Building momentum


New member
Mage Posts: 3
"Getting it together"
Hello All,

I found this site from a Reddit page that was posted 5 years ago while I was researching getting healthy.
I have "failed" many times over the years and its made it harder and harder each time to get back on the horse.

This time, I am in a much better place mentally and all around. I have a loving partner and just finished schooling so that I can create a new life with a new career.

Im having a hard time getting started again, trying not to look at is as another failure in the making. I know many of you have felt this way.
So after reading a lot of article here and deciding I really want to give it another go I figured I would make a thread here and doing so give myself some more accountability to help keep myself goat oriented.

So any good tips on staying motivated and not getting in my own way would be appreciate.

thanks for taking the time to read this, I look forward to taking this journey with you all.



Well-known member
Viking from Belgium
Posts: 705
Welcome to the hive!
So any good tips on staying motivated and not getting in my own way would be appreciate.
I would say, follow a program, they're cool and it makes you do different things everyday. Begin with a level 1 or 2 depending of your condition. Then month after month take other program and add some challenges... It'll do the work.
Most important, post daily that you did it on your journal here or as much as you can to keep track and to get some motivation from the community, it work great!

Good luck and lets roll!


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,517
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."

Why we lose motivation and how to get it back

How To Make Yourself Exercise Every Day
My two tricks to keep training are:
1) the habit, little by little if you train a little every day, more or less at the same time, if you don't you miss it and if you do it regardless of how you started then you feel better
2) do something that I like, which means varying and changing if I no longer enjoy it without thinking about it too much, if it doesn't work I change


New member
Posts: 1
Try new workouts everyday.
This can help you feel less board because you're always trying something new.
+ Sticking to programs makes you feel like 'if I don't finish it I've failed' which can make you feel demotivated.
Workouts make you feel accomplished each time you complete them.


Well-known member
Warrior Monk from Brussels
Posts: 905
Create a routine with not too easy, not too difficult objective helps.
In a moment, you will do the gym without have to think of it.
And sometimes, it stops a bit and it is all right, you just have to get on board again. This community is precious!


New member
Mage Posts: 3
"Getting it together"
1st update

Thank you to everyone who chimed in and add their thoughts and welcomes.
That was a really awesome feeling to be welcomes.

I did a short HIIT work out this morning

20 second High knees
20 second squats
20 second "butt kicks"
20 second dips
20 second push ups
20 second leg lifts
3 sets 2 min rest between them

Man that added up FAST, especially being a larger person. But I made it through today which means I can do it again.
Look forward to checking in with you guys and telling about all of the progress im making! gives me another bit of motivation so thank you all!


New member
Mage Posts: 3
"Getting it together"
Hello all,

I just wanted to drop in, and say I am still on my journey. Things did take a little bit of a detour.

In the last 2 weeks I have officially graduated with a 2nd degree, got my massage therapy license and am about to open my own practice. :D
So been a little bit of a roller coaster, but Ive had time to walk some and get a lot of movement while working on clients.
I am still at it! just a little slower than I would like, but for good reason.

Thanks for all the support!