Metrolink Productions' Progress Log!

Ok, I don't know what in the Saiyan world I did or hit but every time I go to scratch my back, my triceps start hurting for no apparent reason. I can't say it is from exercise because I haven't done my daily exercise yet (I usually do it before bed). Speaking of which, if anyone wants to, can someone post an upper body no equipment workout to this thread before 12:00 PM Central Daylight Time (United States), because I can't decide what exercises to do tonight.
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Hey everyone! Before I go to bed, I want to do my daily log entry. I have been thinking of a Halloween costume for this year and settled on this. 👇 I will be making it out of cardboard and hand-painted it. I am still mentally designing it. I have talked to a few other people about it and they gave me a few tips. Now imma head to bed. Thanks for your support.


Well-known member
Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
Pronouns: She/her
Posts: 2,379
"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Now I can see your picture! But tbh I have no idea what that is :D so I can't give you any advice...
Hey everyone, I know I haven't posted in a little while because I have been busy and my dad got sick on halloween, had to go to the hospital on the 1st, and got out saturday. While he was in the hospital, I decided to make a (to me) big personal decision. If you guys want to know what the decision is, let me know and I will announce it. That is all for now and I will see you guys later! Good night! :night:
If you want to share your decision you are welcome ;)
and healing vibes :vibes:
UPDATE FOR EVERYONE: My Dad is feeling better though his sleep meds are hitting him a bit harder, he does have some weakness, but otherwise, he is ok. As for that decision I made while he was in the hospital. I decided to, um, *hesitates* become a *hesitating even more* furry. Yeah, I know, it may seem weird to some of you, but it doesn't hurt to try something new, plus I am having a good experience with it so far. Now if anyone has any questions about my dad, my decision to become a furry, or anything else, just ask and I will try to answer to the best of my ability. But anyway, Thanks guys for your support and healing vibes!
Hey Guys. It has been a while since I last posted on here. So, I have been getting out and running around more recently, I finished making my fursona (See image below), and I have been making music out of fire alarms, tornado sirens, trains, and a few other things. And with that, I have been making more than I did last year, as soon as I finish making one, I immediately start making a new one. I now have 10 friends who are furries, so there is that. We haven't had any major health issues recently other than a few of my brothers having chicken pox (they don't live with us so we weren't affected, thank god). How have you guys been? If you have any questions for me or anything, feel free to ask. Thanks and have a good day!
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