Posts: 74
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Currently living in South Africa
originally from Germany
Birthday: Oct 4, 1980 (44)

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    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      So my shift changed from 14h00 - 23h00 to a 06h00 - 15h00 shift. Normally I train in the morning, but with the new shift I used to...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      So my new programs are definitely working my body harder then the previous ones. I can feel it in most of my upper body. Day 2 is done...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      I finished day 1 of the following challenges: Power Grip Wall push ups Better Arms and Easy Core The wall pushups I did against the...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      I am actually going to stop my current program and go to the other one that has the challenges in it. The reason for this is that I...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      I am also glad I managed to start again. had a bit of a bad day yesterday with a migraine, but got Day 14 for both programs done.
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar reacted to WolfDreamer's post in the thread 3rd time is the charm with Like Like.
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar reacted to GentleOx's post in the thread 3rd time is the charm with Like Like.
      Judging from your initial post, you've made some good progress here. And getting sick sucks, particularly 'cuz it keeps us from doing...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar reacted to princess_sarena's post in the thread 3rd time is the charm with Like Like.
      Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell, hope you feel better soon!!! :hug:
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar reacted to Fremen's post in the thread 3rd time is the charm with Like Like.
      Healing vibes :vibes:
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar reacted to MadamMeow's post in the thread 3rd time is the charm with Like Like.
      Hope you feel better soon! :vibes:
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      Thank you for all the well wishes :) Yesterday was a bit of a rush but I did manage to get back on the saddle today and managed to do...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      So sadly I came down with bronchitis and sinusitis over the weekend and was unable to train. Waiting for my chest to clear up a bit...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      I had a look at all the programs and will be doing the following once the other 2 programs are done...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      Day 12 done for both porgrams. Day 18 of the calfs is also done. Sadly I broke my fast again last night as I needed some comfort food...
    • Aldethar
      Aldethar replied to the thread 3rd time is the charm.
      Day 11 done for both porgrams. Day 17 of the calfs is also done but I had to split into 2 sets. I did however have a breakthrough...
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