Rantings, Ravings, and Ramblings


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Scout from WNY
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  • I'm so lucky to have him, @CODawn! ❤️
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Meant to do more, but the day got away from me
  • I'll catch up tomorrow!
  • (Before taking the cats to the vet. Wish me luck? 😬)
  • Saw Tyler and Theo!
  • Theo was a tired pup, but I got some love in!
  • Nobu absolutely adored the back of my neck and I got one of the best pictures possible without looking??
  • Gorgeous!
  • Thanksgiving planning is officially on its way
  • Lots to think about this year!
  • We're having guests for the first time since Liam
  • I may have some new recipes to try! That's always exciting!
  • Good: finished everything today, so I get to focus on the cats tomorrow
  • Happy: Nobu is, as always, a delight!


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Scout from WNY
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  • ❤️ @NancyTree, @CODawn!
  • Basics
  • Oh, Bees
  • It's been a day
  • The cats are all fine, shots were given with no difficulties
  • Getting to the vet was an adventure
  • Nobu entered a carrier all on his own (🤯), Casper was "helped" in, and Nox led us on a merry chase
  • It involved multiple staircase chases and a massively enlarged tail, but we got there in the end!
  • At the vet, Nox didn't move from the scale and the vet did everything from there
  • Casper was a cat
  • So was Nobu
  • The vet literally climbed onto the counter to get him down
  • (I've had this vet before with Liam and he was just as great. I adore this clinic!)
  • I didn't think we'd see much of any of them, especially Nox, but all have been around!
  • In unhappy news, my Dad had to go to the emergency room to get all sorts of tests done
  • Turns out it's cellulitis, which is so much better than it could have been!
  • He's feeling pretty poorly right now
  • And amid all this, I managed to exercise and cook supper
  • I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow
  • Good: excellent vet visit
  • Happy: Nox just walked right in front of me. I legitimately thought we wouldn't see him for at least a day!!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @CODawn! The antibiotics are working and Dad's feeling much better!
  • Basics
  • Very tired today
  • Mom is too, though having to get up at 2:30 this morning is her justified excuse
  • Mine? 🤷‍♀️
  • I cuddled with Nobu last night and Nox was especially affectionate before bed
  • Casper was a grouch. My brother says we should have named him Oscar!
  • Didn't say yesterday: Casper lost 3.2 pounds, Nobu lost 1.63 pounds, and Nox gained 1.35 pounds!
  • Nobu and Casper are almost the same size and Nox is 3 pounds heavier than the both of them!
  • We knew the kittens would be bigger than Casper, but now we're curious just how big Nox will be!
  • When the vet tech asked if Casper's weight loss was intentional, I pointed to the boys and she just nodded 😂
  • Good: helped with supper
  • Happy: it's more a general contentedness, really


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I think I may have a cold
  • My sinuses are acting up and I'm super tired
  • Nothing I can't work around, but frustrating
  • Thanksgiving preparations are in full swing
  • Being able to utilize the ovens at church is the absolute best
  • Fingers crossed I keep to my schedules! 🤞
  • Good: got most everything at the store
  • Happy: found all of the cat toys when moving furniture. Nobu is so happy!


