First Log


New member
Posts: 1
So, to start out with, I’ve (20 yo) been heavy (~180 lb) for as long as I can remember. Five or six years ago it was a hormone imbalance, now it’s just college/not making time for exercise. Recently, my family’s been having issues with our car as well, so we couldn’t do much for food except eat out, which certainly didn’t help. I’m probably around 195 lb right now - I’ve never gotten to 200 lb and I don’t want to check it, either. To me, what’s important is I now have time to do some exercise and program plans - and time to self-reflect on how I can still exercise even when college gets in the way in the fall. I’m thinking just do the light programs - I won’t see improvement, but I won’t turn into a potato either.

My mom’s going to attempt to do this with me as well. She’s 50 yo and 170 lbs, and 3 inches taller than me, but she’s got no muscle so she really wants to join me. We’re starting on a foundation light + zen combo and checking our fitness levels afterward. Today’s our third day and she got 0 sleep so she went on an exercise bike for 12 minutes instead of the normal stuff, and I couldn’t do the second half of the zen because my arms gave out. Also, we’re both prone to dehydration so, I’m trying to be careful this time. I’m used to hurting myself cause I pushed too far and I don’t want to risk it - even if I’m not sore, at least I’m forming a daily habit.

Anyway, if we can get back to our normal diets we will lose weight. This is a log to hold myself more accountable than usual on just the exercising front. If anyone has particular food recommendations, though, I’d love to hear it. We love to mess around with recipes.

Wish us luck!