Stronger Together!

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Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 671
"Stronger together" is what Caesar (the ape, not the man) said in the sci-fi classic "War For The Planet of the Apes" (and I am paraphrasing a little)

The premise holds true everywhere, any time but perhaps more now than ever before. With the external world appearing to be in disarray and challenges in everyone's daily life, rising the one thing that we have, the super power that allows us to do more with what we have is our ability to connect, share ideas, discuss thoughts and emotionally decompress. There is an entire Guide on this we are getting ready for the other side of the weekend but the reason I am sharing this here is because it's probably never been so important as now to automatically raise each other within The Hive.

Stay awesome fellow Bees and stay safe.


from Frankfurt, Germany
Posts: 19
"Warming up the engine"
Great article, thx to the author(s) :loveu:

Adopting a pet is always a good idea, particularly when it comes to dogs and other animals that like to go for walks as this covers multiple points at once. Even if you are an introvert, the pet will break the ice for you when it comes to casual conversations with strangers who are also walking with their pet .... and sooner or later you will enjoy such conversations and start to look forward to the next opportunity, and even make appointments for having a walk :u:


Well-known member
from Venice, Italy
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 63
Thank you, I almost cried reading this one. Yes, I'm that bad these days and for no reason at all except for a stupid, chemically imbalanced brain. A big hug to all bees who make this place such a safe one and a bigger hug to all people who make this possible


Ranger from Tampa, FL
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 19
Directly adding to what I posted above I am linking to our latest guide on how to fix loneliness. Loneliness is a modern 'disease' but the cure is as old as the hills. If you know anyone at all who could benefit from the ten-step guide we have created here, directing them to it could potentially change their lives.
Having community is such a huge help with this :)

For me, my faith community has played a huge part in helping my loneliness post-COVID. I also appreciate how you mentioned service as a way to help cure loneliness. It's so true...when we give of ourselves, it helps us feel more alive and rejuvenated. Jesus said he came to serve rather than be served, and this is an encouraging way to live. It's easy for me to forget this and ball up to myself, especially when I'm working from home.

Thanks for this article @Damer!
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