Back from the Dead 🧟‍♀️


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I've been on that Zombies Run since June but I completed Season One and got a bit thrown off my rhythm (it's not well organised) coupled with a bunch of concurrent irl business ive been a bit burnt out for the past two weeks and haven't been out running at all 😓

Rather than jumping right back in and likely injuring myself, I've decided to do some nice light stay at home Darebee work outs to get back in the habit and loosen up some #BabySteps🚶‍♀️

Starting today with Start Here (7 sets/1 min rests - i wanted to at least log 20 mins or so in total!) and start this thread for a bit of accountability and hopefully encouragement!? 🎣

Cardio-wise was easy enough but I def felt some of it in the shoulders (I guess that's what I get for only training running!) Felt good to get moving again though for sure!! 😸



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I've been on that Zombies Run since June but I completed Season One and got a bit thrown off my rhythm (it's not well organised) coupled with a bunch of concurrent irl business ive been a bit burnt out for the past two weeks and haven't been out running at all 😓

Rather than jumping right back in and likely injuring myself, I've decided to do some nice light stay at home Darebee work outs to get back in the habit and loosen up some #BabySteps🚶‍♀️

Starting today with Start Here (7 sets/1 min rests - i wanted to at least log 20 mins or so in total!) and start this thread for a bit of accountability and hopefully encouragement!? 🎣

Cardio-wise was easy enough but I def felt some of it in the shoulders (I guess that's what I get for only training running!) Felt good to get moving again though for sure!! 😸

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Day Two of coming back from losing focus on #ZombiesRun and I went with One Day at a Time today! I must say I'm really enjoying the easy wins of these light workouts - leaves room to chase that extra credit (7 sets 1 min rests - I even picked up some lil 1kg dumbbells about halfway through once I was warmed up for this one!) 🏋️‍♀️

I feel like I'm working some good stablising muscles, and gaining some flexibility with these which should really help when I circle back to running (going to try and keep doing at least 1 or 2 of these a week when I do though) 🏃‍♀️

Just about managed to get into HR zone 3 by the end, spent most of it gently working up through zone 2 - so I think these workouts might burn better than running too?! Though I must admit I've no idea about the science behind that 👩‍🔬


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Day Three:
Small bit of DOMS today (or as my German friend calls it Muscle Tomcat 💪😺) nothing too bad but I thought it best to lower the intensity a little and work on my flexibility today - shame really, would have been good to do a bunch of jump squats since it's leap day!? 🐸

I did this Morning Yoga Flow but felt I needed more instruction and it was tricky to stop and check my phone for the next pose whilst pretzeled 🥨 so I did a 10 min sesh on Down Dog Yoga after for total 20 mins.

Feeling flexy and proud of myself for listening to my body and backing off without all the way quitting!!


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Day Four: Today, I Showed Up!

I had my eye on another workout for today that had a lot of focus on the back - which seemed like a good option because I'm trying to improve my posture a bit - but it's the end of the week and I'm feeling very low energy today, so I bailed and went with this one instead. Honestly though, might have been a bit of a trip for biscuits as I didn't even get in to HR zone 1 until the end of set #6 - but I showed up - and some days that's good enough!!


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Day Five: ProBoxer
Ok, so this one was a workout!! The last two didn't even register on my app because the intensity wasn't high enough - so I decided that it's high time I level up a bit.

I selected from the easy level this time, as opposed to light and funkied up the bounces a bit (which really increased the level of effort - suprisingly!) Spent most of the time in HR zone 3 with a fair amount of zones 2 and 4 as well - all 7 sets (gotta log my 30 mins) with extra credit!

i think that's probably a good level for me atm - it's effort but it's not so much I can't hit those sets/rests targets


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Day Six: Aurora

Another Easy level workout for today - feel a bit of Muscle Tomcat (DOMS) in the back and shoulders from the boxing yesterday, so I picked this one to focus on lower body whilst still getting a little bit of movement in those sore spots.

Whilst the intensity here wasn't super high - it felt pretty tiring so I think I'm about due a rest day. Got a lot of errands tomorrow too so that works out - might try and sneak in a little light yoga to stretch it out, but I'm not going to push it.


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Day Eight: Soft Girl

Rest Day yesterday, I had wanted to do some yoga but by the time I got back from errands I was absolutely exhausted and fell asleep 😴

So I decided to switch back down to level one (light) exercises for today as I'm still feeling p low energy - I saw this one last week and thought the title was so cute, but decided to level up to log some intensity minutes on my watch - so this seemed like a good opportunity to circle back.

I actually found that first row particularly challenging as I felt a lot of tightness in the lats and hamstrings - I ended up downgrading the deadlifts a little bit so as to focus on proper form - but the side bends (or "dends" lol #typo) definitely helped loosen the lats up.

Doubled down on the jacks and leg raises towards the end as they're easy enough and I wanted to push my cardio a little bit where possible.