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Scout from WNY
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  • Thank you, @Mamatigerj, @Anek!
  • Basics
  • Still feeling sniffly, but having things to do has helped the exhaustion
  • Got the biggest items on my list done!
  • Added one thing last night that I didn't get to
  • I originally planned to make it Tuesday anyway, so it's not a big deal
  • Lots of cooking tomorrow! 😁
  • Good: most important things done
  • Happy: I got Nobu cuddles!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Everything on my list is done!
  • But I didn't fit my exercise in, so I'll catch up tomorrow
  • Nothing I'm doing is complicated, most is just time consuming
  • But it's getting done and I've only had a minor misstep, so it's going well!
  • (I misjudged the potency of the onions and had to pull out the food processor. No coughing, sneezing, or itchy eyes today!)
  • The biggest problem now is finding fridge space for everything I'm prepping 😬
  • Nobu has taken to dropping his ball down the stairs, chasing it down and around the basement, carrying it back up, and doing it all over again
  • It's hysterical!
  • I'd love it if he didn't do it at midnight, but he's having fun!
  • Good: everything on my list is done
  • Happy: Nobu can always make me smile!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Basics
  • My lists are complete!
  • All that's left tomorrow is cooking and reheating
  • (I'm so looking forward to Friday)
  • I've decided we're going full restaurant and using post-its as tickets to keep track of everything
  • Timing is my dad's biggest hurdle and my mom can get behind, too
  • Not this year!
  • So long as you keep on it, cleaning is very relaxing on Thanksgiving!
  • (Still looking forward to Friday)
  • Nobu cuddled with me, so it's been a good day 😅
  • Good: everything (and a bit extra) on my list is done
  • Happy: my sister is coming tomorrow!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • (I will be doing this before bed. It's been a day)
  • I joked yesterday about looking forward to Friday
  • I will be doing the absolute minimum tomorrow
  • My feet, shins, and back are throbbing
  • But!
  • Tonight was a complete success!
  • A bit of a back story:
  • Dad's friend W's wife, N, broke her leg 4 months ago. She's just on crutches now, but it's still a struggle to work in the kitchen
  • So we had guests!
  • My schedules held until it came to the last bits. We were half an hour off schedule 😔
  • No one complained, so I will call it a win!
  • As much as I like W and N, it was most delightful to listen to the conversations as I cleaned everything
  • Two hours without assistance is not bad to have everything back to normal!
  • (I reiterate that various parts of my body are aching)
  • The kittens were scarce, but Casper thrived!
  • I've never seen him so relaxed and happy!
  • The grump is partial to kids, apparently 🤷‍♀️
  • He was letting them pet his stomach!!
  • I'm happier about that than the rest of the evening!
  • Good: supper went off very well and I cleaned everything
  • Happy: good food, great friends, happy cat!


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Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I slept in!
  • Only cleaned after meals that I didn't cook!
  • Read, relaxed, and cuddled with TWO cats!
  • It's been a delightful day!
  • Dad wanted a fire, so it's warm, but the cats are loving it
  • Nobu has been playing with his ball so much today he didn't twitch when Casper joined him and Casper felt safe enough to sleep!
  • (Mom and Dad just wanted to play cribbage. Nobu just wanted attention 😂)

  • We've all spent a quiet, lazy day at home and are all the better for it
  • Good: all the relaxing after the last week
  • Happy: cats being adorable!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • He's as smooth as he is shiny, @Anek!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I have slept more today than I have in the last 2 days
  • Apparently I needed it!
  • I hope to catch up with exercising tomorrow
  • Good: slept as needed
  • Happy: Nobu is on Mom the way he sleeps on me as he never has before and Mom is ecstatic


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Exhaustion physically and mentally keeps dragging me these last few days
  • I did get out of the house, though!
  • Found more gonks at the store
  • Our collection continues to grow!
  • Casper and Nobu saw something outside
  • They kept hitting me with their tails!
  • Nox just let me play with him for a bit and I'm very happy 🥰
  • Good: got out of the house
  • Happy: all the cats!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • If this exhaustion continues tomorrow, I'm scrapping this month's schedule
  • I don't want to have to catch up that much
  • It's been a good day, otherwise
  • It's been snowing for a while, I had cats and hot chocolate, and the water after my shower was cold
  • Apparently I'm loud enough in my chanting to be heard downstairs!
  • (My sister shared that last week 😂)
  • (My chanting goes something like: "cold, cold, cold, COLD, coooold")
  • I see The Nutcracker on Sunday!
  • A meal and a show with my sister?? 🥰
  • Good: have all of the supplies, if not full presents for Christmas
  • Happy: NOX WAS ON MY BED!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I'm feeling better today, but not up to exercising
  • With chores and appointments in the next few days, I'm hoping to realign things
  • Fingers crossed!
  • Do you need a serotonin boost?
  • Share mine!
  • I was going to pet Nobu when I realized my mistake
  • Was he hungry and being opportunistic? Maybe
  • But Nox was sleeping IN THE SAME ROOM AS US for an unspecified amount of time
  • I nearly jumped!
  • Good: more energy
  • Happy: NOX!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Tired, but all my chores got done!
  • Super glad I'm seeing Tyler tomorrow
  • I had Nobu behind me on the couch and he was cleaning his face
  • !!! 😍
  • So cute!!
  • Nox seems to have learned that if the cat tree upstairs is occupied, he can just come downstairs
  • So pretty!
  • Fingers crossed for an early bedtime
  • (Yesterday was supposed to be one. Supposed to be 🤦‍♀️)
  • Good: chores
  • Happy: kitties!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • I got so much done today!
  • Some massive brain fog, but I'll take it over total exhaustion!
  • Hit a bunch of stores
  • (It's so perfectly me, I had to buy it)
  • Got supplies for a new project to try with my Mom
  • (All but guaranteed to come to completion!)
  • And put up the tree!
  • Very early for us
  • Nobu most definitely remembers the tree
  • We're going to figure out how to anchor it before hanging any ornaments
  • As my sister said: at least he's cute!
  • (I had to lift him out the first time; the second, he jumped 🙃)
  • It's especially amusing to watch him lose a toy under the skirt and then fight off the other cats to keep it
  • Good: bunch of things done
  • Happy: 🎄


