Sanity not Vanity


New member
Posts: 1
Hi everyone, I’m new around here. I’m starting a new/ renewed fitness journey after 1. taking many years off, and then 2. doodling around for a few years with no real plan- or perhaps more accurately, parts of many plans. I’m overweight, but reasonably able. 5’1”, 165 lb. I would like to lose some weight, but more importantly, want to get stronger and have better balance. I also seriously need to manage my stress. it has recently come to my attention that I have a strong compulsion to “do it alone”, and really am not plugged in to any support network. So I’m gonna give it a go here, and see what that does. I will most likely NOT do daily checkins, that’s way too much for me. But I do welcome conversation and questions, and some constructive accountability. I tend to go hard and then fizzle out, but have learned that if I plan ahead for my workouts I have better success. Also trying not to go hard so I don’t hit a wall within 30 days and bail. For those who might be in it for the numbers:

female, height 5’1” weight 165 lb
avg 7000 steps/day
-daily walk 1.5 miles first thing in the morning, lately has turned into a wog, which feels really good so far.
-yoga once a week
-occasional step aerobics
-during spring and summer, weekly moderate hikes with elevation, but my hiking partner bailed in the last month or so.
I’m currently working on figuring out how to ease into an Amazon plan, to include:
-THRIVE for full body strength
-FIREFLY for cardio
-WILD&FREE for combat
and continue walking/ wogging every day and yoga once a week.

wish me luck! 🍀


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,395
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Welcome :)