Checking In on a Flailing Flower


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Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
I'm a 36 year old woman 5'4" weighing about 110 lbs. So, basically I'm on the border of underweight and normal weight for my height. I've always been kind of small, but for the past couple of years I've been struggling with my weight due to braces restricting my diet (I also was not eating as much as I should have). I was at 100 lbs at one point and didn't even notice until I was turned away from donating blood for being underweight! After going to the doctor to make sure the weight loss wasn't caused by something more serious, I focused on eating more and doing more strength exercises. I managed to gain 10 lbs. and than lost all I gained after jaw surgery earlier this year. I have since gained it all back and my braces are coming off at the end of the month!

I've been trying to find a workout routine that fits me. I've tried many programs, but I found I got bored of them about 2 weeks in or I was just too busy to finish them. I've tried choosing my own workouts by following one of Darebee's training plans, but soon became overwhelmed by the sheer amount of workouts to choose from. So, I had to really think about what was going wrong. I think the problem was time and the reason I wasn't finishing programs was because I was choosing more time consuming ones. I was reluctant to try the HIIT programs due to my weight issues, but since the braces are coming off soon, I thought screw it, let's try it (I also noticed that there was a strength HIIT program). I'm now 19 days in the program and I'm not bored with it, I don't feel like it's taking up a lot of my free time and I'm actually doing it everyday. I'm even doing a challenge along side it. Though, the challenge is more doing something other than play on the phone while waiting for coffee.

I guess I'm making this thread to try to motivate me to finish programs and challenges. I don't know if I'll update everyday, I may just do it when I remember. I am going to try for everyday or at least once a week.

For the past 19 days, my morning routine has been doing a challenge while waiting for coffee. Eating a light breakfast like cereal or something with said coffee and a glass of water. Sit and digest for a bit, do warmup, program, and stretching. Then showering and eating a second breakfast or a big lunch (it depends on when I actually wake up in the morning).

Today's accomplishments:

Challenge: 1-Minute Plank - Day 19

Program: Power HIIT Level II - Day 19


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Thanks for the welcomes, everyone!

I had a lot of energy today and went all out on today's workout. I'll probably feel it tomorrow, but I feel great now! Also, official countdown for my braces being removed starts now. One week to go!

Nov 14. Accomplishments:

Challenge: 1-Minute Plank - Day 20

Program: Power HIIT Level II - Day 20


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
It's so nice to eat without worrying about breaking wires or getting a bunch of food stuck in the braces. Got some crunchy things to snack on like potato chips, apples, and mixed nuts. The potato chips left me disappointed. I'm not buying those again. Apples and nuts were amazing to have after two years without. My teeth are still sore, so I can't bite into an apple, so I've been cutting them into pieces.

In other news, I finished a program and a challenge!

Nov. 22 Accomplishments:

Challenge: 1-Minute Plank - Day 28

Program: Power HIIT Level II - Day 28

Nov. 23 Accomplishments:

Challenge: 1-Minute Plank - Day 29

Program: Power HIIT Level II - Day 29

Nov. 24 Accomplishments:

Challenge: 1-Minute Plank - Day 30

Program: Power HIIT Level II - Day 30


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Mercenary from Italy
Posts: 4,559
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Congrats :worried:


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
I picked my next program – 30 days of HIIT. The challenge was a little harder to choose, but I picked Epic Glutes because I feel like that part of my body needs a little more attention.

I’m still doing a one minute plank in the morning while I wait for coffee. It feels weird not to.

Nov. 25 Accomplishments:

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 1

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 1

:phew:I can tell I haven't done cardio in a while. I had to talk myself into the last set by thinking ‘it's just one minute, one minute more and you're done.’


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
I woke up early this morning to a muscle cramp in the right calf. I'm not sure what caused it. Maybe yesterday's exercise or I might have just been sleeping in a weird position. Either way, it feels fine now.

Nov. 27 Accomplishments:

Morning 1 minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 3

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 3

Nov. 28 Accomplishments:

Morning 1 minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 4

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 4

Nov. 29 Accomplishments:

Morning 1 minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 5

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 5


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
I was sleeping weird. I woke up with pins and needles in my right arm the day after that muscle cramp. I think a pillow was causing the problem. I usually have a big pillow to my right that I cuddle up against. I moved it to my left and didn't wake up with problems.

Nov. 30 Accomplishments:

Morning 1 minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 6

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 6

This was another day where I can tell I haven't done cardio regularly. 10-20-30 sec intervals of high knees was hard. The 10 sec interval I could do just fine. I tried to power through 20 sec of high knees with each set, but my knees would just rapidly drop after the 15 sec mark. I couldn't maintain form and had to switch to marching steps. Same with the 30 sec interval. 15 sec is just my current limit for high knees. I'm a little bummed I couldn't last longer. But, on the brightside, this is just a starting point and I did the whole workout without completely stopping (except for resting of course).

Dec. 1 Accomplishments:

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 7

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 7

No morning plank today.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Not much to say for this batch. Today's workout was intense and high knees are still the hardest exercise for me. Although, I did manage to do nearly 20 sec of high knees. I was under by a second or two.

