The true benefit of Tai Chi


I started learning Tai Chi Chuan Feb 14 1979, over the years had learned the 3 main styles, Yang, Wu and Chen. I also do Tai Chi sword and sabre forms done with mirror versions, right hand then left. Tai Chi also includes warm up movements, partner work such as push hands.

The main benefit is to learn the forms and practice every day. I use to go to a studio twice a week plus Sunday in the park, the class in the studio would be 2 and 1/2 hours. then everyday at home memorizing the movement spending at least an hour.

My first teacher told us that Aikido was the Japanese Tai Chi, then trained for 4 years 8 hour a week Dojo time plus daily home practice plus my home Tai Chi. Aikido involved solo practice, partner work and wood weapons, solo and with partner. The weapon training also included Kenjutsu as well as Aikido weapons.

I did do some months of Systema, said to be the Russian Tai Chi.

So the real Tai Chi benefit is putting much time, and know what each movement is and it's application.


1979 the first style of Tai Chi I learnt was Chen Man-Chings Yang 37 form and also do a mirror version. A recommended DVD that can likely be watched from your library . . .

The Professor: Tai Chi's Journey West is a feature documentary about Tai Chi and one of its great masters, Cheng Man-Ching, a man who brought Tai Chi and Chinese culture to the West during the swinging, turbulent 60’s. This documentary film tells his remarkable story and features Tai Chi as a martial art and a spiritual practice.



Well-known member
Mystic from Kansas
Posts: 445
Fasinating! My kickboxing teacher also teaches Tai Chi, and I've been interested in taking a couple of classes. I'm glad you've gotten so much good out of it, it's truly a fasinating and beautiful art. Loved the video.


My kickboxing teacher also teaches Tai Chi, and I've been interested in taking a couple of classes.
There are 3 main family styles, Chen, Wu and Yang, the professor came to New York and simplified the Yang 108 posture form with less repetition. The Cheng Man-Ching form took me 3 months to completely memorize, compared to the Wu style I do which took me 7.

This is Cheng's form, also on the DVD . . .

A form like this you learn by only doing a few moves and practice everyday, then when you have it memorized you add a few more moves and practice all them daily. Your teacher will say what style he teaches then you can find a YouTube as reference. There's a very simplified form called Yang 28, can be memorized in a short time.