The log continues.


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Gladiator from Boston
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Took me a while to get registration right, but I finally managed, and now I can fill in from before.

September 21 was my 1306th day of consecutive exercise in one form or another, even if it was only token workout stuff before bed. On Sept. 21st I did 18 minutes/3.12 miles, 9 minutes/1.59 miles, and 7 minutes/1.12 miles on my bike. That makes it day 2 that week for the COVID longitudinal survey I'm enrolled in- for reference, the survey is part of a study done through the Eureka citizen science app, from the University of California San Francisco. I was recruited into the study during the earlier days of the pandemic because the Bone Marrow Registry people had my name and HLA types, and apparently I matched some profile that they wanted data about. The Eureka people asked me if I would fill out surveys for Eureka on a regular basis about my medications, vaccinations, behavior, mental state, etc. When I mention 'the COVID survey' it's not because I have ever had COVID, to my knowledge; the study was, and currently still is, as much about people who don't get it as people who do. If I ever had it, I didn't recognize it as being worth a diagnosis at the time. I've taken several nasal home tests on days when I didn't feel well or when I had to travel, and I never had a positive result. Mostly if I mention the COVID survey here, it's because once a week, they ask me how many days I have exercised for at least twenty minutes at a level that caused me to breathe hard or sweat. So... September 21st was day 2 for the COVID survey for the week. It was also day 87 of consecutive flossing. I know this is more than the flossing challenge here at Darebee actually tracks, but if I have to keep up a streak here, I'm more likely to keep doing it than if I'm just doing it because the dentist said to.
September 22, day 1307. 11 minutes/1.83 miles, 7 minutes/0.94 miles, 6 minutes/0.87 miles, and 11 minutes/1.78 miles. That's day 3 for the COVID survey for the week. Day 88 consecutive flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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September 23, day 1308. 100 punches before bed. Day 89 flossing.
September 24, day 1309. 3 sets 15 wall pushups. Day 90 flossing.
September 25, day 1310. Wanted to bicycle, but found that a headache that flares when you stand up from a seated position, or when you bend forward, is not conducive to that activity. 150 punches before bed; day 91 flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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September 26, day 1311.
Classic warm-up, more or less
Cultivator workout. 15 lbs per hand for everything except the lat raises, that's 10 lbs per hand. Used Arnold presses instead of standard shoulder presses, as my right shoulder clicks a lot less during the Arnold press motion than a standard shoulder press motion. Level 1- just 3 sets- but it was 10:51 worth of post-warmup sweat/heavy breathing. Hopefully I can get in some bike time later today, I will update for that and flossing.
ETA: 6 minutes/0.94 miles, 7 minutes/1.19 miles, 6 minutes/0.84 miles on the bike. Day 1 for the COVID survey this week. Day92 consecutive flossing.

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Gladiator from Boston
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Sept. 27, day 1312. So far today, bike travel of 11 minutes/1.84 miles, 7 minutes/0.94 miles. There will be more this evening, and also floss. I will edit then.

ETA: 6 minutes/0.99 miles, 9 minutes/1.56 miles, that's 20 minutes so it's day 2 for the COVID survey. Day 93 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Sept 28, day 1313. 11 minutes/2.07 miles, 2 minutes /0.27 miles, 10 minutes/1.49 miles on the bike; day 3 for the COVID survey. Day 94 consecutive flossing.
Sept 29, day 1314. 11 minutes/1.82 miles, 7 minutes/0.96 miles, 6 minutes/0.88 miles, 7 minutes/1.05 miles, 6 minutes/0.86 miles, 9 minutes/1.44 miles. Day 4 for the COVID survey, day 95 consecutive flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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Sept. 30, day 1315.
Classic warm-up, or something like it (I added a few things, nothing fancy)
Modded Epic Arms. 5x(20 alt bicep curls, 40 punches), plus another 20+40 pair because I forgot to turn on my timer.
Day 1 of Better Legs challenge
Day 1 of Core Control challenge

this totals out to around 8 minutes of timed sweating/hard breathing workout for the day, so it does not count for the survey yet, but I hope to get on my bike after work and proceed from there. Will edit for that and for flossing.

