DAREBEE works!


Well-known member
Guardian from Kavala, Greece
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 107
Hey guys and DAREBEE team!

I invite everyone to use this post as their motivation or as an answer to those who say "DAREBEE doesn't work; it's just for beginners blah blah blah".

I'll start with one statement. 8 trash bags, full of broken bricks, up and down a 10-meter stairway in 10 minutes.

My grandparents had an issue at their house, and the construction worker that was there filled up trash bags with broken bricks. For some reason, he left them outside the house, and someone needed to move them for a truck to have easier access to pick them up. So, I went there and got the job done.

For the sake of my DAREBEE record, I'm a 28-year old man, following DAREBEE for years, and for the last few weeks I have been doing the Hard Reset Strength program with resistance bands instead of weights. I also added 4 sets of pushups and pullups on one of the rest days.

What I'm trying to prove with this post is that DAREBEE GIFTED me with pure functional strength. Although I can also start seeing the aesthetic part of muscle hypertrophy and definition, I was so grateful that I could functionally help my grandparents. You know, I'm one of those people, that one of the reasons I'm training is to help people (superhero mode).

DAREBEE works people! Trust the process and keep training!


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Ranger from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 118
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
My biggest win was doing a 3.2 km hike last weekend including significant hills and unstable terrain with my 20+ lb 10 month old on my back in a hiking backpack that probably adds 5 ish lbs extra.

I was tired and had sore muscles at the end of it but I was able to keep up with everyone and carry on a conversation without being severely out of breath!


Well-known member
Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,039
"ᚨ Ars longa, vita brevis"
I invite everyone to use this post as their motivation or as an answer to those who say "DAREBEE doesn't work; it's just for beginners blah blah blah".

I've seen that too, and the core issue with these people is that their goals differ from what our goals (as bees) are. Many of them seem to be into bodybuilding, which you know what, I can agree with it, however, it is a very narrow-minded view.

The Hive is a very diverse community, from martial artists to bodybuilders, runners, and even people who aren't interested in an area of fitness but just want to stay active. The resource is too generalized for those who want to specialize, and even those who specialized, still used DAREBEE as part of their workouts. For instance, if you read @Kanary 's log (may she rest in peace) you'd see my point. She's not the only one who did it like that. That's one of the beauties of this resource: it can be your core training or a compliment for what you already do as exercise. Not to mention the guides that are well researched, and do make some of the heavier stuff far more comprehensive.

As for my testimony, if it wasn't for DAREBEE, I'd still be struggling with my weight, my body image issues, and getting into fitness in a healthy and fun way. From almost 98 kgs to doing 100 Burpees almost everyday is one huge achievement. It also helped me to heal some old trauma and made me pick back up combat training, which is what helped me to shed all that weight I had.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,011
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
At 49 years old, after years of martial inactivity, I started practicing Muay Thai, just a little light thing... :LOL:
My only training for 3 years was Darebee programs and challenges and I found myself doing better than guys half my age.
So yes, Darebee training works and as @Sólveig says works for both beginners and advanced :)


from Minnesota, USA
Posts: 6
This is very encouraging to read. Congrats on your functional fitness abilities!! :)

I am brand new here and just can't believe the treasure trove of awesomeness I have stumbled upon!! I am in charge of creating a new health/wellness challenge at work (a small group of us, only 8 coworkers) and I LOVE the office workouts for us to start with. We are unfortunately desk-dwellers 8 hours a day. Anyway, I am starting my own "return to fitness" journey this week and I can easily incorporate the Xpress Tone program. I turn 50 this month... yikes. I have been on/off with workouts, etc., but REALLY want to transform this year. It's something I am focusing on daily in intentions/affirmations/actions. I am CONVINCED SMALL, CONSISTENT changes will help. And, voila, I find this place. I also downloaded the dumbbell exercises to use. I like the overall vibe from the articles and the posts I have looked at in the forums. AND, I like that it is a forum that is NOT on Facebook (hallelujah, because I have deactivated my facebook account and don't want to have to log in to that to be in an accountability group). I thought Non-Facebook groups were long gone. This is a welcome sight. THANK YOU!! I look forward to working the program and taking on other challenges as I go and hopefully cheering others on as well. ;)