Exercise selection vs technique


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Posts: 1
Theoretical question:
Let's say someone does only barbell rows for back development for a while and gets to a decent weight... no idea, let's say 2.5 plates for reps. Or 3, if for those who think 2.5 is too small.
But he does it in a "wrong" way, he flexes the elbows a lot and there is not much scapular retraction... technically, he thinks he has a decent range of motion, because the bar touches his abdomen/lower chest.
Can he get a good back development from this? Even though the back isn't the primer muscle...
If yes, can we say that the selection of exercise determines the adaptation and the technique doesn't really matter?
If no, can we say that the technique determines the adaptation and the selection of exercises doesn't really matter?
Compared with his twin 100% identical brother, who got only to a 1.25 plate, but with great technique, who would have the bigger back?
Volume, frequency, velocity and being near failure are all the same in this situation, of course.

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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,228
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
The main problem in poor execution of an exercise are injuries and health problems that it brings with it stressing muscles and joints in the wrong way.
You might be interested in these two articles, to clarify your ideas:
How to build muscle
How To Build Quality Muscle


Well-known member
Posts: 1,291
Compared with his twin 100% identical brother, who got only to a 1.25 plate, but with great technique, who would have the bigger back?
Volume, frequency, velocity and being near failure are all the same in this situation, of course.
The main problem in poor execution of an exercise are injuries and health problems that it brings with it stressing muscles and joints in the wrong way.
Therefore the one executing with good form gets the bigger back, cause the one doing it wrong might end up with an recovery rest and has to start over again... and again ...and so on...