Checking In on a Flailing Flower


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Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Feb. 5 Accomplishments:
Workout: Bloom
I had to do a quick run through of all the poses before starting. I probably didn't do some of them completely accurate though.
Add-On: Back and Core - Day 2

Feb. 6 Accomplishments:
Workout: Touch Down - Level II
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 3
Second day in a row of yoga. I again did a quick run through of the poses before starting.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Feb. 9 Accomplishments:
Workout: Maximus
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 6

Feb.10 Accomplishments:
Went for a walk around the neighborhood.

Feb. 11 Accomplishments:
Just relaxed and painted a bit.

Feb. 12 Accomplishments:
Workout: I Am Enough
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 7

From here, I'm changing things up. I picked out some workouts based on the fighter's training plan. I did not have the time to go through all the workouts, so I just used a dice roller to help pick them.

Feb. 13 Accomplishments:
Workout: Chaos - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 8

Feb. 14 Accomplishments:
Workout: Ladybug
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 9
I am sore from the workout yesterday. I'll probably do some more stretching tonight after work.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
I haven't had the greatest past week. My mood was pretty low throughout. This may just be a hormonal thing from my birth control. I did decide to try to skip my period this month. But, there were other things that happened. Like workplace drama and starting a painting but having to restart because it wasn't working out.

I did workout most days. I didn't keep track, tho. Except for the back and core program. So, I'm just going to list what I remember. It's most likely not accurate and I'm not going to list a workout for these.

Feb. 15 Accomplishments:
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 10

Feb. 16 Accomplishments:
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 11

Feb. 17 Accomplishments:
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 12

Feb. 18 Accomplishments:
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 13

Feb. 19 Accomplishments:
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 14

Feb. 20 Accomplishments:
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 15

Feb. 21 Accomplishments:
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 16

Feb. 22 Accomplishments:
Went on a walk around the neighborhood.

I finally decided on a program - Fireheart! I think a combat program will help with all the stress I've been having recently. I've been concerned with time before, but I've found if I start exercising by 1030am I can usually get 7 sets of a workout plus the add-on done and still have time to relax a bit before getting around for work. Which is what I did today!

Feb. 23 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 1 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 17


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Feb. 24 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 2 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 18

Feb. 25 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 3 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 19

Feb. 26 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 4 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 20

Feb. 27 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 5 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 21

Feb. 28 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 6 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 22

I'm glad today was a lighter exercise day. My sense of time has been messed up thanks to a surprise 5 am tornado warning. It's not fun waking up to blaring sirens and stumbling half-awake to a safe place while trying to look up info on the phone. There was a confirmed tornado, but I wasn't in it's path. Took a while to go back to bed and I ended up sleeping in a bit.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Feb. 29 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 7 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 23

March 1 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 8 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 24

March 2 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 9 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 25

March 3 Accomplishments:
No workout

March 4 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 10 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 26

March 5 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 11 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 27

March 6 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 12 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 28

March 7 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 13 - Level III
No add-on

March 8 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 14 - Level III
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 29


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
March 9 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 15 - Level III

March 10 Accomplishments:
No workout.

March 11 Accomplishments:
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 30

March 12 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 16 - Level III

March 13 Accomplishments:
It was a nice, sunny day so I went on a walk to enjoy some sun before work.

Day light saving's really messed up my schedule for a couple days. I ended up sleeping in and not having much time to exercise.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
March 14 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 17 - Level III

March 15 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 18 - Level III

March 16 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 19 - Level III

March 17 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 20 - Level III

March 18 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 21 - Level III

March 19 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 22 - Level III

March 20 Accomplishments:
I had a dentist appointment and then I had to work. So, there wasn't time for a workout today. But, my teeth look great! I just had a little plaque build up.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
March 20 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 23 - Level III

March 21 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 24 - Level III

March 22 Accomplishments:
No workout - The screw to my implant fell out the night before so I had to make an emergency appointment. It wasn't too serious. The actual implant didn't fall out. The screw was just a small one to cap the implant and prevent the gums from growing over. Unfortunately, during the night, my gums closed up around the implant, so some tissue had to be removed. It was actually a pretty easy and quick fix, tho. I got the tissue removed and screw replaced in about ten minutes.

March 23 Accomplishments:
No workout - Spent the day at COSI - a science musuem in Ohio. While it is geared to family and kids, the main thing that me and my sister wanted to see was the Titanic exhibit. It wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought it would just be a couple rooms with a few artifacts - I also went into this blind. I didn't look up anything about it before going. It was a lot of rooms and took about an hour to go through. There was so much stuff! A lot of artifacts, stories, replicas - including a full-scale replica of the fancy staircase with the dome, and it went through the events before, during, and after the tragedy.

