Destitutus ventis, remos adhibe


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Saturday, February 3, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome

Functional strength and tone​

Bodyguard lv 3 with ec (no rest between sets)

Fit December Day 23 (rest < 1min rest between sets)


3 sets of 10 reps of decline push-ups.


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Spellbound Chapter 8

Spell: Tracking Spell*

* I finished my training session practising Yoga Nidra.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 170/250/1645 (weekly/total goal 320/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (25/34) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 2 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (34/34)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (33/34)
Reading 15min: :v: (34/34)
Language course 20min: :v:
Math course 20 min: :v:

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Sunday, February 4, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/250/1645 :x: (weekly/total goal 320/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (25/35) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 2 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (35/35)*
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (34/35)
Reading 15min: :v: (35/35)
Language course 20min: :v:
Math course 20 min: :v:

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen

* January 1: 88.9 kg/20.3 %/67.35 kg (Weight/Body fat/ Muscle mass)
February 4: 83.25 kg/17.5 % /65.25 kg (Weight/Body fat/ Muscle mass)


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Monday, February 5, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

Functional strength and tone​

Microworkout: 4 sets of 20 reps of push-ups. I did the push-ups as a cycle of the following variations: Regular, stacked, raised leg, staggered.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 80/80/1725 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (26/36) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 3 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (36/36)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (35/36)
Reading 15min: :v: (36/36)
Language course 20min: :v:
Math course 20 min: :v:
Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Tuesday, February 6, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

Functional strength and tone​

Microworkout: 25 push-ups

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 25/105/1750 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (27/37) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 4 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (37/37)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (36/37)
Reading 15min: :v: (37/37)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Wednesday, February 7, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/105/1750 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (27/38) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 4 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (38/38)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (37/38)
Reading 15min: :v: (38/38)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Thursday, February 8, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/105/1750 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (27/39) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 4 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (39/39)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (38/39)
Reading 15min: :v: (39/39)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Friday, February 9, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/105/1750 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (27/40) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 4 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (40/40)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (39/40)
Reading 15min: :v: (40/40)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Saturday, February 10, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/105/1750 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (27/41) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 4 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (41/41)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (40/41)
Reading 15min: :v: (41/41)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Sunday, February 11, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

Functional strength and tone​

Microworkout: 4 sets of 20 reps of push-ups. I did the push-ups as a cycle of the following variations: Regular, stacked, raised leg, staggered.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 80/185/1830 :x: (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (28/42) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 5 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (42/42)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (41/42)
Reading 15min: :v: (42/42)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Monday, February 12, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1830 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (28/43) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 5 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (43/43)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (42/43)
Reading 15min: :v: (43/43)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Tuesday, February 13, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

Functional strength and tone​

Microworkout: 20 push-ups

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 20/20/1850 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (29/44) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 6 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (44/44)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (43/44)
Reading 15min: :v: (44/44)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Wednesday, February 14, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/20/1850 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (29/45) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 6 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (45/45)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (44/45)
Reading 15min: :v: (45/45)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Thursday, February 15, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

Functional strength and tone​

Microworkout: 20 push-ups

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 20/40/1870 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (30/46) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 7 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (46/46)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (45/46)
Reading 15min: :v: (46/46)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Friday, February 16, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/40/1870 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (30/47) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 7 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (47/47)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (45/47)
Reading 15min: :v: (47/47)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Saturday, February 17, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/40/1870 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (30/48) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 7 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :x: (47/48)
No Sugar Challenge: :x: (45/48)
Reading 15min: :v: (48/48)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Sunday, February 18, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/40/1870 :x: (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (30/49) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 7 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :x: (47/49)
No Sugar Challenge: :x: (45/49)
Reading 15min: :v: (49/49)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Monday, February 19, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1870 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (30/50) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 7 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :x: (47/50)
No Sugar Challenge: :x: (45/50)
Reading 15min: :v: (50/50)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Tuesday, February 20, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome, Tracking

No training today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/-/1870 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (30/51) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 7 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (48/51)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (46/51)
Reading 15min: :v: (51/51)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223
After a flying start in January, my training has been more sporadic here in February. There have been several reasons for that. I have used a lot of energy to start a business as a freelance web designer. A business I will try to get off the ground alongside my job as a teacher. Additionally, we have been on vacation in Venice from last Friday to Monday this week. I have made good progress in laying the foundation for my business, so I can again spend time on training more consistently and finish Fit in December.


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Wednesday, February 21, 2024​

I can recommend Bodyguard if you want a solid full-body workout.

