An introduction of sorts


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Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 1
"Sometimes there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes you have to keep going, even in the dark."
Hmm where should one start? I suppose this will basically be a rant, though I'll try to keep it short. I've been struggling with many things at once over the course of around 3 years, although the past 6 months seem to have aggravated things. My health is physically declining due to chronic stress, which I've been unable to control. It seems to get worse, and I've even developed a condition I did not have before. The symptoms worsen every day, and I've been taking some supplements to combat it but have yet to see results. One of the symptoms is also worsening my eating disorder, which I am trying really hard to overcome. (Looking in the mirror has been pretty tough lately)

Aaanyhoo I did not type out all of that to receive pity, nor am I looking for blatant "hang in there"s. If anyone has a similar experience I would love some advice, otherwise I am simply grateful for this platform and the opportunity to get this off my chest, as I was not able to confide to my close ones- and am not in a position to get medical help. I am on my way to retaining my energy levels and slowly get back into working out without hurting myself, and decided that online company would be better than none (I unfortunately lack friends).

If you read all the way here, thank you, it means a lot and I hope you have a wonderful day. Here's a lemon: 🍋
Why a lemon, you ask? Simply because I love lemons.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,867
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Sometimes we all just want to let off steam, to lighten up a little and this is always a safe place to do it :)


Well-known member
Ranger from Australia
Posts: 1,843
"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
Hello. Sometimes, when we let off steam, we highlight what really bothers us. This enables us to look at things a little more dispassionately. If right now, looking in the mirror is pretty tough, cover it up because it's not a positive contributor to your mental or physical health.
And this online company is pretty darned good! Stick with us and find out.