March 24 Accomplishments:
No workout

March 25 Accomplishments:
Program: Fireheart - Day 25 - Level III

March 26 Accomplishments:
No workout - eye exam

March 27 Accomplishments:
No workout - looking at apartments

My schedule is starting to get busy with appointments. I'm trying to get everything in order before I leave for vacation in June. I also have to find and move to a new apartment since my current one was bought out by a company that believes I should be paying $300 more for an old, outdated apartment that hasn't been renovated in 5 years.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Sorry for the long period of silence. I got into a car accident before moving. There were luckily no injuries on either side, just ended up having to deal with insurance and the repairs. I found a new apartment that is better than my last one. My vacation was much needed after all that. I had a lot of fun in Ireland. After I got back, I got an electronic drum kit and have been really focused on learning the drums. Unfortunately, I have got to a point where all I'm mostly doing is work, drumming, or playing video games. That's a lot of sitting and I really need to get regular exercise back into my routine.

Since it's been months since I've done regular exercise, I'm going to do a lighter program than what I've previously done. I'm going to start with the Foundation program along with the add-on Back and Core program. I did day one of foundation today and felt I needed a little more afterward. I've also been feeling a little back pain so maybe that will help.

November 4 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 1 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 1


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
November 13 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 10 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 10

November 14 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 11 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 11

November 15 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 12 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 12

I started to do some of these when I wake up and before breakfast. I kinda like doing that, especially on work days. It feels like I can get more done before work when the first thing I do is exercise. I also tend to make more for breakfast then just throwing a bagel in the toaster. Granted, I am just adding eggs or bacon to the bagel, nothing special.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
November 22 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 19 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 19

November 23 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 20 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 20

10 more days to go! I think I'm back in the mindset again. I haven't had any days where I didn't want to exercise. Exercising after waking up has helped with that. I do feel like I'm not being challenged enough. I'll finish these programs out, but whatever I decide to do next will be up in difficulty.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
November 24 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 21 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 21

Thinking more on what I want to do next. I know it's going to be a strength program with dumbbells. My dumbbells have been left abandoned and collecting dust and I want to use them again. I also want to do a bit of cardio, so I might do a daily cardio challenge. I don't think I want to do an add-on program. I was looking at the core strength program, but I might do an abs challenge instead. I still have over a week to think it over. I might change my mind on some things.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
November 26 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 23 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 23

November 27 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 24 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 24

I've got a long car trip to my parent's tomorrow and Friday another long car trip back. So, I'm just going to relax and enjoy Thanksgiving with my family for the next couple days.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 1 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 25 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 25

December 2 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 26 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 26

*Edit - The long weekend messed up my days. I thought I went 2 days without exercise, but it was really 3. I should really physically write stuff down instead of going with memory.
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Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 5 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 29 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 29

December 6 Accomplishments:
Foundation: Day 30 - Level III
Back and Core: Day 30

December 7 Accomplishments:
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 1
Cardio & Abs Challenge - Day 1

Finished Foundation and Back and Core!

I'm going to start the Push Pull Legs program tomorrow. I was going between that and Ironheart. I decided to do PPL first and then Ironheart after.

In other news, I'm starting to learn to cook and bake more. Successfully made a couple loaves of bread (successful as in edible, there are definite improvements to be made) and I'm trying to find something more filling and protein rich for breakfast and meals after workouts.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 8 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Universal Warmup
PPL: Day 1 - 8lb weights for lateral raises and bent over lateral raises, 6-7 reps each set; 10lb weights for chest fly and chest press, 10 reps each set
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 2
Cardio & Abs Challenge - Day 2
Stretching: Stretched

Decided to add my warmups and stretching. It's usually the same 3-5, but it will be interesting to see which ones I use more. The list is written in order of how I did them.

