Getting started with calisthenics


New member
Posts: 3
So I have seen a lot of people online talk about calisthenics and I want to try it out too. Can anyone help me find a program here on darebee that could help me with it. Well I am beginner, so I can do about 20 pushups and 0 pull-ups.


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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
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"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Hi @Aditya , most programs here fall into that category, if you exclude the pure strength ones. I suggest you look at the "general fitness" ones and pick the one that looks good to you. Doing the fitness test before will help you determine which level you should start with.
Have fun!


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Heroine from Europe
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Posts: 67
"Headbanging to classical music"
So I have seen a lot of people online talk about calisthenics and I want to try it out too. Can anyone help me find a program here on darebee that could help me with it. Well I am beginner, so I can do about 20 pushups and 0 pull-ups.
I couldn't do any pull ups too. What helped me, ironically, to do my first pull up, was pulling weight. Now, that doesn't mean it's the only way to do it, but it helps. In general, my calistenic results have increased due to me lifting weight before. I could bench my bodyweight, deadlift 1.5 my bodyweight and squat that too before I tried calistenics again and surprisingly I could do dips with up to 20kg for reps and pull ups with 5kg added, which I wasn't even able to do with my own bodyweight before. Now I'm not saying go to the gym and lift weights, but certainly incorporating some sort of weights will help you along the journey. As @Anek said, you can always find a suitable program for a beginner in the beginner categories, but I would add that doing push up holds with weight or just hanging from the bar with weight and trying to go for reps after that will help you. For pull ups your "going for reps" would most likely be negative pull ups or band assisted (if you have bands), but for push ups you can just try to go to failure, even if you can't push anymore, go on your knees and continue pushing. That's how the people I know managed to get stronger without going to the gym. Hope this helps and sorry for the long essay :D


Well-known member
Heroine from Europe
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 67
"Headbanging to classical music"
So I have seen a lot of people online talk about calisthenics and I want to try it out too. Can anyone help me find a program here on darebee that could help me with it. Well I am beginner, so I can do about 20 pushups and 0 pull-ups.
A little more direct answer to your question would be paring the back-and-biceps-express-workout and first-thing-pushups-challenge together and see where it leads you!