Spellbound Chapter 8: Cast Tracking - die roll 4 (1d20) :break:
Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome

Functional strength and tone​

Bodyguard lv 3 with ec (no rest between sets)
10 knuckle push-ups as a finisher

Fit December Day 24 (rest < 1min rest between sets)


3 sets of 10 reps of decline push-ups.


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 180/180/2050 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (31/52) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 8 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (49/52)*
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (47/52)
Reading 15min: :v: (52/52)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen

* January 1: 88.9 kg/20.3 %/67.35 kg (Weight/Body fat/ Muscle mass)
February 21: 82.35 kg/16.7 % /65.20 kg (Weight/Body fat/ Muscle mass)



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Thursday, February 22, 2024​

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome

Functional strength and tone​

Link lv 2 with ec (no rest between sets)

I substituted the 5 knee push-ups with 10 push-ups (regular, raised, stacked, staggered, knuckle, diamond)

Fit December Day 25 (rest < 1min rest between sets)


3 sets of 10 reps of decline push-ups.


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 130/310/2180 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (32/53) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 9 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (50/53)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (48/53)
Reading 15min: :v: (53/53)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen



Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Friday, February 23, 2024​

Today, I did one of my all-time favourite workouts: The Grinder.

Spells charged: Increased Speed, Lightening Storm, Dome

Functional strength and tone​

Grinder lv 2 (no rest between the rounds)

I substituted basic burpees with burpees.

Push-ups/burpees in each set: 11/4; 17/5; 21/6


5 sets of 10 reps of push-ups. I did the push-ups as a cycle of the following variations: Regular, stacked, raised leg, staggered, knuckle.

Fit December​

Fit December Day 26 (rest < 1min rest between sets)


3 sets of 10 reps of decline push-ups.

6 diamond push-ups to get a nice even number.


Touch your toes: 2min45sec toes reach


Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 150/460/2350 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (33/54) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 10 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (51/54)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (49/54)
Reading 15min: :v: (54/54)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen

Last edited:


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Saturday, February 24, 2024​

Today I went hiking with some friends. We were lucky with the weather as it was sunny after several days of rain and we had a great time together.
We were sleeping outdoors in a shelter. I had a new winter sleeping bag, so I didn't freeze at night for the first time even though the temperature was around 0 degrees Celsius.


12 km

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/460/2350 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (34/55) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 11 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (51/55)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (49/55)
Reading 15min: :v: (55/55)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen
Last edited:


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Sunday, February 25, 2024​

Functional strength and tone​

Microworkout: 20 push-ups

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): 20/480/2350 :v: (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :v: (35/56) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 12 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (52/56)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (50/56)
Reading 15min: :v: (56/56)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen
Last edited:


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Monday, February 26, 2024​

No training for me today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/-/2350 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (35/57) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 12 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (53/57)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (51/57)
Reading 15min: :v: (57/57)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen

* January 1: 88.9 kg/20.3 %/67.35 kg (Weight/Body fat/ Muscle mass)
February 26: 83.45 kg/18.0 % /65.00 kg (Weight/Body fat/ Muscle mass) :x:


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Tuesday, February 27, 2024​

No training for me today.

Goals 2024

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/-/2350 (weekly/total goal 460/24000)
Negative pull-ups (day/week/total): -/-/5
Training: :x: (35/58) counter started on January 1, 2024.
Training sessions in February: 12 (goal for February: 20 training sessions)
Diet: :v: (54/58)
No Sugar Challenge: :v: (52/58)
Reading 15min: :v: (58/58)

Books read: Kongens Fald (English: Fall of the King) by Johannes V. Jensen


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Pronouns: she / her
Posts: 1,026
"I just work here."
Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday GIF


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223
Happy New Year, Hive!
2024 was not precisely my year for fitness, but that's life sometimes. Here's to a fresh start and new goals in 2025.

This year, I'm keeping it simple and focused with two main objectives:

  1. 24,000 push-ups – 2,000 a month or about 66 a day. It's ambitious, but consistency is key.
  2. Target weight: 80-82 kg with a body fat percentage of 16-18% – It's all about sustainable habits, clean eating, and mindful training.
I look forward to sharing this journey and cheering on your goals. Let's make 2025 a strong year.


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Saturday, January 4, 2025​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Total Body Strength Day 1 lv 3 (45 sec rest between sets)

Push-ups in each set: 12; 12; 12; 10; 6


2 sets of 6 reps of decline push-ups.

6 stacked push-ups to achieve a nice, even number.


Touch your toes: 2 min toes reach


Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): 70/70/70 (total goal 24000)

Training: :v: (1/4) counter started on January 1, 2025.

Training sessions in January: 1

(Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 84.05 kg/19.0 %/64.7 kg

Books read 2025: None yet.


