Back and Forth: Anterior Chain/Posterior Chain workout

Scorpion King

Well-known member
Hero Pronouns: He/him
Posts: 482
-Front Squat (3 x 6-8)
-Bulgarian Split Squat (3 x 8 per side; drop set final set)
-Landmine Press (2 x 8)
-TRI-SET: Dumbbell Bench Press + Arnold Press + Get-up Thrusts (2 x 10)
-SUPER SET: Dumbbell Spanish Squats + Hand Release Push-ups (2 x 10)
-Dumbbell Thruster (1 x 15)
-Floor Slides (1 x 20)

-Weighted Pull-ups (3 x 6-8)
-One Arm Row (3 x 8 per side; drop set final set)
-Romanian Deadlift (2 x 8)
-TRI-SET: Bridge Curl + Dumbbell Curls + Cable Ws (2 x 10)
-SUPERSET: Kettlebell Swing + Inverted Rows (2 x 10)
-Hyper Extensions (1 x 15)
-Angels and Demons (1 x to failure)

-Landmine 180 (3 x 6-8)
-Cable Wood Chops (3 x 8 per side; drop set final set)
-Rope Crunch (2 x 8)
-TRI-SET: Pikes + Tornado Chops + Oak Tree Step-out (2 x 10)
-SUPERSET: Sledgehammer Swings/Medicine Ball Slams + Banded Punches (2 x 10 per side)
-Ab Wheel (1 x 15)
-Hollow Hold (1 x to failure)

-Incline Barbell Press (3 x 6-8)
-Weighted Dips (3 x 8; drop set final set)
-Leg Press (2 x 8)
-TRI-SET: Dumbbell Step-ups + Hanging Leg Raises + Dumbbell Kickbacks (2 x 10)
-SUPER SET: Dumbbell Side Lunges + Lateral Raises (2 x 10)
-Dumbbell Thruster (1 x 15)
-Single Calf Raises (1 x to failure)

-Stiff-Legged Deadlift (3 x 6-8)
-Glute Bridge (3 x 8; drop set final set)
-T-Bar Row (2 x 8)
-TRI-SET: Pull-through + Kneeling One Arm Pull-down + Dumbbell High Pull (2 x 10)
-SUPER SET: Face Pull + Plate Raise (2 x 6)
-Hyper Extensions (1 x 15)
-Banded Adduction Ladder (1 x 10)
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