ETA: did not bike so no survey update, but day 96 consecutive flossing, that's something.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 1, day 1316. Forgot my exact obligations for either challenge, did 3 sets 20 side leg lifts per leg for a total of 120 lifts (60 right leg, 60 left). Treat that as day 2 of core control and I will get back on track with better legs tomorrow. Day 97 consecutive flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 4. Day 1319. 9 minutes/1.53 miles, 6 minutes/0.94 miles, 6 minutes/0.85 miles, and 10 minutes/1.42 miles on the bike. Day 1 for the COVID survey. Better Legs day 3- 3 sets 24 back leg raises. Core Control day 5, 40 torso twists. Day 100 consecutive flossing.
Oct. 5. Day 1320. Better Legs day 4, 3 sets 24 side leg raises. Core Control day 6, 80 side leg raises. Will edit later for flossing and for any further exercise, should such arise.

ETA: did not exercise further but did do day 101 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 6. Day 1321. Better Legs day 5, Core Control day 7, more than 20 minutes of bicycling which I will fill in later, day 102 consecutive flossing.

EDIT: Okay, I fell asleep within minutes of last night's post, so the bike time yesterday:
11 minutes/1.82 miles
7 minutes/0.97 miles
5 minutes/0.88 miles
7 minutes/1 mile
7 minutes/0.85 miles
11 minutes/1.82 miles

So that's... well, it's enough for the COVID survey, so it's day 2 for the week for that.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 7. Day 1322.
Better Legs day 6 (3 sets 26 side leg raises).
Core Control day 8 (80 side leg raises).

Will update later for more exercise and/or flossing. ETA: did not exercise further, but it was day 103 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 8 day 1323. Better Legs day 7, core control day 9, bicycling to be added later, day 104 flossing.

EDIT: 4 min/0.94 miles, 4 min/0.54 miles, 10 min/1.52 miles, total is 18 minutes, I think I can call this day 1 for the COVID survey for the week
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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 9 day 1324. 5 minutes/0.86 miles, 5 minutes/0.96 miles, 9 minutes/1.42 miles. Better Legs day 8, I think. Day 2 for the COVID survey for the week. Day 105 flossing.
Oct. 10. Day 1325. Got a bit lazy, did core control day 9 over again by mistake but at least that's something. Day 106 flossing.
Oct. 11. Day 1326. 11 minutes/1.83 miles, 6 minutes/0.96 miles, 6 minutes/0.87 miles, 11 minutes/1.82 miles, day 3 for the COVID survey. Day 106 consecutive flossing.
Oct. 12. Day 1327. Day 10 of Core Control. Day 107 consecutive flossing.
Oct. 13. Day 1328. So far, 12 minutes/1.87 miles and 6 minutes/0.96 miles. Will edit later for further cycling (may be impacted by predicted rains this afternoon), flossing.
ETA: 9 minutes/1.39 miles, 2 minutes/0.29 miles, 7 minutes/1.11 miles, 6 minutes/0.85 miles, 9 minutes/1.4 miles. So day 4 for the COVID survey for the week. Day 108 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 14. Day 1329. Day 11 Core Control (40 torso twists). Day 109 consecutive flossing.
Oct. 15. Day 1330. Day 12 Core Control (110 side leg raises). Day 110 consecutive flossing.
Oct. 16. Day 1331. Day 13 Core Control (40 torso twists), added 10 torso twists just because. Decided that each time the news media or my own biochemistry leaves me emotionally exhausted or despairing, I would do one floor pushup or five wall pushups. I did 20 wall pushups total. Day 111 consecutive flossing.
Oct. 17. Day 1332. So far today, 60 torso twists and five wall pushups. There will be more exercise later today, also flossing, I will edit then.
ETA 1: ten wall pushups total, the previous five plus five more
ETA: also five floor pushups (no room on the wall for the moment)
ETA 3: today had a total of twenty wall pushups and five floor pushups. Also it was day 112 of consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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October 18. Day 1333. So far:

1.48 miles/10 minutes, 0.8 miles/6 minutes, this was very cautious riding because my seat was coming loose and I had no tool to fix it before getting to work
0.67 miles/5ish minutes, then 1.1 miles in ... maybe 9 or 10 minutes? Wasn't really timing it; this was on a rental bike with nowhere to strap my phone and turn on the cyclocomp software
1 mile/10 minutes, also a rental bike but I was more careful this time

There will be more later but I wanted that down to begin with

Edit 1: I read a political news story. Five floor pushups
Edit 2: total of ten floor pushups for the day. Also, 0.98 miles/7 minutes and 1.44 miles/10 minutes. So that's day 1 for the COVID survey.