I tried doing lateral raises with the 10 lb weights, but could only do a couple and then after that I could barely raise my arms. Switching to 8 lbs got me in the rep range (6-10). I started to get shaky in the arms for the last two sets of the workout during the chest presses. I didn't feel like I was going to lose control and there was no pain, so I continued and completed the sets. Since it was only for the very last two sets, I'm thinking my muscles were just tired. I'm also wondering if I should have stuck to the given rest times because I did shorten them to 1 - 1.5 min instead of the written 2 min. I sometimes get impatient with rest times and just dive into the next set after a minute if I don't feel tired.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 9 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 2 - 10 lb weights for all exercises, 12 reps bicep curls, 10 reps upright rows, 12 reps alternating bicep curls, and 10 rep shrugs
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 3
Stretching: Stretched

I decided to go with a longer and more intense warmup. I also stuck with the given 2 minute rest. To endure that long rest, I got my drumsticks and did singles, doubles, and paradiddles on a pillow. Nothing too intense, just eighth notes to the beat of whatever song was playing. It did make the rest time go by faster. There was no shaking today, but the last couple reps of the last two sets for each exercise were difficult. I tried my best to focus on using the intended muscles for the exercises. I think I did alright, I did have to pause a few times to get those last two reps in, tho.

I might stop the Cardio & Abs challenge. I didn't have time and I might instead do some cardio exercises during the rest time after each exercise. I really just want to get my heart rate up for a few minutes a day. I'm not looking for something more intense then that at the moment.
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Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 10 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Fighter's Warmup
PPL: Day 3 - 60 sec elbow plank, 60 sec side elbow plank, 14 reps high crunches, 10 reps back extensions with 300 total jumping jacks during rests
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 4
Stretching: Fighter's Stretching

I was able to do the full 60 sec for the elbow planks. The side planks gave me a bit of trouble. I held them for as long as I could, but eventually lost form 45- 50 sec in. I just got back up in position to continue the rest of the time. Decided to do jumping jacks during rest times, specifically 6 sets of 50. I was going to do more, but my body is tired from the past two days.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 11 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Fighter's Warmup
PPL: Day 4 - 10 lb weights all exercises: 12 reps reverse lunges, 10 reps squats, 16 reps calf raises, 10 reps deadlifts; a set of 50 jumping jacks after each exercise totaling 200
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 5
Stretching: Finisher

December 12 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 5 - Overhead tricep extension: 10 lb weight, 7 rep/arm each set, Tricep extensions: 8lb weight 7 reps/arm first two sets 5lb weight 7 reps/arm last two sets, Svend Press 10 lb weight 10 reps/arm each set, Twists 10 lb weight 10 reps/arm each set; a set of 50 jumping jacks after each exercise totaling 200
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 6
Stretching: Stretched

Had a little trouble with the single arm tricep extension. I think I should have just went with the 5 lb weights from the beginning. Those first two sets with the 8 lb weight were hard. I did have to switch to 5 lbs because I could not lift the 8 lbs without assistance from my other arm after a couple reps after the second set.

In other news, I went to see Flow. That has to be the first movie in a long time that got me emotionally invested and made me tear up. I'm not going to say much about it because I don't want to spoil anything or potentially skew interpretations. Here's a very short synopsis of it: A dialogue-free film about a group of animals trying to survive a flood. If you are near a theater that is playing it or is going to play it, go see it!


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 13 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 6 - 10 lb weights all exercises: 12 reps/set bicep curls and hammer curls, 10 reps/set upright rows, 8 reps/arm/set renegade rows; a set of 50 jumping jacks after each exercise totaling 200
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 7
Stretching: Stretched

December 14 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Universal Warmup
PPL: Day 7 - Ab day, no weights: 14 reps/set knee-in & twist and flutter kicks, 30sec hollow hold 2 sets, 10 reps/set back extensions; a set of 50 jumping jacks after each exercise totaling 200
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 8

December 15 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Fighter's Warmup
PPL: Day 8 - 10 lb weights all exercises: 12 reps/set lunges and side lunges, 16 reps/set calf raises, 12 reps/set lunge step-ups; a set of 50 jumping jacks after each exercise totaling 200
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 9
Stretching: Finisher

December 16 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Fighter's Warmup
PPL: Day 9 - 8 lb weights lateral raises and bent over lateral raises, 10 lb weights shoulder press and chest press: 10 reps/set lateral raises, shoulder press, bent over lateral raises, and chest press (I chose the alternative chest press to push ups since I'm still working on proper push up form and can only do knee push ups at the moment); a set of 50 jumping jacks after each exercise totaling 200
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 10
Stretching: Stretched


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 17 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 10 - 10 lb weights all exercises: 12 reps/set bicep curls, 10 reps/set bent over rows and shrugs, 12 reps/set alternating bicep curls ; a set of 50 jumping jacks after each exercise totaling 200
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 11
Stretching: Stretched


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 18 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Universal Warmup
PPL: Day 11 - Ab day, no weights: 90sec/set elbow plank and side elbow plank hold, 14 reps/set long-arm crunches, 10 reps/set back extensions
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 12
Stretching: Fighter's Stretching