Def feeling a bit more energized for getting the blood pumping, wouldn't wanted to have pushed harder for today though - got DIY this arvo so that'll be a bit extra movement for the day anyway

All 7 sets with EC (1 min rests) ✅


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Day Nine: Adira

Wanted a strength day today cos my scales are gaslighting me?! (Visibly losing weight but the scales are saying I'm not only heavier but fatter?! Bitch where??! #ragin 🤬)

Anyway I wanted a good challenge today and I got it!! Those lunges were a real struggle towards the end but I def think they're doing good rehab for my knees - had to support myself on the last 2-3 sets but did my best form I could cos clearly I need to work those stabilizing muscles. Will look out for more lunges on future strength days!!

Leg raises are flying - been doing a lot of those and getting good and flexy there (maybe work on some kicks soon to build on that)

Not super cardio focused but still spent a good amount of time in HR zones 2 and even a bit of 3 - so I'm p happy with that

All 7 sets with EC ✅


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Day Ten: Walking

So as it turns out 126 lunges might have been too many because I've been sore af for days - ive been stretching and doing a little bit of pilates to help with recovery but no proper workouts - i even tried some light cardio workouts yesterday but between fatigue and pain it wasn't happening!

So I went for a walk today which counted for a decent amount of light cardio (although my hamstrings were playing Merry Hell at random intervals) and I hit my goal for intensity minutes for the week - so that's worth noting I think, and I wanted to check-in just so as I'm not bailing on this thing


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Day 12: I Showed Up
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I had planned to get back to the running today but following an unexpected (but much needed) visit from the repair guy - I kinda ran out of time - so I decided to go for some light at home cardio instead.

I decided to throw in some lunges since they did me good last week (but I did too many!) so I did 5 either side of that last set of step jacks

Between the lunges (split squats style) and making those step jacks as wide as I comfortably could I managed to get my HR up a decent amount and spent about half the time in in zone 2 (right in the sweet spot!)

Another Workout Logged!!
All 7 sets with EC ✅


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Day 13: One Day at a Time

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Wanted to log some intensity minutes today so I opted for this easy level workout - I like this one a lot because it's in my wheelhouse but still gets my heart rate going - got those lunges in again, this time with the step-ups that wrecked me last week, but only 42 in total this time (last time it was 120 odd!) so hopefully I'll be ok tomorrow

In terms of effort I def got into the aerobic zone - got a good sweat on but my HR monitor might be over reporting cos I forgot my anxiety meds this morning (you can actually see them kicking in around set 5 on the HR chart lol)

Another 7 sets with EC ✅
Leveled up too!! 🏅
Let's hope I can walk tomorrow this time!!


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Day 15: Running

Astute observers will note there was no Day 14 post - that's because I just went for a walk over the weekend and didn't post about it - it was such a light workout that it didn't even count for intensity minus - but it did count to me in terms of i put my dangit shoes on amd went and got some exercise!!

Also stopped in a quiet spot by the river to meditate which was rad and I'm proud of myself for that!

Anyway, for today I got back to the running!! I wasn't good at it before I had a month off (oops!) but that definitely hasn't helped - I did ok for the first kilometre, but after the slightly hilly bit, my heart rate was getting up there and even though I slowed way down I couldn't get it back down again, so i jogged the second kilometre out real slow, and even though i could have kept going, walked out the third, i was going to pick in back up once i got back down into zone 2, but it just stayed p high - and my goal is to get into zone 2 or 3 for 30 mins a day, so i mean - why try harder??

I think I'll try for two runs a week for now and do some darebees inbetween (first k was a little quicker than usual from lunges and calf raises) and see how that goes - def need to work on sustained effort tho


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Day 16: Side Quest

So since I went for a run on Monday (and intend to do that 3 times a week) and I did nowt yesterday, so the fates have p much decided for me that I'm doing this training program


Which called for some upper body strength training today - I was very pleased to see some boxing based options because I was tempted to go for Fighter instead - but I know that getting out for runs is best for my MH and well, i already paid for #ZombiesRun 🧟‍♀️😂

Had a lot of fun with this one - to the point by the last couple of sets I was doing extra jab+cross and elbow strikes cos I caught a nice endorphin buzz and forgot to count - threw in some foot work practice too and managed to get my HR up to zone 2 or 3 for most of it

Weigh-in Wednesday and I've gained again 🙄
Lost about 5kg June-Dec last year and gained back 4kg since Christmas 🪀

My theory is this; see how a lot of people these days (myself included) have anxiety and depression?? I think that's because our nervous systems are made for protecting us from bloodthirsty tigers and roving bands of Vikings - but in modern times we have different problems; you can't run away from climate collapse, you famously can't fight city hall or punch the economy in the face.. So those 'fight or flight' mechanisms don't work to resolve our problems and we end up in the third and lesser known mode 'freeze' which results in me lying in bed eating crisps and watching Golden Girls all day to conserve energy - which as a survival strategy is fair enough - but as a weight loss strategy is about the worst you can do

And so!! I'm going to trick my body into thinking it's the spring thaw now - the time for hibernating is over and now I have to fight a bear for limited food supplies!! 🤼‍♀️🧸 And that should hopefully kick start my nervous system and metabolism back into gear!!