And day 113 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 20, day 1335. 10 minutes/1.52 miles, 7 minutes/0.99 miles, 8 minutes/1.04 miles, 7 minutes/0.90 miles, 6 minutes/0.85 miles, 12 minutes/1.84 miles, day 2 for the COVID survey, 15 wall pushups, day 115 consecutive flossing.

Oct. 21, day 1336. Proper exercise will follow later and I'll edit this post to reflect that, but I had a multiple personal biochemistry moments this morning and had to do five ten fifteen twenty thirty-five floor pushups as a result. Strong probability of more. We'll see.

... I opted for five floor pushups per incident instead of one, for what that's worth, I'm not that badly mood-swingy today.

ETA: 110 torso twists, and day 116 consecutive flossing
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Gladiator from Boston
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Oct. 22, day 1337. 5 minutes/0.83 miles, 7 minutes/1.34 miles, 11 minutes/1.69 miles on the bike. Day 1 for the COVID survey for the week. I'd meant it to be an extended single stretch of bike riding, or two - one out, one back- but I ride with binoculars more often than not and when you hear the SCREECH of feral parakeets in Massachusetts you kind of have to stop and look for the little green bastards. Day 117 consecutive flossing.

Oct. 23, day 1338. 120 torso twists before bed. Day 118 consecutive flossing.
Oct. 24, day 1339. 125 torso twists, 10 push-ups. Day 119 consecutive flossing.
Oct. 25, day 1340. So far, 12 minutes/1.84 miles and 7 minutes/0.94 miles. Further bulletins as events warrant.
EDIT: I had to scramble like nobody's business to get to the ferry home yesterday, so I didn't time myself for part of the ride, but it was 0.85 miles. After the ferry the ride home was 10 minutes/1.42 miles. So that's day 2 for the COVID survey for the week. Also there were fifteen wall pushups and day 120 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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October 26, day 1341.
150 torso twists
Modded Epic Arms (20 curls and 40 punches instead of 10 and 20), 15 lbs per hand
Eye of the Tiger workout, level 1, but with EC
Five floor pushups so far

I'm sweating, but I haven't been timing myself. I don't know if I hit 20 or not so I'm not counting this for the COVID survey. Will edit later for any further pushups and for flossing. ETA: 15 wall pushups, day 122 consecutive flossing
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Gladiator from Boston
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October 27, day 1342. 12 minutes/1.83 miles, 7 minutes/0.98 miles, 6 minutes/0.87 miles, 12 minutes/1.8 miles. day 3 for the COVID survey. day 123 consecutive flossing
October 28. day 1343. 3 sets 60 torso twists before bed. Day 124 consecutive flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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October 29. Day 1344. 23 minutes/4.1 miles, 10 minutes/1.46 miles, 21 minutes/3.38 miles, 3 minutes/0.34 miles. Day 1 for the COVID survey, day 125 consecutive flossing.
October 30. Day 1345. 27 minutes/4.70 miles, 19 minutes/3.58 miles. Day 2 for the COVD survey, day 126 consecutive flossing.
October 31. Day 1346. So far, just five pushups, but we'll see how the rest of the day goes. ETA; five more pushups, plus 100 punches. Day 127 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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November 1. Day 1347. So far:
9 minutes/1.36 miles, 3 minutes/0.45 miles, 18 minutes/2.96 miles. (We are at day 3 for the week for the COVID survey so far.)
Five pushups so far.
EDIT: total of fifteen pushups (five floor, ten wall) for the day, plus 11 minutes/1.8 miles more. The ferry I have been taking to work on days when I have to work in the office had a breakdown, and no email was sent to me until after I got to the ferry dock and saw the closed gates- the distances reflect 'rode to the cafe just down the road from the ferry, rode to the ferry, rode BACK from the ferry to the T, and in the afternoon rode home from the T'. As for the pushups I was in a phenomenally bad mood yesterday all around. Day 128 flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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November 2. Day 1348.

