Fitbit community


Well-known member
Sorceress from Germany
Posts: 314
"Building good habits"
Does anyone here have a Fitbit account?
My friend got me to sign up but we can't connect. I would like to test if I can link with anyone else, and if you want to stay friends on there that's great too!


Well-known member
from germany
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 658
I used to have a fitbit before it was taken over by google but never engaged in the community. My fitness community is The Hive. :LOL:


Well-known member
Gladiator from New Asgard
Posts: 76
"Silent but deadly."
I have a fitbit account and device, but I don't do anything but look at my own stats. I don't even know what my username is


Well-known member
Posts: 283
"Keep fighting. Fortune will favor the patient and persistent."
Does nobody use Fitbit? I'm surprised!
I used to, but two bad things happened:

1) I started obsessing over my personal stats, which was making my ED behavior worse.

2) Attempts to find REAL accountability buddies in the Fitbit community were utter failures. I’d go into details, but it’s not worth risking a gaslight.

So when my last Fitbit broke, I simply threw it away, deleted my Fitbit account and called it good. I’m not saying it’s a bad wearable, but it did more hurt than help for me.