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Sunday, January 5, 2025​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Total Body Strength Day 2 lv 3 (45 sec rest between sets)

I did ten push-ups after each set (regular; stacked; raised leg; staggered; regular).


2 sets of decline push-ups: 10/8

2 sets of regular push-ups: 6/1.


Touch your toes: 2 min toes reach


Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): 75/145/145 (total goal 24000)

Training: :v: (2/5) counter started on January 1, 2025.

Training sessions in January: 2

January 4: (Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 84.05 kg/19.0 %/64.7 kg

Books read 2025: None yet.


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Monday, January 6, 2025​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Total Body Strength Day 3 lv 3 (45 sec rest between sets)
I did ten push-ups after each set (regular; stacked; raised leg; staggered; diamond).


2 sets of decline push-ups: 10/10


Touch your toes: 2 min toes reach

Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): 70/70/215 (total goal 24000)
Training: :v: (3/6) counter started on January 1, 2025.
Training sessions in January: 3
January 4: (Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 84.05 kg/19.0 %/64.7 kg
Books read 2025: None yet.


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Tuesday, January 7, 2025​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Total Body Strength Day 4 lv 3 (45 sec rest between sets)

Leg raises: 12 leg raises in every set.

I did ten push-ups after each set (regular; stacked; raised leg; staggered; diamond).


2 sets of decline push-ups: 10/10


Touch your toes: 2 min toes reach



3 sets of 12 reps of simultaneous standing bicep curls (10kg dumbbells)

Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): 140/140/285 (total goal 24000)

Training: :v: (4/7) counter started on January 1, 2025.

Training sessions in January: 4

January 4: (Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 84.05 kg/19.0 %/64.7 kg

Books read 2025: None yet.

Favorite LP at the moment: McGuinn, Clark & Hillman


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Wednesday, January 8, 2025​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Total Body Strength Day 5 lv 3 (45 sec rest between sets)
Plank walk-outs: 6 reps in every set.
I did ten push-ups in each set (regular, stacked, raised leg, staggered, diamond).


2 sets of decline push-ups: 10/10


Touch your toes: 2 min toes reach

Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): 70/210/355 (total goal 24000)
Training: :v: (5/8) counter started on January 1, 2025.
Training sessions in January: 5
January 4: (Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 84.05 kg/19.0 %/64.7 kg
Books read 2025: None yet.
Favourite LP at the moment: McGuinn, Clark & Hillman


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Thursday, January 9, 2025​

Rest day

Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): -/210/355 (total goal 24000)
Training: :x: (5/9) counter started on January 1, 2025.
Training sessions in January: 5
January 4: (Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 84.05 kg/19.0 %/64.7 kg
Books read 2025: None yet.
Favourite LP at the moment: McGuinn, Clark & Hillman


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Friday, January 10, 2025​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Total Body Strength Day 6 lv 3 (45 sec rest between sets)
I did ten push-ups after each set (regular; stacked; raised leg; staggered; diamond).


2 sets of decline push-ups: 10/10


Touch your toes: 2 min toes reach

Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): 70/280/425 (total goal 24000)
Training: :v: (6/10) counter started on January 1, 2025.
Training sessions in January: 6
January 4: (Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 84.05 kg/19.0 %/64.7 kg
Books read 2025: None yet.
Favourite LP at the moment: McGuinn, Clark & Hillman


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Saturday, January 11, 2025​

Today's Total Body Strength was tough :softz:

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Total Body Strength Day 7 lv 3 (45 sec rest between sets)


Push-ups: 10/10/10/10/6/4 (10 of each: Regular; stacked; raised leg; staggered; diamond).
3 sets of decline push-ups: 10/7/3


Touch your toes: 2 min toes reach

Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): 70/350/495 (total goal 24000)
Training: :v: (7/11) counter started on January 1, 2025.
Training sessions in January: 7
January 4: (Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 84.05 kg/19.0 %/64.7 kg
Books read 2025: None yet.
Favourite LP at the moment: McGuinn, Clark & Hillman


Well-known member
Duelist Posts: 223

Sunday, January 12, 2025​

Workout of the day​

Functional strength and tone​

Total Body Strength Day 8 lv 3 (45 sec rest between sets)

Knee-in & twist: 12 reps each set

I did ten push-ups after each set (regular; stacked; raised leg; staggered; diamond).


2 sets of decline push-ups: 10/10


Touch your toes: 2 min toes reach

Goals 2025​

Push-ups (day/week/total): 70/420/565 (total goal 24000)

Training: :v: (8/12) counter started on January 1, 2025.

Training sessions in January: 8

January 12: (Weight/Body fat/Muscle mass): 82.75 kg/18.2 %/64.3 kg

Books read 2025: None yet.

Favourite LP at the moment: McGuinn, Clark & Hillman