High Times Causing High Pounds


Mage Pronouns: she/her/hers
Posts: 8
Hi everyone, I'm new here. I hope to keep up with the exercising and I'm creating this to create some kind of accountability for myself.
I was healthy, slim, and 50.
I discovered weed.
I can now barely move without pain from not moving around. I work from home and rarely leave the house.
Weed gives me the munchies, for real ya'll. But the benefits to my mental health far outweigh (pun intended) the drawbacks.

So now I'm fat, it hurts to move and I need to do something about it. I discovered this site today and, probably like most people, did like 10 different workouts, excited to finally get moving and learn my limits.

So if anyone has any high-time munchie experience, let me know!

In the meantime, I plan to log my exercises and snacks here so I force myself to behave!

Snoop Dogg Yes GIF by (RED)


Mage Pronouns: she/her/hers
Posts: 8
So for my first day, after I smoked I took a walk and clocked 3,000 steps. It's not a lot but it's about 2900 more than most days.
I did the following workouts:
I showed Up
Feel Good Now
Keeping It Real
Chair Abs
and as many daily microworkouts I could remember throughout the day

I hate a few handfuls of grapes for lunch. When I get off work is when the struggle will really start, once I smoke for real. Tomorrow I'll log my snackies from tonight with my head hung in shame lol... but maybe posting here will make me eat right so I'm not doing that shameful post!


Well-known member
Fae from Central NJ
Posts: 746
"I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time, but Im too young to worry..."
Hello & welcome! :hi:

I don't know enough about pot & exercise to comment on it, but I take CBD gummies on the weekends when I don't workout.

I don't take them during the week when I do my exercises because I don't want to slow my metabolism which might me counterproductive to my effort. I also heard from a news headline that it might offer some benefits, but I had to go to work and didn't see the segment, so I don't know. lol

Either way, I hope your log does help! :)


Mage Pronouns: she/her/hers
Posts: 8
Thanks for the welcomes! It's been rainy here yesterday and today so my walks are out. I did some workouts but not as much as I would have liked. I also ate way too much junk food the last 2 nights. But I'm not going to smoke again until the weekend so I'm going to keep on truckin'!

Workouts from yesterday:
I showed Up
Feel Good Now
Keeping It Real


Mage Pronouns: she/her/hers
Posts: 8
My doctor told me I need to exercise at least 30 minutes a day (remember I don't exercise AT ALL until now). So here is what I accomplished this rainy morning:

  1. Free Spirit (wow, the arms certainly felt that one, I loved it!!!)
  2. Keeping It Real (pretty much my favorite)
  3. Chair Abs
  4. Feel Good Now (also love!!)
  5. Day 1 of the Core Control Challenge
  6. Day 1 of the Posture Challenge (the morning half)
  7. Day 1 of the Back and Core Program
  8. 26 bridges with 10 second hold (doc specifically wants me doing these)

Ok, this old stoner is doing her best!


Mage Pronouns: she/her/hers
Posts: 8
When will this rain stop?? :(
Today I did:
  1. Free Spirit (loved less today with sore arms lol)
  2. Chair Abs
  3. I Showed Up
  4. 26 bridges with 10 second hold
  5. Feel Good Now
  6. Day 2 of the Core Control Challenge
  7. Day 2 of the Posture Challenge
  8. Day 2 of the Back and Core Program
I feel good today. I feel... better. I'm not used to this!! Only 4 days in and I feel GOOD.

Sore? Definitely.
Good? You betcha.

Maybe it's psychological, maybe it's physiological, I don't know, but I'll take it!

I need to start signing these entries, don't I? :cool:

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Mage Pronouns: she/her/hers
Posts: 8
So I just can't get motivated to walk circles around the next door parking lot. Can anyone recommend a good workout/challenge/program that I can do on days I don't want to go walk in circles?

Today I did:
  1. I Showed Up
  2. Chair Abs
  3. Free Spirit (could only get through 1.5 reps... definitely loving this one less)
  4. Keeping It Real
  5. Day 3 of the Posture Challenge
That's it. I'm sore and ready for the weekend.

Does anyone know of any good stretches that help upper glutes/lower back, sciatic area?