Posts: 14
Reactions: 77

Currently living in Texas, USA
originally from Texas

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    • melm reacted to MsSeana's post in the thread The struggle is real with Like Like.
      You are here. You came here. You reached out. You are brave. I don't have to know you personally to say I'm proud of you for saying the...
    • melm replied to the thread Starting again again.
      Day 4 (yesterday). I’m traveling without weights so I did a different workout that was mostly squats and planks, then son yard work...
    • melm replied to the thread The struggle is real.
      Sending hugs! I used to see a woman in her 40s in my neighborhood, wearing a house dress, walking to the end of her driveway and back...
    • melm replied to the thread Starting again again.
      Day 3: I Showed Up x 1, 60 d bootcamp Day 1 x 4. :chicken:
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