A thread to say hi

Ratio Tile

Active member
Jedi from Poland
Posts: 32
Hi everyone,

I couldn't find a thread for introductions (only separate ones by individual users) so maybe this one can serve the purpose of a greeting place for all newbies? :)

I'll start, though I'm not that much of a noob. I've been using this site on & off for over 2 years now, beginning during the quarantine of the first COVID wave. Before that I haven't exercised for many, many years. I found the site by googling some workout related stuff, cause I wanted sooner or later to improve my fitness. I remember the first page I landed on was a Sonic workout. Then I saw the database and boy there's a lot!

This is really a gold mine of great workouts & advice. I fell in love with the site and its geeky atmosphere. The theme of individual workouts really fueled my imagination and gave me additional power boost. I love it!

I had my motivational up & downs though, and the last "crisis" lasted almost 6 months this year :vsad:
I came back in October. This time I decided not to do individual workouts like before, but to tackle something more demanding. I went in for a 30 Days of Change program and started exercising daily. Though I was aching most of that time, it felt awesome. The results really were better than expected. Within a month I managed to lose much of my belly and even sculpt some chest. Not bad when your initial goal is to just "move your ass and do something physical".

This fall I also created an account here, but until now I was just occasionally lurking. Now I feel it's a good time to change it :LOL:

So, that's my story in brief (there was really much going on in my life during the last 2 years). I'm happy to virtually meet you all. :hello:

Maybe others would like to share their stories about finding Darebee as well? Feel free!

PS. Of course I would like to say big thank you to the whole team for maintaining this exceptional site. It's really unique in the whole internet.