Suggestion/Plea : Old font & that line thing.


Active member
Thief from the Funky Jungle
Posts: 33
1) Can we get that cool little line thing back?
2) I'd love to see the bitmap font option. It's much crisper and easier to read for my eyes (on the old forum engine, not this fuzzy screenshot :vD).



Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 581
"Trust The Awesomeness"
Hi @scramJam

Here you go:

Not sure what the issue with the font is... could you elaborate, please?


Active member
Thief from the Funky Jungle
Posts: 33
Thank you!

Here ya go!
Old one was crisp and pixel-perfect. New font is trying to look smooth and anti-aliased, but it leads to it looking a bit fuzzier.
It's purely in the realm of preference and is, well, pretty minor - hence me asking for an option, not a change.

I use Firefox, 1080p monitor. Tried with ClearType on and off. CT makes it a bit better, but still not nearly as good - imo.
New font on the left, old one on the right. It's a bit compressed, but I hope ya still can see the difference.
My eye certainly catches it. Old forum reads like butter. New one... No idea how to describe the feeling. A bit distracting. And, well, less clear.
Excuse me my poor editing skillz :vD



Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
I see the difference in the fonts, too, but I'm not that bothered by it. Same here, Firefox, 1080p monitor.
Here's a screenshot from the new Hive:

>Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2022-10-22 at 22-19-27 Suggestion_Plea Old font & that line thing.png

And here's one from the old Hive:

>Screenshot 2
Screenshot 2022-10-22 at 22-20-05 We Are Moving! - The Hive.png

So, yeah, there's definitely a difference.

Although the second screemshot now looks much blurrier, but it's the opposite, it's crisper.


Active member
Thief from the Funky Jungle
Posts: 33
Oh yeah, I had to perform some advanced trickery to show off the difference. Forbidden magic.
Street magic, rather. I pasted both screenshots into paint, zoomed in and screenshotted the whole collage. No idea how else to achieve such quality. Am I proud of myself? No. Well, maybe a bit.


Well-known member
Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Interestingly, the lower screenshot looks much closer to the original today. Very weird.