What did you do over the weekend?


Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 131
"Be Strong - Be Active - Be empowered."
I'm retired so everyday is much like another. My gym at the 50plus gym is only open through the week Mon-Fri and walk 15mins there for 7:15am. Everyday I do a headstand and 30 mins of Taijiquan plus sword and sabre forms at home and some calisthenics. Walk everyday, our apartment is located so we can walk up town or trails.

Saturday is grocery shopping day and do that at 7am. 10am walk uptown to the market, listen outside to the musician and people watch, my old buddy for 50 years shows up then go inside upstairs to the Tea Haus. Sunday my wife and I did a 2 hour walk that was partly nature trail. My wife will do nature hikes with friends several days through the week for a couple of hours and still drag me out for another walkabout later.

At 71 not a problem to recover from my heavy weights I do 4 days plus one day lighter routine with more calisthenics.


Well-known member
Paladin from Texas, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 149
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
Friday I did a mini Read-a-thon! One hour of reading, thirty minutes of journaling, thirty minutes of 'other' (stretching, playing with the cat, brewing another mug of tea :drink:, etc.), repeat until bedtime!

Usually my Fridays are full of running errands, so I was really happy to have a day to focus on reading and relaxing.


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 581
"Trust The Awesomeness"
I spent two hours organizing the garage on Saturday after breakfast then made Indian curry for lunch :D I had to improvise with the ingredients there but it turned out alright (= edible!). I definitely want to work on that one and see if I can perfect it. Next time I'll air-fry tofu for sure instead of baking it. The texture was completely off. In the evening I chilled a bit with my boys before bed-time cardio :happy:

Sunday was a working day :bored: I did take two breaks: one to go for a run and another one to watch Loki (episode 2 & 3). We had popcorn so that was lunch.


Overall I give this weekend: 8 / 10

Even though I didn't do anything special, I achieved a lot and had a good time :cutter:


Shieldmaiden from Greece
Posts: 581
"Trust The Awesomeness"
I spent forever organizing my spices on Saturday after work. I was a woman with a hammer and everything was a nail = cause I bought a mortar :amused: We'll be having curries for lunch for a looong, looong time.

Sunday morning I helped a friend by modeling her handmade jewelry for Instagram. She took some amazing photos! It was fun! I haven't used makeup in years and although it was amazing to transform for a day, I was really happy to wash all of it off in the evening.

Overall I give this weekend: 9 / 10


Well-known member
Viking from The Depths
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Posts: 879
I cooked big pots of salty bread, massive drumsticks of roast meat, and copious amounts of honeyed mead, and handed out good times to the commoners.


Oops... wrong era.


No but I actually do prep food, so it's easy to just throw together and warm up during the week. I read my book, wrote some, though not enough. And I stay within eyesight of my parrot.

Because it's breeding season, and I'm his slave...er, female. Person. Whatever. He's very fussy at the moment about even allowing me to go to the bathroom. 🙄

My weekends are a lot like my weekdays now that I'm unemployed again, TBH.


Well-known member
Ranger from Southern Ontario, Canada
Pronouns: She/Her
Posts: 113
"Getting strong enough to keep two tiny humans from unaliving themselves."
In the extreme adulting aspect of life, I got my inherited crystal into my new mahogany display case and I am quite chuffed.

To think that is the thing that sparks joy would very much disappoint my 13 year old self.


Well-known member
Paladin from Texas, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 149
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
Laundry Day on Saturday - this is a Very Big Deal at my house, because I hate laundry and keep enough clothes/linens that I only have to wash them twice a month. I'm always very proud of myself when I get done with laundry :tude:.

Sunday was reward day for finishing the Guardian challenge! I picked up System Collapse by Martha Wells and a bunch of LUSH bath stuff from their holiday collection. My bathroom smells very festive now. :bouncy:

Grace Ward

Warrior from Lake Cities, Texas
Posts: 13
"I live to SWEAT! Growing stronger, faster, better, everyday!"
How was your weekend?
Did you do anything interesting/special?
How did you recover from the week that passed?

