember me it's probably alongside my struggles of trying to do any exercise...