N7 Training - Post Recovery Log


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
I'm still enjoying my little rest break but I wanted to go ahead and start my new thread! I've been looking around the new community site a bit and it's different but I like it!

Tomorrow looks like rain so another cancelled skating date :sadness:

We'll get there soon though; the weather is crazy hot right now for September, but literally the day autumn hits the temps nosedive back into perfect fall weather so I'm really looking forward to that! We'll keep trying to get to our skate park!

We'll see tomorrow if I feel like starting my new program or if I want one more week of rest, but my allergies are no longer bugging me, I feel more energetic, and things are going well!
It's going to be M/W/F skating or combat HIIT workouts (already went through and bookmarked my favorites with that new feature, I love it!) or rest and T/T is going to be 5x5 dumbbell weight lifting. I'm looking forward to it! Ideally I'd like to give it a month and see how much I like it, then decide if that's going to become my standard training or if I want to do anything different.

Happy weekend friends, take care!
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Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 1

Feeling good today so I decided to go for it! Also new log and all has me more eager to get started. Been so long since I've done a combat workout, this was fun! I can't stop listening to Lizzo's new album and it made a surprisingly good workout track :LOL:

Wife is off getting a new hairstyle right now and I can't wait to see it! :happy: I'm going to cook us a nice dinner (baked mac and cheese! So good, been craving it like crazy lately) and it's going to be a fun day! No skating, it did thunderstorm all morning, but that's okay!
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Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 2
  • 5x5s, Workout A
5 sets 5 reps each / 10lb/4.5kg dumbbells​
Squats / Bench Press / Bent Over Rows​
  • Cooldown Stretches

This workout is so good! Starting light is recommended for this kind of thing, and also I only have two sets of weights heavier than these. I might look into adjustable dumbbells sometime this year or whenever my heaviest weights start to get a little light. Upping the weight every other workout isn't going to be possible with my setup and I'm not looking into joining a gym right now so I'm just going to make it work for me. I'm not looking to put on lots of muscle fast anyway, but rather regain some strength from before I started ed recovery and maintain it long term, and get more muscle in the course of all that.

Lovely sunny day today, and only today and tomorrow left of this way too hot summer weather! I'm so excited for Thursday!!
No plans for dinner tonight yet, but I do have leftover mac and cheese for lunch :plot:
Doing some writing and then either reading or gaming fun time after that!
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Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 3
  • Skating Practice
  • Cooldown Stretches

I loved yesterday's workout and was excited to put on my roller skates today; the work I've done as a beginner skater has made my squats so much stronger and deeper than they used to be! Loved that feeling so much.

Wife is getting us sofritas burritos for dinner and we are going to watch the new Andor show, hoping it's good! Too hot to cook today, last day of this accursed heatwave and then tomorrow is finally fall, even with proper fall weather!!! I am so excited for my favorite time of year!! :love:


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 4
  • 5x5s, Workout B
5 sets 5 reps each / 10lb/4.5kg dumbbells​
Squats / Overhead Press / Deadlift (1x5)​
  • Cooldown Stretches

And just like that it feels amazing here today! It dropped 23 degrees F since yesterday (13 degrees C) and I feel so rejuvenated and happy!:pose:Happy Autumn everyone!

Sinus pressure is kind of high today but that can't get my spirits down! Great workout, lots of music, and I'm dyeing my hair black again after this now that summer is over. I have to let the dye sit for awhile and normally I like to watch martial arts moves while it sets but I'm out of recommendations so I might find something else to do instead, or maybe watch some more episodes of Daredevil (favorite marvel thing of all time, so good).
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Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Days 5
I even have a River Tam-looking dress if I want to be extra (I do, I do want that) and let me tell ya, it made this workout so much fun
:comeon: :ballerina:


morena baccarin summer GIF

Happy Friday friends!


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Days 6
  • Rest Day
  • Stretching

This has been a great week, I am really enjoying my new routine so far! Having rest days on the weekend is really nice too; thought about having a little skating practice today but I am feeling a bit tired and my wife and I have been hanging out and having fun so I'm going to pass today. My desire for weekends with this routine is to rest unless I'm really feeling some roller skating and I like that a lot. Normally we have plans on the weekends so it's nice to not worry about squeezing in a workout that I'm not going to be focused on. All in all it's been a great start and I'm going to keep going with this for a least a couple more weeks; most likely even more than just 1 month if I keep liking it this much!

Hope you all are having a lovely weekend!
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Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 7
  • Rest Day
  • Stretching

I thought about my skates again today, but I'm a little sore in various places, lower body especially, so I decided to take a short nap instead and have a self care Sunday. I did have to spend awhile cleaning the kitchen from all the cooking we did yesterday though, but the leftovers were good and the mess wasn't awful.

I like skating for tomorrow's activity since I thought about it all weekend, and I'm hoping to do some nice comfort cooking for dinner if I'm not too tired for the recipe.


