Posts: 98
Reactions: 645
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Achievements Unlocked
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Currently living in Anchorage, Alaska
originally from Illinois
Birthday: Mar 4, 1987 (37)

Latest activity Postings About

    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread 2024 Programs Update.
      Nothing. That's the joke.
    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread 2024 Programs Update.
      OH NO...I have to do Baseline and Vitality again since I've done each once already and now they've changed.....oh no.... :D
    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread Brontus's fitness log.
      Hey all, just checkin' in Did a 6 minute bike ride this morning. I'm working on getting myself used to the idea of morning workouts...
    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread Brontus's fitness log.
      Hey all, just checkin' in, Just got done with a workout session. Boxer Arms The Final Bell - Level 1 Power Squat Posture
    • Brontus
      Brontus reacted to OJJJEM's post in the thread No rest for the wicked with Like Like.
      Since your schedule is so messed up, don't follow a strict timetable that you're bound to fail to follow. Plan it around the event...
    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread Brontus's fitness log.
      Hey all, just checkin' in. Had my annual PKU check-up today and received great news. I asked the doc about the whole exercise thing and...
    • Brontus
      Brontus reacted to legolo's post in the thread No rest for the wicked with Like Like.
      Thank you all who congratulated me. Still alive, as you can see. Foundation Light: Day 30: 3 sets I´m very very confused. I finally...
    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread Brontus's fitness log.
      Hey all, just checkin' in. Foot's all healed. I didn't end up doing any muscle relaxing things, just kept off it and put a brace on it...
    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread Brontus's fitness log.
      Hey all, just checkin' in, Tendons were feeling better, but I think I undid that with my 5-minute bike ride this morning. Last night, I...
    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread No rest for the wicked.
      Happy Birthday! Hope you're doing well :)
    • Brontus
      Brontus reacted to MadamMeow's post in the thread Brontus's fitness log with Thank You! Thank You!.
      Hope your foot heals up fast. :vibes:
    • Brontus
      Brontus replied to the thread Brontus's fitness log.
      Hey all, just checkin' in. Somehow I pulled my Achille's tendon in my left foot, so I've been hobbling about like an old codger. Not...
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