Darebeets Question

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Guardian from Charlotte, NC
Posts: 19
"Working hard is better than hardly working."
I'll keep simple and to the point. Will there be recipes with meat on Darebeets? I know that it is still a work in progress and recipes are still being added but I don't see an with meat in them.

Meat Cooking GIF by Beef. It's What's For Dinner.


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 955
"I just work here."
Hi @Oboy_Nole
Possibly, in the future, but it's a no for now. There are three of us working on the website currently: me, @Emma and @Damer and all three of us are plant-based (we don't work with meat). I have a couple of more volunteers who will join the project in the next two weeks but they will be helping with the technical side of things, not actual cooking.

For the time being, our recommendation for anyone who eats meat and dairy is to replace plant-based options with animal-based options where appropriate, add meat to the dishes afterwards or just swap tofu with chicken. I know it's not ideal but that's what we are working with.

I hope this makes sense and helps :please:


New member
Posts: 1
Hi @Oboy_Nole
Possibly, in the future, but it's a no for now. There are three of us working on the website currently: me, @Emma and @Damer and all three of us are plant-based (we don't work with meat). I have a couple of more volunteers who will join the project in the next two weeks but they will be helping with the technical side of things, not actual cooking.

For the time being, our recommendation for anyone who eats meat and dairy is to replace plant-based options with animal-based options where appropriate, add meat to the dishes afterwards or just swap tofu with chicken. I know it's not ideal but that's what we are working with.

I hope this makes sense and helps :please:

there is one thing i do not understand, in fact : there were already meat-based recipes, in what it could be considered as the pre-darebeets (aka "plate" on darebee), so what's happened to them ? is it difficult to transfer files into a server ?

it is not that i absolutly want meats in every meal including sweetnesses, i'm flexitarian so i eat the whole thing ; no the problem is that i feel like if someone tried to convert me into ideologies i will probably never share, like 'no harms to living things', as if vegetables were stone rocks. also the bloods of trees is not red but it's still blood for them (and i should say bloods : xylem, phloem and excuse my french).

recommendations to replace that by that is not the darebee quality i discovered years ago, as the suspicion i have to shadow ban every meat-based by replacing "plate" by darebeets, is perhaps just hypothetical but still, it's not me that called that new thing dareBEETS and not dareBEEF.
i'm kind of pissed off as you can read it because "plate"'s section of darebee had quality recipes (meat or no-meat recipes) as darebee get me to be used to it, so it is kindy raging to not find them anymore. it's not like if it never existed at all.
Now there is that thing called darebeets and it has quality recipe, yes... but it lacks the meat ones with the all good nutrients you have as B12, D3 or BCAA.

hope my criticism to not be perceived as free hysteria (which is not) but as the frank will to make darebee as great as before.

From a not really new member.
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