Workouts look too short.....


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Posts: 3
I want to workout for 1 hour daily, but my favorite programs give workouts that look like they can be done in 30 minutes. Should I do more than that or shall I stick to it?
You have to be the judge of that yourself. If you're able to do both 30 minute workouts and feel good afterwards and the day after, go for it. If not, make adjustments. You can also do the workout of your chosen program, one, two or three challenges, and maybe a yoga or stretching workout after. Experiment, look what suits you, see what you can take. Don't hesitate to change something if it doesn't work.


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Commando from Alberta
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Hi Aditya, I’d say it depends. Can you say more about why exercising for 1 hour total is important to you? You could follow a couple programs, e.g. 30 min. in the morning, then 30 in the afternoon. Your fitness level is also a factor.

I’ve seen articles on Darebee that advocate for exercising more than once daily so I don’t know that 30 min. is regarded as a max amount or anything.


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Posts: 3
Hi Aditya, I’d say it depends. Can you say more about why exercising for 1 hour total is important to you? You could follow a couple programs, e.g. 30 min. in the morning, then 30 in the afternoon. Your fitness level is also a factor.

I’ve seen articles on Darebee that advocate for exercising more than once daily so I don’t know that 30 min. is regarded as a max amount or anything.
Hey Man! Thanks for the quick reply. Actually I don't have time to work out twice in a day. So that's why I mentioned 1 hour. Hence I wanted to know if it is ok to do both 30 minute workouts at once.


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Hunter from the sticks
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You have to be the judge of that yourself. If you're able to do both 30 minute workouts and feel good afterwards and the day after, go for it. If not, make adjustments. You can also do the workout of your chosen program, one, two or three challenges, and maybe a yoga or stretching workout after. Experiment, look what suits you, see what you can take. Don't hesitate to change something if it doesn't work.


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Gladiator from New Asgard
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I might add that looks can be deceiving, especially with Darebee workouts. I used to do classic weight training and running (60-90 minutes workouts, 3-5 times per week) while I was a very active ice hockey player. One season I switched exclusively to Darebee workouts (30-45 minutes daily) and I actually noticed better results on ice and less soreness during the beginning of the season, even comparing back to my early 20's (I'm 40 years now)! A little can go a long way with these workouts :u:


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Heroine from Europe
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I want to workout for 1 hour daily, but my favorite programs give workouts that look like they can be done in 30 minutes. Should I do more than that or shall I stick to it?
I've been stuck in this whirlpool for years now. I found that my sweet spot is 30-45 minutes daily. Before, when I was preparing for powerlifting meets, my workouts were easily into the 2 hour period every other day. Given that I lifted heavy weight for that period, my rest days included me being a stain on my bed for hours lol. Now, when I started growing up and started becoming an *adult* , my training schedule completely changed. Before those 2 hour sessions were the highlight of my day, but now I can't dedicate this much time to fitness because I'm neck deep in homework from university. So I started doing 1 hour workouts instead, but they just left me wanting more. So I gave up on my powerlifting dream for now and instead focusing on maximal strength I focused on relative strength. My daily life needs me to be with high stamina and in control of my bodyweight. So I started doing calistenics with tonnage measuring to ensure that I will be toasted at the end of each workout. My daily workouts take me about 30 minutes, but they make me want to implode lol. So the question here might not be "how long should I workout?", but instead "how *hard* should I workout?". I personally think that one can get as much work done in 30 minutes as he could in double that time, if he is willing to do so. Cheers :twirl:!


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Shaman from Italy
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I want to workout for 1 hour daily, but my favorite programs give workouts that look like they can be done in 30 minutes. Should I do more than that or shall I stick to it?
If you like the program you are following and do not want to complicate your life too much, simply increase the sets to reach 1 hour of total training :)