Monday - May 27th, 2024
Okay, here it is! Finally, the rarest of things has happened! At least for where I live in mid-spring, that is. I have a day off (it's Memorial Day in the USA), it's mostly sunny, and I have a day off to recover (work gives me a floating holiday). So... I get to go on my hike!
For reference, the last time I went for this hike, things looked one way. Today, they look a little clearer:
In 1980, the mountain that's now visable went boom. This had a somewhat dramatic effect on the landscape.
But give it time and nature will rebuild what it remove.
Not sure if I've mentioned it, but I've been wanting to get up to the Johnston Ridge Observatory, a vistor's center and research facility fairly close to the mountain, for a number of years now. I just never seem to find the time or motivation to get out there. Well, in May of last year an early warm snap caused an unusual snow melt. The melt mixed with the loose pumice that makes up large amounts of the mineral soil in the area, which turned into a major landslide that shot down a creek canyon. That landslide took out a bridge, a piece of the highway, and the power lines that ran to the Observatory. Fortune favored them all, because the vistor's center portion of the facility was not open yet. The plan had been to open it up to the public on May 15th, and the slide occured on the 14th. No one was on the road and no general public was trapped on the other side. The research staff were evacuated with a lot fewer problems then they might have had. Since then, they built a temporary fix to the road and got everything they needed out of the site, but the fix didn't hold. So it's been decided that they will go for the full repair and keep the road closed until at least 2026. That means I have no way to get to the Observatory.
Unless I want to do it the hard way.
My hike ran along two trails that lead along Johnston Ridge just north of the mountain itself. The Hummocks Trail head sits just before the Road Closed barriers are set up, so no trouble getting access. You park and go onto Hummucks Trail for half a mile. It's pretty easy going, nice and doable for a day hike. That trail continues on for another 2 miles or so, but I turn off at the start of Boundary Trail. Boundary Trail is noticibly narrower, one person wide instead of two like Hummocks was. It's not too harsh for a while, though, but it's not that far before the climb starts. About 3.5 miles (5.6 km) and 2.25 hours later, you've ascended about 1800 feet (550 meters) along a path that is usually flat and solid, but occasionally turned to an uncomfortable angle by landslides. As noted, pumice does not make for solid foundations. More than once, I considered turning back, since my tendons aren't fully ready for this sort of work, but how embarrassing would that be? This brought me to the Loowit Viewpoint. My legs, and my clock since I got another late start, told me okay, this is good enough. But there's the Observatory, only another .75 miles (1.2 km) and 300 feet (100 meters) up to go. I mean I can see the thing from here...
Well, it's not the first time I've had to use a flashlight to get off a mountain. Hustle, hustle, hustle... and...
I made it! And the views...
100% worth it! I actually didn't need my flashlight by the end, though I felt like I needed crutches as I Old Man Hobbled my way back to my car just before sunset at 9 pm. Now I only have to drive out of a mountain valley in the dark.
Distance: 9.74 miles (15.67 km) round trip
Elevation Gain: 1,981 ft (604 meters), ending at 4,202 ft (1281 meters) above sea level. I live at 185 ft (56 meters), incidentally. Ahh, sweet oxygen!
Time: 5 hrs, 35 minutes
Calories Burned: 2,785
As can be expected... No other workouts today. My hamstrings and associated tendons are saying no thank you, so I think I've had enough.

I'll leave the stretching and the DOMS for tomorrow.
If I've got this right...
Calories In: 3298
Calories Out: 4726
Deficit: -1428. Yay!
Tuesday - May 28th, 2024
Hey! Not quite as sore as I thought I'd be! I'm still kind tender just above the knees, but not as bad as I thought I'd be. Time for some light housework, a bit of shopping and then, if I can pull it off, workouts!
Ironheart - Day 27. Tendon Strength. Great! It's kind of like stretching! ... Ouch, no it's not. I did better with the arm raises, but still had to shake my arms out twice in the process. Complete.
Abs & Core Challenge - Day 27. Knees to Elbows. Complete, no problems.
Unbound - Day 27. Okay, this is more like stretching, and its lower body too. Great! Complete.
Stretching for Runners Workout. I'm going to add this one in for a few days, just to make sure everything's on the up and up. Garmin told me that I needed 72 hours of recovery after that hike, but we'll see about that! Did 30 second stretches with an indeterminate rest time between sets. Complete.
Calories In: 1969
Calories Out: 2413
Deficit: -444. Not quite to target, but yesterday makes up for it. Also I'm a little unclear how the goals work in these new apps. In the words of my college science classes, more research is needed.