Back from the Dead 🧟‍♀️


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Day 19: Fighters Codex

Relatively easy today (compared to all those hellish Power drills!) I took the recovery time down to 1 min instead of 2 to make it that bit more endurance-y but yeah, getting pretty strong!!
I'd say I'm ready to level up my pushups by now but I'm going to finish this program before I do - you never know what's coming down the pike and I don't want to injure myself breaking off more than I can chew


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Day 20: Fighters Codex

Day 20 - that's 2/3 of the way towards my goal - getting good and flexy now, didn't bail when my feet slipped on the splits this time - got the Bo staff out and used that for support but just settled into it when it got too deep!!

Cheat Day on the diet today too so I'm going for a wee walk and having homemade pizza, and chicken nuggets for supper - and them black bean and banana brownies for ma pudding 😋


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Day 21: Fighters Codex

1500 Kicks in total marks the end of week 3!!

Came into this one feeling pretty depressed/burnout tbh and it took until set 4 before the endorphins kicked in and I got into it - and by set 5 I was p exhausted and just getting through it

Not sure how much that skewed my perception of this workout - but I've gotta be honest, it didn't feel very Jackie Chan - mans famous for clowning and circus skills, this was just a grind through all the basic kick forms - just seems like a bit of a missed opportunity to me 🤷‍♀️


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Day 22: Fighters Codex

Another day done ✅

Really feeling that overtraining fatigue again - them kicks were hellish with my legs feeling like lead weights!! Nearly done tho!!

What was pretty cool was - mind I've been using the Bo staff to support my squats? Well I just got up to the bit in The Walking Dead when your man with the staff comes in - so that was a vibe!

Also push-ups are getting real easy - still doing them on the wall but leaning in so my hands are about waist height! Gonna need to fetch a good chair in here cos any lower and I will faceplant 😂

Trying not to get ahead of myself - still a little over a week to go - but I'm already excited for my next adventure!!


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Day 24: Fighters Codex

Morning y'all!

Into the last week of the program now with a relatively easy session - slow kicks are getting pretty strong but my balance still isn't great (using a "Jo staff" aka broom handle to help balance during the kicks - and just wobbling around and falling and resetting on the blindfold balance)

Oh and I've picked my next program!!

Going with Fireheart because I want to continue honing my pushups and martial arts because I'm enjoying making good progress there - but it does look a lot less intense than a lot of the Fighters Codex workouts (although more consistent). I am really tempted by Pathfinder because I do want to get some running in again - but I want to be strong enough to save everyone!!


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Shaman from Italy
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"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Going with Fireheart because I want to continue honing my pushups and martial arts because I'm enjoying making good progress there
It is funny :)
Combat HIIT is also a program to try among those focused on combat and also has videos of each workout.


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Day 26: Fighters Codex

Relatively easy one again today - pretty short although p high intensity

The timer was wonky again 🤷‍♀️ was doing switch stance style but I got to the end and the timer was still going, so I started over from backfists - but then it stopped before I got to the end so... Idk

Was rave dancing in the intervals as well - loads of energy this morning :bounce:


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Day 28: Fighters Codex

Well that was fairly hellish - although I did (I think) make some progress on the forward bends by rolling my feet out to the sides and bending my knees a little - I was able to get a bit more rotation in the hips (I think my hip joints have that thing where they're positioned slightly more back-facing, which is why I have trouble getting into that stretch properly) but honestly the worst part was - I use a resistance band to pull myself further forward because my body doesn't really want to bend that way - and my upper back is fatigued af from all those punches yesterday

But, that's 4 whole weeks I've completed now and just two more days left now to earn my wee badge!! I can't wait!!


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Day 29: Fighters Codex

Day 29 complete with just one more day to go to complete the mission - ain't nothing can stop me now!!

I do enjoy this classic training style over the circuits - good challenge but not too grindy as to get boring

Hard work but nothing i can't handle at this stage - genuinely impressed with myself nailing every one of those combos!?


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Week 5
Day 1: Fireheart

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Ok!! I'm right back at it with Fireheart this time!!

Yesterday was fun (up until set 4 then it was just exhausting!!) I really enjoyed playing with that classic Jeet Kune Do stance a lot - but it was absolutely hella reps and I've knackered my knee and slept for 11 hours!! 😴

Comparatively this one hardly seems like a workout at all - 3x 5min sets?! Nothing!!

I was thinking about shifting gears up to level 2 for this one because my goal is to get that 30 mins in and this didn't hit that even counting warm up and stretching (doing both now!) however, I think ill stick with level 1 for the next couple days and see how I get on - I've peeked ahead and this one seems to go legs/arms/core/repeat - so I'll do a three day lap and hopefully my knee is ok by then and we'll switch up a gear

Until then I'll just do some march steps at the end until the clock hits 30!!


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Week 5
Day 2: Fireheart

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Day 2 today - these are so super light!

But honestly, thank goodness because I think I partially dislocated my knee on that Bruce Lee one!? (that's what happens when you train beyond fatigue - when will I learn?!)

Was super sore yesterday and I accidentally knelt on it when I was doing my DIY and it went *clunk* as if snapping back in to place 😬 felt a bit better afterwards, but still feeling quite tender and unstable!!

Wearing my knee support and being very careful with it - doing the "knee saver" workout as a bonus to get my mins in

I did level up my push-ups to knee push-ups for this one since there's only a few (being very careful getting up and down)

For the best in a weird way - I've long been putting off doing the work to fix my knees, hopefully this will be the wake up call I needed!! 🤕


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Week 5
Day 3: Fireheart

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Yeah I'm not a fan of core day!! (is anyone?!)

My knee is gradually getting better, fortunately there are no stairs in my house cos I tried to do those yesterday on my way to vote and ‼️‼️ #nope

So maybe this month is about discipline!

Doing the difficult thing, the boring thing, the important thing - and just showing up day after day - without the endorphin buzz and pretending I'm Bruce Lee - just putting the reps in!?

Gonna need to find something to anchor my feet to cos I cannot do sit-ups properly (yet! I'll get there!!)


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Week 5
Day 4: Fireheart

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Yeah my knee is still not better - which pretty much means it's tendons/ligaments and will take ages to heal properly 🤬

So! Slow and steady for me for a while!! Especially on them squats and kicks, and keep at my knee-hab routine

Still, another day another workout!! ✅


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Posts: 59
By anchoring your feet, you're using your hip flexors to get you up, not your abs. Swap them for other ab exercises, such as reserve sit-ups or crunches as these really hit those abs.
And yeah, call me a sick puppy, but I like core day. :cool:
Yeah I thought about crunches but I had to do punches at the top of them - I guess I could punch up instead of forward 🤔

Idk from reverse sit-ups - but I'll look 'em up!