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 8

We slept with the windows open last night in our room and it felt wonderful but was a little chilly and I woke up with stiff shoulders so some morning yoga was very necessary to loosen up. It felt amazing and I limbered up quite a bit. Then I got a decent upper/full body workout manhandling the carpet cleaner (thanks kitty) and that wiped me out for a minute so early in my day, but then wifey came home for her lunch break and we had a nice time hanging out.

After a nice hot cup of coffee and some reading from the Guild Codex series, I got around to more roller skating practice in my kitchen. There are a couple roller rinks somewhat near us that have adult skate nights that I'm warming up to the idea of. I know wifey would love it, maybe even her mom and sisters would want to come too. I wish I had a bigger place to practice by myself. I have definitely improved since July when we started, it's crazy what an actual properly fitting pair of skates will do for your skill progression. :LOL:

I am planning on making chebureki for the first time tonight, hope it turns out good! We also have some German Butterball potatoes from the farmers market that I need to cook soon and we are thinking about doing roasted smashed potatoes maybe the day after tomorrow. I love this time of year (have I told you that yet? lol)! So happy to be enjoying cooking once again.
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Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Great to read that your new skates work so well for you.
What are you using as filling for your Tschebureki? I liked them a lot with mushrooms or mashed potatoes, but never got around to make them myself. I'm horribly untalented when it comes to frying food in lots of fat :LOL:


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
@lofivelcro Hell yeah, I love them! It's a huge difference. I wore them for over two hours today they're so comfortable (I did some cooking and I didn't feel like taking them off lol!)

I'm using onions and vegan mince I got from the store. It's a ground beef substitute and it's made from soy protein. I had to precook the mince since it was frozen, and it was a little bland to start with so I fixed it and now it's quite tasty. :) Mushroom and potatoes sounds very nice. Since going vegan I really miss buying potato pierogi from the store, I'm going to have to make some kind of stuffed dough with potatoes some time soon!
I'm a little weary of frying foods too, I usually just make do with pan frying in not too much oil so I don't have to deal figuring out to do with the leftover oil after frying. I have a very nice wok that I cook nearly everything in that I don't bake, air fry, or cook in my rice cooker/steamer.
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Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I have absolutely no idea how soy mince tastes. I've had smoked tofu once and was surprised how good it was, but it wasn't really a substitute for meat, imo. But I don't think that's what it wanted to be, anyway. I'd eat it again, but it's rare and kind of expensive. Good that you managed to make your mince tasty, I reckon black pepper and smoked paprika powder would work nicely.
You can try making Pierogi yourself, they're not all that hard and you can make hundreds of them in one go and freeze them. They're awesome for taking a dozen or so out of the freezer, toss them into boiling water and eat them with smetana. Or gravy, that works, too. Or fry them. Or whatever. Endless possiblities :LOL:


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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@lofivelcro depending on how you prepare it it's a decent substitute. Impossible or Beyond meat subs are even better and very close tasting to the original thing. Smoked tofu is it's own thing, and I like it too. I used salt, pepper, garlic, onion powder, and a little bit of vegan worchestershire sauce and liquid smoke to give it a little meatier flavor, plus a little dill for fun oh and vegan butter cause it was way too low fat for what it needs to be. I forgot I had smoked paprika, my spice cupboard is so large I lose things all the time lol great suggestion. I love that stuff so much I can't believe I forgot about it. I added some and it is very nice. Wife should be home soon with more onions so I'll be starting the dough soon. :)

The chebureki were very delicious! We have a good amount of leftover filling so I'll probably use it for pelmeni sometime soon.
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Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 9
  • Standing Sun Salutations
  • 5x5s, Workout A
5 sets 5 reps each / 10lb/4.5kg dumbbells​
Squats / Bench Press / Bent Over Rows​
  • Cooldown Stretches

Super sleepy after waking up today. Kind of overcast, chilly day. I took Chewie outside and it starting sprinkling but he didn't even care (and this dog hates being wet!). After we came inside I made myself a cup of hot coffee and it still didn't help, but I got the idea of putting on bird noises in the other room and it's actually been quite nice and relaxing. Sun salutations also helped. And then music helped more when I was getting ready for my workout, one of the best cures for tiredness really.

I finished the first Guild Codex book last night, it was really good! I love the characters and the friendships, it's very engrossing. I'll probably get the second one soon, but the first felt like it had a nice self-contained story so I might wait on that a little bit since @Anek you mentioned it gets rather gripping. You and @lofivelcro have to let me know if any end on cliffhangers so I know to buy the next one at the same time. :LOL: I have bought a lot of books recently that I need to make some progress on because my 'to-read' pile basically doesn't have any spare room. Thinking I'll probably start Shadow and Bone today. I hope it's good. I have a lot of stuff I want to read in October.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
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"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
So far they are all self contained. The story progresses and what you learn in one book is relevant in the next ones but there's no cliffhangers. I finished book 5 today and the last three have just been delivered :plot:


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Day 10

My day has so gotten away from me. It's 2:45 and I forgot to even have coffee at this point. I need to eat more too. I spent awhile trying to phone in to this clinic to talk about setting an appointment for a treatment I want to have done, and their phones were being wonky or something, and after 4 attempts spread out over an hour or so I never got ahold of anyone so I gave up and sent them an email instead. It's a little frustrating because I dislike making phone calls, it's a minor anxiety trigger for me, but I really wanted to talk to someone about this so I tried and now I'm cranky that I have to wait for them to reply to my email. Lol just kidding, not really cranky, but I'm going to go make some coffee and then throw these punches for my workout today.