Classic warm up
Peach workout. 3 sets of everything. 15 reps of everything that was marked 10 reps. This came out to 13 minutes 38 seconds of sweaty exercise so far today. ETA: that was it for the day, but I did add day 129 flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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November 3. Day 1349. My ferry remains out of commission so my choices were take the bus to the T and take the T to work, ride my bike to the T and take the T to work, or what I actually did, which is ride my bike 31 minutes and 5.37 miles to get to a water taxi pickup point and take the water taxi to work instead. The T is just too crowded at this point for me to feel safe. I will update alter with the rest of my riding and with flossing info, but at least I'm on day 4 for the COVID survey this week.
Also, so far today, ten wall pushups.
EDIT: Also 4 minutes/0.43 miles, then 23 minutes/4.29 miles.
Also five more wall pushups.
Also day 130 flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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November 4. Day 1350. Did not feel well at all- sinus pain, sinus congestion, post-nasal drip. But no fever and a nasal swab said no COVID, and anyway the whole constellation of malaise was the same stuff I've been getting at this time of year since at least college, so I started myself on store-brand acetaminophen/antihistamine/decongestant blend tablets and was grateful to work from home. Fifteen wall pushups, 100 punches before bed, day 131 flossing.
November 5. Day 1351. Canceled my firearms safety class and took the day to spend at home while the coughing issues continued. Twenty wall pushups, 100 punches before bed, day 132 flossing.
November 6. Day 1352. Emotional state all over the place, mostly personal, some news-related, so 25 wall pushups and 100 punches before bed. Day 133 flossing.
Have not started exercising today but a post on Reddit with the subject line "you matter, you are enough" and the text "you belong in the world today" has sent me into tears twice now, so that's gonna be ten pushups when I get around to it. I hate my endocrine system sometimes.


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Gladiator from Boston
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November 7. Day 1353. Official exercise to come later but so far my five-pushups-per-emotional-exhaustion-despair-or-borderline-hysterical-sobbing incident policy has resulted in a total of thirty-five forty forty-five fifty-five pushups.

EDIT: By the end of the day it was a total of either sixty-five or seventy pushups, ten or fifteen of which were wall pushups. I opted to assume that that counted for my daily official exercise.

Also day 134 flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Thanks, hon. It was... it was a day.

Nov. 8. Day 1354. Ten pushups. Fifty torso twists before bed. Day 135 flossing.
Nov. 9. Day 1355. So far, five pushups. Will edit later for more, and for whatever other exercise I do and for flossing. ETA: no further pushups, but I walked two miles, and I did fifty torso twists before bed. Day 136 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Nov. 10. Day 1356. 75 torso twists before bed. Day 137 consecutive flossing.
Nov. 11. Day 1357. 100 punches before bed. Day 138 consecutive flossing.
Nov. 12. Day 1358. 29 minutes/5.57 miles and 22 minutes/3.61 miles on the bike, day 1 for the COVID survey. Day 139 consecutive flossing.
Nov. 13. Day 1359. 100 punches before bed. Day 140 consecutive flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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Nov. 14. Day 1360. EDIT: I missed entering a day; there were 10 wall pushups and 40 torso twists on the 14th. Day 141 consecutive flossing.
Nov. 15. Day 1361. 15 wall pushups, 40 torso twists. Day 142 consecutive flossing. This was a work-in-the-office day but I do not count my walk distance to the bus stop or from the T station to the office in my exercise; it would happen whether or not I intended to exercise that day.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Nov. 16. Day 1362. Forty torso twists, one hundred punches, day 143 consecutive flossing.
Nov. 17. Day 1363. Sixty torso twists, day 144 flossing.
Nov. 18. Day 1364. One hundred twenty punches before bed, day 145 flossing.
Nov. 19. Day 1365. Started doing ten or twenty torso twists whenever I went into the bathroom. I think I did sixty total this day. Day 146 flossing.
Nov. 20. Day 1366. 100 torso twists. Day 147 flossing.
Nov. 21. Day 1367. Eighty torso twists. Day 148 flossing.
Nov. 22. Day 1368. One hundred and twenty, maybe 140, torso twists, day 149 flossing.
Nov. 23. Day 1369. Fifty torso twists. (I spent most of the day on the train.) Day 150 flossing.
Nov. 24. Day 1370. Twenty-five wall pushups, 100 punches before bed, Day 151 flossing.
Nov. 25. Day 1371. 120 punches, day 152 flossing. ETA: plus five wall pushups


