Am I doing this right?


New member
None from College Station, Texas
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1
I have no clue what I am doing. I stayed at an extremely slow incline in weight from middle school to high school. Borderline overweight when I graduated. Then, BAM! I went to college and gained like 20 pounds in my first year. Im now about halfway through my second year and I am at an all time low with my weight (as in I am the heaviest Ive ever been before). I am struggling to find a good habit with eating at least decent foods. But until then I really want to try to get into a habit of exercising daily. I also have been low key interested in joining an adult women's soccer league but I have no experience whatsoever (I don't even know the basic rules) and I can't seem to find one in my area. I mainly struggle with the determination to get up and do anything daily other than get on my phone. Here is to hoping I will get through this


P.s. Any advice for lack of determination, getting into a schedule, or cooking (I have an 8 cup rice cooker :3 I hope to use it) would be greatly appreciated, thank youuuu


Well-known member
Mother of Dragons Posts: 585
Create a pacing guide to help you get into a schedule and dedicate yourself to learning a little more about thinking errors, perseverance, and tenacity just a few minutes a day. What caused your "freshmen 5" to quadruple? Oversnacking, mindless eating overall, apathy towards cooking resulting in grabbing something "easier"? No need to answer out loud... just something to ask yourself. You don't have to start big... Here are some small things you can implement into your daily routine if you aren't already doing so:

take the time to stretch in the morning to help your body to feel less "bleh"
enjoy a brief stroll down the street after dinner to help aid digestion before bed
make your favorite fruits, veggies, and nuts/seeds your easiest go-to snacks
plan your snack times (as opposed to mindless snacking)
avoid screen time while eating, including snacking
drink plenty of water so that you can more readily know when you're full (if you're thirsty, your mind may be tricked into thinking it's hungry instead)

Aside from that, I highly recommend you check out Darebee's programs! Vitality is by far the simplest, if you are feeling uncomfortable with your fitness level. There is a wide variety of people here, and everyone that I have come across so far is very kind. So, no matter where you are at in your journey, you'll never be alone!

"Knowing yourself is the beginning to all wisdom." -Aristotle


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
I have been struggling with my weight since I am 18 (wow that sounds a long time ago now).
Building good habit is hard but life saving. The key is identify what is not good for the body (e.g. I notice that bread and fermented dough based food was not good for me and caused me to kind of swallow).

And I strongly agree with @OJJJEM

have fun in the Hive


Well-known member
Warrior from Hong Kong
Posts: 514
"So sleepy!"
Let's see.

Find some form of fitness you enjoy doing. Can be walking, Darebee workouts, etc... It's much harder to get fit if it feels like an obligation, and not an enjoyment.

I don't count my calories, but I limit the amount of food I eat, be it salty or sweet.

And of course, once you get it "right" the first time, it becomes easier to do again. You'll know when you get it right.

Good luck, and welcome.