Dec. 2 Accomplishments:

Morning one minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 8

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 8

Dec. 3 Accomplishments:

Morning one minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 9

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 9

Dec. 4 Accomplishments:

Morning one minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 10

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 10


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Dec. 5 Accomplishments:

Morning one minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 11

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 11

Dec. 6 Accomplishments:

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 12

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 12

No morning plank. I had an appointment to apply for a passport and my mind was too occupied making sure I had everything I needed. Good news is everything looked fine and it didn't take that long. I was able to get in a workout, make lunch, and chill for a bit before work!


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Dec. 7 Accomplishments:

Morning one minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 13

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 13

Dec. 8 Accomplishments:

Morning one minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 14

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 14

Dec. 9 Accomplishments:

Morning one minute plank

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 15

Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 15

I'm halfway through this program and challenge!


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Dec. 10 Accomplishments:

Morning one minute plank
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 16
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 16

Dec. 11 Accomplishments:

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 17
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 17
4 sets 100 punches
Switching things up to some sets of punches throughout the day. Looking at that bear ornament.

Dec. 12 Accomplishments:

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 18
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 18
6 sets 100 punches

Dec. 13 Accomplishments:

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 19
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 19
5 sets 100 punches

Dec. 14 Accomplishments:

Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 20
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 20
5 sets 100 punches

This week has been really busy. There have been several unfortunate events (needed to get my retainer looked at, the apartment furnace decided to stop working, pharmacy delayed filling my cat's prescription by a day without telling me) and I'm spending the weekend at my parents to celebrate Christmas early. I'm going to be socially exhausted by Sunday. I'm putting a hold on work outs for the weekend. I don't think I'll have the time or energy.

I guess a small victory is I still managed to exercise throughout this chaos. I even got in 2000 punches for the ornament event! I'm glad I chose that one because those punches were a nice stress reducer.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Dec. 15 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 21
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 21

Dec. 16 Accomplishments:
Survived the long 3 hour drive to my parents.

Dec. 17 Accomplishments:
Survived the 3 hour long drive back home.

Dec. 18 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 22
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 22

Dec. 19 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 23
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 23

Christmas with my parents was good and I visited my grandma. I kinda wish I could go to the actual family celebration, but my work schedule this year isn't good. I work Christmas eve and the day after Christmas, so I'd have to drive 3 hours there, stay for a few hours, then drive back. That's too much driving in one day for me.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Dec. 20 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 24
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 24

Dec. 21 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 25
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 25

Dec. 22 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 26
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 26

Dec. 23 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 27
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 27

Looks like the novelty of doing planks in the morning has worn off. That's ok with me. I think I'm doing plenty already. Oh, and a progress note: I can do high knees 20 sec straight each time now! I have also pushed myself to go 30 sec straight, but I can only do that once or twice a workout.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Dec. 24 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 28
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 28

Dec. 25 Accomplishments:
Went on a 20 minute walk since it was nice and weirdly warm – I know Ohio has strange weather, but it feels like spring not Christmas! Then I had a small Christmas celebration with my sister watching Doctor Who and Puppet History.

Dec. 26 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 29
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 29

Dec. 27 Accomplishments:
Program: 30 Days of HIIT Level II – Day 30
Challenge: Epic Glutes – Day 30

Another program and challenge done! :yas:

Dec. 28 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level II - Day 1
Add-on: Power Up - Day 1
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 1

Trying something new this time around: an add-on program. I made sure both programs wouldn’t take up a lot of time. The challenge might have to be moved to after work, though.

That being said, both of these programs have fooled me with looking easy. Only 5 sets of 6 10 sec intervals, easy peasy might even do Level III with 7 sets - I was sweating and out of breath by the end of 5 sets and decided Level II is good for now. Oh, just leg raises and holds for 30 sec intervals, doesn't look hard - I could only keep my legs up for 2/3 of the duration. I’m a poor judge of difficulty I guess.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Dec. 29 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 2
Add-on: Power Up - Day 2
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 2

Dec. 30 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 3
Add-on: Power Up - Day 3
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 3

Dec. 31 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 4
Add-on: Power Up - Day 4
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 4

Jan. 1 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 5
Add-on: Power Up - Day 5
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 5

I might try to do Level III for the rest of this program. Instead of stopping once I've reached the number of sets for Level II, I've used the rest period to check-in with myself and see if I can continue. So far, it has been a yes to continuing.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Jan. 2 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 6
Add-on: Power Up - Day 6
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 6

Jan. 3 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 7
Add-on: Power Up - Day 7
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 7

I managed to keep my legs up throughout the duration of Power Up today. That makes 4/7 days (Day 2, 3, 4, and 7) I was able to go the whole duration without dropping a limb.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Jan. 4 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 8
Add-on: Power Up - Day 8
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 8

Jan. 5 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 9
Add-on: Power Up - Day 9
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 9

Jan. 6 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 10
Add-on: Power Up - Day 10
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 10

Jan. 7 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 11
Add-on: Power Up - Day 11
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 11

I'm glad I've been checking in on myself during workouts to see if I can do more. I think I was unknowingly limiting myself.
Power Up continues to be a challenge. I was able to keep limbs up for 2 of these 4 days (Day 8 and Day 11). I almost made it for days 9 and 10, but one side dropped each day. I nearly didn't make it today, 6 whole minutes of keeping the arms up is not easy. I got shaky in the last 30 sec, but I held on by doing 10 sec count downs in my head - I really didn't want to drop them when I was so close to the end!