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Gladiator from Boston
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Nov. 26. Day 1372. About half an hour of riding a bike. This does not count towards COVID survey data because the bike time was spent riding at a pace that kept up with my eleven-year-old nibling who was riding a hoverboard; mostly this counted as extended balance exercise for me with a little bit of leg effort. There was some walking and other bike riding before that, too, but I didn't time it. Skipped flossing because I had run out of my regular floss and the only stuff I had on hand was unwaxed (I buy this for use in cutting soft, round dough products) and I'd used the unwaxed the night before and ye gods it was nasty between my teeth.
Nov. 27. Day 1373. 45 pushups. 100 punches. Day 1 flossing again.
Nov. 28. Day 1374. 100 punches before bed. Day 2 flossing.
Nov. 29. Fifteen wall pushups. Day 3 flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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Nov. 30. Day 1376. 50 torso twists before bed. Day 4 flossing.
Dec. 1. Day 1377. 60 torso twists before bed. Day 5 flossing.
Dec. 2. Day 1378. 100 punches, 5 pushups. Day 6 flossing.
Dec. 3. Day 1379. 100 punches. Day 7 flossing.
Dec. 4. Day 1380. 50 torso twists. Day 8 flossing.
Dec. 5. Day 1381. 60 torso twists. Day 9 flossing.
Dec. 6. Day 1382. So far today, 12 minutes/2 miles on a bikeshare bike, also 5 minutes/1 mile on a bikeshare, and about 5-10 minutes of fast walking. There will be more later, and also flossing. ETA: 50 torso twists, day 10 flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Dec. 8. Day 1384. 60 torso twists, day 12 flossing.
Dec. 9. Day 1385. 70 torso twists, day 13 flossing.
Dec. 10. Day 1386. 100 punches, day 14 flossing.
Dec. 11. Day 1387. 120 punches, day 15 flossing.
Dec. 12. Day 1388. So far, 30 wall pushups (I've had some emotional moments reading the news and shopping). More later. EDIT: 50 torso twists, day 16 flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Dec. 13. Day 1389. 40 wall pushups, 100 torso twists, day 17 flossing.
Dec. 14. Day 1390. 25 wall pushups, 60 torso twists, day 18 flossing.
Dec. 15. Day 1391. So far today, 10 wall pushups. More later. EDIT: total of 20 wall pushups and 50 torso twists. Day 19 flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Dec. 16. Day 1392. So far today, Epic Arms, doubled ((20 bicep curls + 40 punches) * 5), using 15 lbs per arm. 80 torso twists. Will edit later for any other exercise and for flossing. Edit: well, day 20 flossing, that's a start
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Gladiator from Boston
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Dec. 17, day 1393 of the streak. 30 wall pushups, 60 torso twists, day 21 flossing.
Dec. 18, day 1394. 10 floor pushups, 100 punches, day 22 flossing.
Dec. 19, day 1395. Classic warm up plus 10 jumping jacks. Epic Arms, doubled ((20 bicep curls + 40 punches) * 5), using 15 lbs per arm. 80 torso twists. Will edit later for flossing. EDIT: Day 23 consecutive flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Dec. 20, day 1396. So far today, thirty wall pushups. (Didn't actively burst into tears, came close, dealing with general stress, holiday stress, worrying about my family, hormonal weirdness, etc.- it adds up after a while.) More later.
ETA: total of 35 45 wall pushups, and ten fifteen twenty-five floor pushups, so far. Also, day 24 flossing.
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Gladiator from Boston
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:hug: cry if you have to...I do!
much appreciated, believe me...