Note: This is an ongoing topic.
I have been a runner for over 40 years. Been doing a lot of cross training over the past 6 months. Lost 25 pounds and almost got a NEW PR this past weekend! Also, my PR was from 30 years ago, so if I can pass it in the next month at one of the many races - WHAT A WIN!


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from Bhadrak
Posts: 9
This week is special to me .From the start of the week I had gone a picnic spot named "Tara Tarini" .In this winter season during the journey period severe cold occurs in the travelling Bus. In the lunch hour also done Rice,dal and roasted meat and also bread.I have also riding on a hill side. It was the journey of two days.


New member
Posts: 1
I spent two hours organizing the garage on Saturday after breakfast then made Indian curry for lunch :D I had to improvise with the ingredients there but it turned out alright (= edible!). I definitely want to work on that one and see if I can perfect it.
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Well-known member
Warrior Monk Posts: 131
"Be Strong - Be Active - Be empowered."
Sunday mornings 9am my wife and I go to our apartment pool and I swim lengths underwater for 30 mins, I come up for breath each end. There's also the hot jet pool and electric sauna.



Well-known member
Paladin from Texas, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 149
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
A 3.5 day weekend for me! Yay for vacation time!

The half day was errands :sus:.

The first full day was baking day! I made three small rounds of white bread (two for the freezer and one for IMMEDIATE CONSUMPTION :muahaha:), a loaf of chocolate tea bread, and two batches of honey oatmeal cookies: one with candied ginger bits and one with chocolate chips :worried:

The second full day was car repair day :shiver:. Thankfully, my auto shop is downtown and within walking distance of the library, a local-owned coffee shop (that makes the best scones), a cold-press juice bar, and a fantastic local-owned deli. My tradition, since I'm gonna be in the area for hours waiting anyway, is to just make a day of it anytime I have to take my car to the shop.

The last day was housekeeping - and video games! :typy:


Well-known member
Paladin from Texas, USA
Pronouns: she/her
Posts: 149
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
I think i need this recipe:please:

Here you go! It's from the Winnie-the-Pooh Teatime Cookbook, which is well worth getting if you like traditional teatime fare. So many good recipes!

Chocolate Tea Bread

2 sticks butter
1 1/4 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 eggs
1 c. cocoa powder
1 c. plain yogurt
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 3/4 c. flour
4 oz. chocolate chips

Cream butter, sugar and vanilla till light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, mixing rapidly. Gently mix in cocoa, yogurt, baking powder, baking soda and salt, then mix in flour. Lastly, stir in the chocolate chips. Put into a well-greased 9x5 loaf pan and bake about an hour at 350 F. Leave in pan to cool with a towel over it.


Bard from Europe
Posts: 16
On weekends, I usually do some cleaning, run errands, and take care of administrative tasks. I also read, listen to music, play arrow crosswords, and watch the documentaries/debates I didn't have time to watch during the week. I also nap, or work out a bit.

This past weekend was pretty much a copy-paste of what my usual routine, but I don't really mind. I did watch some very interesting segment about medical procedures during Antiquity, and it was truly fascinating :D (Did you know that the Romans invented the arterial clamp? Welp, I didn't.)


from Bhadrak
Posts: 9
In this weekend I had gone to nearby temple named as "Dhauli" .It is a temple of Lord shiva who sitted on the top of the hill inside the temple & brought his blessings for my bright future.After then I saw a newly movie named as "FIGHTER" in the nearest city in which Hithick Roshan plays as an heroic role .:muahaha:


from Arkansas
Posts: 24
"Sometimes the why is more important than the action."
I worked a 12 hour shift on Saturday and my legs hurt terribly from doing a leg workout on Friday. I spent Sunday prepping for the week cooking (breakfast and lunch) and cleaning for the family(8). I didn't workout at all on Saturday or Sunday.