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Jan. 8 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 12
Add-on: Power Up - Day 12
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 12

Jan. 9 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 13
Add-on: Power Up - Day 13
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 13

Jan. 10 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 14
Add-on: Power Up - Day 14
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 14

Jan. 11 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 15
Add-on: Power Up - Day 15
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 15

I'm seeing a pattern in the days I fail at keeping limbs up in Power Up. It's any time there's side bridges and knee push up holds. This could just be I need to work more on my upper body strength, but I'll move my mirror to double check my form just in case.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Jan. 12 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 16
Add-on: Power Up - Day 16
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 16

Jan. 13 - 14 Accomplishments:
Didn't exercise this weekend. Although, I did get a lot of cleaning done. I suppose that could be seen as exercise.

Jan. 15 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 17
Add-on: Power Up - Day 17
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 17

Jan. 16 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 18
Add-on: Power Up - Day 18
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 18

I looked up some info on side bridges and holds and I used a mirror. I think the problem I'm having is I'm not engaging my core throughout the exercise and I tend to let my shoulder take most of the work. Using the mirror, I could see the moment when this would happen cause my hips would sag to the ground. I'll keep using a mirror when I do these just to look for those moments and correct them. As for knee push up holds, looks like I'm doing those right. So, just need more practice with them.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Jan. 17 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 19
Add-on: Power Up - Day 19
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 19

Jan. 18 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 20
Add-on: Power Up - Day 20
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 20

Jan. 19 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 21
Add-on: Power Up - Day 21
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 21

Jan. 20 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 22
Add-on: Power Up - Day 22
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 22

Jan. 21 Accomplishments:
Program: 1-Minute HIIT Level III - Day 23
Add-on: Power Up - Day 23
Challenge: Epic Arms - Day 23

I'm getting a dental implant tomorrow. So, exercise will be on hold until I feel comfortable to continue. If I have to switch to something lighter and come back to these programs later, that's fine with me. Finishing programs is fun and all, but not exactly my main goal.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
The dental implant went well! Didn't feel a thing. Since it was just local anesthetic, I kept my eyes closed throughout the whole procedure. I didn't want to see what was used nor did I want to see it coming at me. I'm also not in as much pain as I originally thought. Still, I'm not going to do anything intense for a while.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
I took last week off from exercising. This week, I'm just picking out some light or easy workouts to do. I'm probably fine to go back into my normal routine, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'll be going back to the doctor on Thursday to remove some stitches and I'll ask about exercise while I'm there.

Jan. 29 Accomplishments:
Workout: Free Spirit - Level II
I feel like I made a bad decision with this one. I shouldn't have picked an HIIT. But what's done is done and I may just be overthinking this. The positive side is it was a light difficulty and I didn't really do this like an HIIT. I didn't go all out, just kept at a nice steady pace for each exercise. I also didn't feel any discomfort or pain in my jaw. My arms definitely felt it, though.

Jan. 30 Accomplishments:
Workout: Anywhere Abs
Trying to go through a whole set of side leg raises without touching the floor was hard. I didn't make it, but I got more than half-way through for both sets!


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
My anxiety got the better of me! I didn't have to be so cautious about exercising and I could have returned to my normal routine this week. I always get this fear that things will seem to be going well, but when I see a doctor for a follow up, things are actually much worse.

Jan. 31 Accomplishments:
Workout: Made With Love - Level I

Feb. 1 Accomplishments:
Workout: Classic Abs

Feb. 2 Accomplishments:
Workout: This Is My Day Off - Level I

My time management has gotten a bit out of whack due to the week off of exercise. I'm starting to be a bit reluctant to exercise and when I do it's always later then usual. Which gives me less time to actually workout. Hopefully, I can get that resolved soon. Although, I'm a bit undecided about what I want to do next. I know what my weaknesses are, but I also have to make sure I'm not doing something that'll take up a lot of time. I know for sure I'm going to do a core add-on program. I might try following one of the training plans again or I might just do the workout of the day for a while. I feel like I need a little break from a main program. Maybe just a week or two.


Well-known member
Warrior from USA
Posts: 78
Feb. 3 Accomplishments:
Workout: Balance

Feb. 4 Accomplishments:
Workout: Superhero in Training - Level II
Substituted push-ups with knee push-ups.
Add-on: Back and Core - Day 1

Getting back on track starting today! I feel so much better than how I've been feeling, both physically and mentally. I needed a more intense workout to remind me how great exercise can make me feel. I'll probably keep doing the workout of the day until I come to a decision for a main program.