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Yes, indeed, @OJJJEM!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Today's been pretty good!
  • Finished all my chores and put together another tree
  • This is an old one (at least 20 years) and goes in the back room
  • We couldn't do it while we had Liam, unfortunately
  • It's beautiful through the snow and fogged windows
  • My sister is visiting!!
  • Last minute decision that is the very best!
  • No cats climbed the tree
  • (At least to my knowledge)
  • This is very good news!
  • We started our new project!
  • I'll post pictures tomorrow!
  • Good: everything is done
  • Happy: sister!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Basics
  • I slept in and planned a rest day
  • That didn't end up happening!
  • Dad needed help moving things to and from the attic, so my back hates me now
  • But the guest room looks much better!
  • (We didn't have to pull the white or silver ornaments from last year from the attic 🤦‍♀️)
  • I got only a third of my planned crafting done, but everything is set to finish tomorrow
  • Reveal Time!
  • Christmas Spiders!
  • So simple and fun to make!
  • Currently only in purple and silver because those are our colors this year
  • Nobu has been nearby or stealing seats all day
  • I have multiple pictures, but this one is my favorite!
  • He's using it!!
  • Nutcracker tomorrow!
  • Good: productive day
  • Happy: crafting! Nobu!! Nutcracker!!!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
Hi, @Mamatigerj!

I've been lurking around here 👀

Completed the daily exercise with extra credit every day, but otherwise I've been spending time with family. Cats have been catting; they're leaving the tree alone, for the most part!

I will probably be completing an ornament, just have to decide which one.


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • I just saw that commercial recently and cringed, @GentleOx! 😂
  • Nobu has decided to climb the tree every day since I last posted 🤦‍♀️
  • Daily Exercise w EC yesterday and today
  • Finished 500 squats for my ornament
  • I see Dustin* and Tyler tomorrow and am so glad
  • I have managed to completely mess up my shoulders without exercising
  • That's an accomplishment?
  • *I forgot to make an appointment with Bee this month, but Dustin fit me in!
  • Nobu was very frustrated I was ignoring him to craft
  • He's such a cat! 😂
  • Good: listening to my body
  • Happy: massage tomorrow!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Thank you, @Mamatigerj, @Mianevem, @Matan, @Haleth, @Fremen, @Anek!
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Quiet day until tonight
  • Binged the Doctor Who Special
  • (I'm not over it. So. Good.)
  • Then had my parents binge The Crown
  • It's a lot of TV and music to cover it
  • I still count it as an excellent day!
  • I wish I could say I feel better after being worked over, but I saw Dustin
  • He's not bad, at all, but it's the difference between seeing a masseuse and a massage therapist
  • (For all that he is a massage therapist??)
  • I still have some work to do myself
  • 🤷‍♀️
  • If you're interested, and have the opportunity, GO WATCH THE DOCTOR WHO SPECIAL
  • I need my sister to watch so we can gossip! 😂
  • Good & Happy: Doctor Who