90 sec holding those planks was hard, especially for the side elbow planks. Almost gave in at 20 sec to go, but I somehow managed to hold on.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 19 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 12 - 10 lb weights all exercises: 12 reps/set squats, 16 reps/set calf raises, 12 reps/set goblet squats, and 6 reps/side/set single leg deadlifts; a set of 50 jumping jacks after each exercise
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 13
Stretching: Finisher


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 20 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 13 - 8 lb weights: 10 reps/set lateral raises, 10 lb weights: 10 reps/set tricep kickbacks, 7 reps/arm/set alt shoulder press, 10 reps/set chest fly and chest press
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 14
Stretching: Stretched

December 21 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 14 - 10 lb weights: 12 reps/set bicep curls, 10 reps/set bent over rows, upright rows, and shrugs, 8 reps/arm/set renegade rows
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 15
Stretching: Stretched

Decreased the rest time to 1min 30 sec since there's now 5 exercises instead of 4. I'm trying to keep the total time exercising to an hour or less. I'm also attempting regular pushups. I can manage 2 or 3 at a time. I might start doing regular pushups for the last few reps in the last set of the challenge. One of my goals is to transition to regular pushups and that'll help with that transition.

In other news, I made more loaves of bread. This batch was a little better, but it didn't rise as much as I hoped. I don't think I let the dough proof long enough, but I've got something I wanna try for the next batch. I've got to eat these 2 loaves of bread first, tho.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 26 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Universal Warmup
PPL: Day 15 - Ab day, no weights. 12 reps/set side bridges and boat folds, 60 sec/set high hollow hold (could not do 90 sec hold, instead did 3 sets of 60 sec), and 10 reps/set back extensions
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 16
Stretching: Fighter's Stretching

December 27 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: Fighter's Warmup
PPL: Day 16 - 10 lb weights all exercises: 12 reps/set lunges, side lunges, lunge set-ups, 16 reps/set calf raises, and 6 reps/arm/set single leg deadlifts
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 17
Stretching: Finisher

Took an extended break for Christmas, but I had a good time with my family. I even got a chance to play around with my dad's acoustic drum kit. A dirty, spider-webbed, beat up kit, that had no cymbal stands but an acoustic one nonetheless. Everything sounded decent with a little tweaking, too. Except the snare. That snare is in bad shape. So, what do I do? I ask my dad if I can take it home to clean up. He said yes. So, now I have a fun new project. I also took some dirty cymbals home as well. My dad is not a drummer and just bought this old dirty kit from someone on craigslist. I don't know why, but I know he doesn't have the time to clean and fix it up. My thinking is, if I can clean it up he might be able to sell the kit for a bit more than what he paid for it. The snare is really the only problem, the toms and kick just need their drumheads popped off, insides vacuumed, and the outer parts cleaned. If I had a house, I probably would have just bought the kit from him, but I'm in an apartment and don't have the space nor do I want to receive noise complaints. So, I'm just gonna clean it up as best as I can and return it (after I do research of the proper way to clean drums).


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
December 28 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 17 - 10 lb weights: svend press 10 reps/arm/set, chest press (alternative) 14 reps/set, and pullovers 10 reps/set; 8 lb weights: overhead tricep extensions 7 reps/arm/set and tricep extensions 5 reps/arm/set
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 18
Stretching: Stretched

December 29 Accomplishments:
Warm Up: 4-Minute Warmup
PPL: Day 18 - 10 lb weights all exercises: 12 reps/set bicep curls, 10 reps/set shrugs, 12 reps/set hammer curls, 10 reps/set bent over rows, and 10 reps/set upright rows
50 jumping jacks after each exercise
Knee Push-Ups Challenge - Day 19: (6 knee push ups, 3 regular push ups)/set
Stretching: Stretched

I'm trying out finishing each set of the challenge with regular push ups. 3 regular push ups is definitely challenging for me, but I managed it for each set. I have also been forgetting to include the cardio I do after exercises. I'm going to try to remember to write all the details down after I do them that way I don't forget something.

Update on the drum project: When I first looked at this snare I originally thought it was rusting. It's metal and has been sitting in someone's garage for who knows how long. I took the drumheads off and tossed them and then started cleaning the hoops. Whatever looked like rust was not rust. Something has been spilled on it. With dish soap and water it started to come off. The hoops are now mostly clean and look almost brand new. There is some cosmetic damage and places where the metal has been a bit warped, but nothing looks too serious. I did confirm with my dad about what his plans for the kit were. He is just going to sell it. So, no replacement parts will be bought. I'm just going to clean it up and make it look good.