Dec. 21. Day 1397. Spent a total of nine and a half hours' time pin-basting a quilt sandwich together, quilting the thing, and correcting as many of my own errors as I could before reaching the point of Oh Fuck This I Can Do The Rest Of The Work Tomorrow Morning. Not exercise per se but since it involved clambering all over the floor and manipulating a fairly heavy unit of fabric/batting/fabric, it may have counted a little bit. left my neck and my shoulders so. freaking. sore. I think I did fifteen wall pushups, too. There were fifty torso twists before I finally went to bed. Day 25 flossing.
Dec. 22. day 1398. 2.5 to 3 hours of work on the quilt, but that was primarily binding the edges, so the only real physical effort was supporting the quilt as I managed to get the edges sewn and ironed and folded and sewn again. 50 torso twists before bed. Day 26 flossing.
Dec. 23. Day 1399. 10 wall pushups and 5 or 10 (I forget) floor pushups today; 100 punches. Have not flossed yet, will do so before bed. EDIT: Day 27 flossing.
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Dec. 24. Day 1400. 15 wall pushups. Fifteen minutes of playing a game with my nibling best described as Run Around The Basement Throwing Soft But Not Very Aerodynamic Objects At Each Other As Hard And As Fast As You Can (But Don't Get Hit). Been a while since I've done that many overhand throws, let alone that fast and that persistently. Day 28 flossing.


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Dec. 25. Day 1401. Probably should have done a significant number of pushups but opted out of that for the 25th and 26th, I just needed to go easy on myself. 50 torso twists before bed. Day 29 flossing.
Dec. 26. An hour and 15-20 minutes of ice skating. Very slow skating because I had an eleven-year-old child holding onto one arm or the other almost the entire time- I took two of my niblings skating- but that's still a good stretch of physical exercise, so it counts. Day 30 consecutive flossing.


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Shaman from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year


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Gladiator from Boston
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Happy New Year as
And the same to you!

Urgh, I need to update more frequently...

Dec. 27. Traveled home from visiting family. Most of the day was spent on the train; I did 50 torso twists before bed, though, so that's day 1403. And, unfortunately, left my floss behind by mistake so there were a few days before I acquired a new pack.
Dec. 28. Day 1404. 100 punches before bed.
Dec. 29. Day 1405. 100 punches. 10 wall pushups.
Dec. 30. Day 1406. 120 punches.
Dec. 31. Day 1407. 60 torso twists.
Jan. 1. Day 1408. Epic Arms, as written, 15 lbs. per hand; 10 wall pushups; day 1 flossing.
Jan. 2. Day 1409. 80 torso twists. Day 2 flossing.


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Gladiator from Boston
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Jan. 4. Day 1415.
Classic warm up
Peach workout. 3 sets (instead of 2) of leg extensions, leg swings, side leg extensions (30 of these rather than 10). 30 sec rest between the exercises but not between the sets. 3 sets of 15 bridges because I have trouble with the glute flex as shown; 30 seconds rest between sets. 3 sets of 15 clamshells each leg, with 1 set of 15 side leg lifts from the same lying-down posture between each set rather than rest; 30 seconds rest after that. 3 sets 15 v leg extensions total. So EC, I guess.
Doubled Epic Arms- 5x(20 alt bicep curls, 40 punches).
ten floor pushups, not for emotional reasons, but for the sake of doing ten pushups.
This was 22:56 sweating/heavy breathing time post warm up so that's day 1 for the COVID survey for the week. ETA: flossed before bed.
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Gladiator from Boston
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Jan. 5. Day 1416. 100 punches, day ... well, I had a dentist visit and the hygienist did the flossing, so... meh. I'll restart the count.
Jan. 6. Day 1417. 100 punches, flossing day 1
Jan. 7. Day 1418. 60 torso twists, flossing day 2
Jan. 8. Day 1419. 70 torso twists, flossing day 3
Jan. 9. Day 1420. 50 overhead punches, flossing day 4
Jan. 10. Day 1421. 60 overhead punches, flossing flossing day 5
Jan. 11. Day 1422. 80 torso twists, flossing day 6