Take care friends and happy Wednesday my dudes!


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
@lofivelcro Thank you, I did actually! They answered my question and I was able to book an appointment for next Saturday! :D Being able to book stuff online is the best and I'm glad it's catching on.

Yeah, @Anek is blowing through the series! I'm so far behind yall haha!
You two, without spoilers or anything which has been your favorite book(s) in the series so far?


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Glad that you got that appointment!

Looking through my Storygraph ratings it seems I liked Two Witches and a Whiskey, book 3, the most. But Dark Arts and a Daiquiri, book 2, was pretty cool, too. Probably one of the two, so far. But there's an element in book 4 and book 5 that's quite intriguing, soo... :LOL:


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
So, my parents got hit by hurricane Ian today. I was texting with my mom before 3pm and she was saying that it wasn't very bad where they were, they couldn't even hear the storm in their house at that time as it was starting to pick up, and they were prepared and safe, but then I'm assuming their power went out because a couple of the texts I'd sent were never delivered and their phones went straight to voicemail. After that, their area started getting hit really hard. It's midnight now and it seems like the rain there has finally let up. It's uncomfortable not being able to hear from them all day, even though I can be reasonably sure they're probably okay- their house is only 3 years old and it's been fitted with a lot of hurricane proofing, plus they live about 12 miles inland and the coast was what got the worst of it from what I hear. Still, it sucks not knowing. My folks have 2 cats and 2 dogs, and one of the dogs is old and blind and does poorly with storms. I hope they're all okay. Also my brother's girlfriend's mom lives near our parents and she lost the back side of her house and part of their roof caved in. I feel so bad for them. They live only a mile off the coast, and my parents had invited them to stay at their place during this but I don't think they went. It's just all so crazy. Forgive me for posting such gloom but I'm trying to pass the time until I either finally hear back from them or I pass out for the night.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Thanks @huma. I agree, it is helpful :) and a nice distraction. I've been streaming their local news and trying to find out what I can, and it doesn't seem like their area got flooded, it's been more wind damage which is good for their hurricane proofed but one story house. Hopefully that means power won't be out for too long today.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Thanks @AnnieW, yeah not knowing is the worst. I can hear my mom telling me not to worry lol she loves storms (so crazy to me, my whole family does but I hate them) but this one seemed to rise in severity so fast. They were still hurricane proofing it as recently as a month ago, I'm so glad they upgraded those things more.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
After trying to find out info for awhile now, I thought to put in my parents literal neighborhood in a twitter search and there are actually a couple reports from people that that area is doing well with no flooding except for the streets, so I am hugely relieved and am going to go drink some chocolate almond milk, fight reaper alien bastards in mass effect 3, and then crash :D

Thanks so much you all for keeping me company while I stress out on the internet, you're the best. :love:
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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Thanks @Froud and @CODawn!

I just heard from mom that they are okay! No flooding in their house, but the house is surrounded by water and lots of trees down though the palm trees are still up. They live in a nice big neighborhood apparently the damage there isn't too bad. It was crazy but they weren't scared, their house felt like a bomb shelter during it, she said. Considering it withstood a cat 5 hurricane I get it. Apparently they took one of the big closets in the middle of the house and took out anything that could fall and covered the floor in blankets and pillows and their pets were hunkered down in there and they loved it and they were all peaceful. My mom's friend and her dog stayed with them too and yeah everyone is fine. Such a relief, so glad I was able to hear from them. Their cell coverage is still spotty and mom's phone is almost dead but they are good on food and water, and they'll be able to ride this out just fine.



Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,476
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Oh that's really good to hear!! Glad it's fine!

And about the books: really hard to choose, they are all equally good. Maybe a slight preference for the first one, just because it was all new.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Thanks everyone! I had gone back to sleep after my last update and slept like a baby. This afternoon I've been trying to help my brother's girlfriend find info on her family's location, their area got hit pretty bad and she hasn't heard anything yet, but the few videos I've found don't look too flooded so they should hopefully be okay. It's all so crazy down there right now even with the storm over (for that area at least).


Well-known member
Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 519
"ad astra per aspera"
Day 11
  • 5x5s, Workout B
5 sets 5 reps each / 10lb/4.5kg dumbbells​
Squats / Overhead Press / Deadlift (1x5)​
  • Cooldown Stretches

Crazy day, flying by way too fast, going to hang out with wifey soon and relax with some tv. :heart: you all, thanks for the kind messages since last night, I appreciate it so much.