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • It's been a slow, quiet day
  • Exactly what I needed after last night!
  • Still thinking about that special!
  • I have some questions
  • Nothing big is planned for tomorrow, so I may be rewatching the episodes
  • Nox came downstairs a few times!!
  • He really likes when Nobu curls up in front of the fire, because he gets the skirt under the tree 😅
  • Good: quiet day
  • Happy: mandarin oranges and hot chocolate!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • After a spoiler free discussion with my sister, I rewatched the special
  • Then I watched the 50th year special!
  • I am reminded how much I adore Matt Smith as the Doctor
  • You always remember your first
  • I've been cuddling with Nobu and watching Doctor Who
  • There's not much better than that!
  • Good & Happy: delightful day


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Got out of the house before the game and the traffic was still terrible
  • At least I got everything I needed!
  • I will not be participating in the Snowball Fight this year
  • (But jumping jacks instead of squats? 🧐)
  • Nobu found another ball
  • The tree skirt is just not surviving his fun! 😅
  • The tree is in danger, too
  • He was behind the tree and got stuck on the light cord between branches
  • He turned the tree a few inches!
  • For all of his activity, Nox is actually the better hunter
  • Go figure! 🤷‍♀️
  • Good: got outside
  • Happy: great family time!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Been struggling with a headache today
  • I got too much sleep, which probably doesn't help
  • Nobu has both cuddled and slept on the same couch, which has been lovely
  • I also had a cat this morning and I don't know which
  • Casper has joined me the last three days, but he prefers between or against my legs
  • This cat was against my back
  • It was probably Casper
  • But what if it wasn't??
  • Since Nobu doesn't sleep on my bed, that would mean it was Nox
  • I'm allowing myself the hope 😂
  • Good: organized the back room
  • Happy: Nobu has been playing with his ball all day!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • The vet was great, @BrigidForged! The cats were discombobulated enough to be quite calm!
  • Thank you for everything! ♥️
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Nobu has officially "helped" everyone wrap something
  • He holds down the paper?
  • Silly kitten!
  • My headache is gone!
  • I'm hoping the pain in my chest is just costochondritis
  • Ibuprofen helps with that!
  • I do not need a chest infection
  • It's very localized, so I'm hopeful
  • Fingers crossed!
  • My sister sent me a picture using a filter of a large spider on her face
  • I thought she loved me! 😭
  • (Apparently not sending the video is love 😱)
  • Good: convinced Mom to try Korean food and she liked it!
  • Happy: didn't oversleep!


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
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Posts: 2,397
  • Daily Exercise w EC since last post
  • It's been a few weeks of family time, rest, and recuperation
  • My chest is just costochondritis, thankfully
  • It only hurts minorly when I forget to take ibuprofen
  • (I'm no longer on double the normal dose multiple times a day!!)
  • Christmas was excellent
  • My sister won best gift multiple times
  • She's the best!
  • And here right now!
  • We're watching LotR: Twin Towers. Should have the perfect midnight moment!
  • So much better than watching a ball drop
  • I'm adding 2 challenges to work back up to exercising more
  • I'll add a new program next month
  • I have loads of pictures of cats being cats, but I think this one is my favorite
  • He's such a goofball!
  • I sincerely hope 2024 is a year everyone can survive


Well-known member
Scout from WNY
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 2,397
  • Thank you, @Anek!
  • Did you watch to enjoy, or get Thèoden's "so it begins"?
  • My sister was adamant! 😂
  • (Next year she's doing Alien 🤣)
  • This month's schedule:
  • Daily Exercise w EC
  • Power Punch Challenge
  • Power Squat Challenge
  • Splits Exercises
  • Last month's challenge, but not January's
  • My shoulders need a lot of work, so I need to be careful until I can see Bee
  • (11 days and counting 😬)
  • I got a walk in today!
  • -2 (C), so it was brisk!
  • I'll explain more tomorrow, when I have pictures to share
  • (It's an early birthday present that I've wanted for decades)
  • (A seller was a literal mile away 🤯)
  • Has anyone else felt like it's just another day?
  • I've seen a lot on socials about the "new year" and I'm just going: "it's Monday"
  • (I might have been excited about the present 🤔)
  • Good: walked 2 miles in -2°
  • Happy: PRESENT!!!
(Nobu enjoying the fire and being too warm from the fire 😂)