That's my theory, now to test it!!
Science baby!! 👩‍🔬


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Day 18: idk yet..

Ok so, I did do my Thursday run but I didn't post about it because I was frickin exhausted after and then my friend called me and I just lost track.

Now for today, I'm due another run but it is bitter cold today (which I don't actually mind so much tbh I was running all winter) but also I have a p fierce sciatica flare up so I'm thinking it might be best to keep calm and do something lower intensity for today, probably with some stretches. I already hit my intensity minutes target for the week anyway so that's not a worry. But if running is off the table as the program calls for - what to do??

Any suggestions??


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Day 0: Back to the Drawing Board

Well that plan just didn't take! So I had a think about it and I think that the reason running is hard is because there's a bunch of barriers to overcome before you can do it (getting dressed in a special outfit - highly dependent on the weather, making sure you're fuelled up and hydrated - but not too much, actually going outside and being amongst random people whilst sweaty and tired etc) it's also hella boring after a while

So my thoughts are, the Fighter training program looked fun and also has the streamline/high burn tag - probably that'll do me, and if I cba on any given day I can do it in my PJs in front of the telly if needs be!!

I also noticed that I was pretty motivated when I was doing ZombiesRun and happily worked my way through the training and then the first season over several months - but the moment i got to the end and there were all these bonus missions that weren't chronological and you didn't have to do them but you can if you want but you probably should have done them somewhere in the middle and some of them you can't do them in one go and now instead of time they're tied to a specific distance which I absolutely did not train for... I really just lost interest!

So I'm going to give the Fighters Codex 30 Day thing a crack - starting tomorrow because that just so happens to be both a Monday and the 1st of the month - and for today, just some stretching because I'm all seized up from inactivity.

Also gonna get back on that MyFitnessPal I think - and really try to just use it to monitor because if I try to restrict I flip it after about two weeks and eat every chip, biscuit and cheese i can lay my hands on 😂 tried eating dried fruit instead of sweets recently though, which sounds loads healthier, but it hasn't helped any - will be interesting to see the data on that i think 🤓


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Day One: Fighters Codexday01.jpg

Day One Complete ✅

Did the fighters stretching beforehand which I intend to keep doing throughout by way of warm up

Ngl it was pretty intense - v sweaty by the end but I had a lot of fun even though I was was feeling a lot of fatigue in my lower back by the end (tight hips and hammies, really need those stretches!) gonna do lower back stretches before bed so hopefully I'll be ok for more of the same tomorrow

I'm excited about this program and I really want that badge/certificate!! 🏆


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Day Two: Fighters Codex


This one confused me because I think the timer is a bit funky (says "rest" at seemingly random intervals other times just beeps) so I got about halfway through and thought "oh! Am I supposed to be doing these one each side and then rest?! Have I been doing it wrong this whole time!?"

And that seemed to make sense, usually I like to switch sides on each rep or split the reps between sides if that's awkward - and well i have some time this morning, so I thought I'd just start over (18 mins did seem short!) but the beeps and the "rest" still didn't sync up right and then it stopped at 17 mins saying both "rest" and "done" at once

So I guess I was right the first time and I've done 40 mins when I should have only done 20 mins today #oops I may regret that tomorrow

Suffice it to say, I logged some decent intensity minutes today at least - and completed another day of the program (twice, and a bit! 😂)

PS idk why this text is all in BOLD - it won't switch off?! Many bugs today 🤷‍♀️🐞


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Day Three: Fighters Codex

This one was haaaard ngl!! I only managed 3 sets before my therapist rang (saved by the bell!) but I did another two after the call so I did complete the workout (kinda)
Im doing knee push-ups as a rule but for the push-up+jab+cross I had to switch down to wall push-ups, it was just too exhausting getting up and laying down after going too hard yesterday - I'm not super satisfied with my performance for today but I am proud I came back to finish up, and I did so much yesterday not surprising im fatigued today


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Day Four: Fighters Codex


Ferocious visit from the Muscle Tomcat (DOMS) in the night but I did some stretches to limber up before my stretches and then today's workout was stretches (yo dawg I heard you liked stretches..) so that's (mostly) seen him off!! 😾

Those hammie stretches were p great - reached my ankles by the end - haven't been able to do that in a while!!

Thank you Jean Claude for my life!!


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Day Five: Fighters Codex

The Muscle Tomcat is still playing Merry Hell with my quads and hip flexors, but after a bit of stretching and the help of some 90s techno - I kicked this workouts ass!!

Went for the middle option for the push up punches with some inclined wall pushes - which was right in the sweet spot for just about being able to do 20 of them without face planting

And I wasn't sure if the front kicks should come off the front leg (which I was taught as snap kicks) or the back, and because my quads are wrecked I wanted to spread it around a bit - so I did both, 1-2 style
I've missed martial arts, it's a lot of fun and more mentally engaging than a lot of other things cos you've gotta keep a close eye on form


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Day Six: Fighters Codex

Day Six Complete ✅

Had to chase myself a lil bit today bcos it's Saturday and that's my lazy day - thankfully today's workout wasn't too intense and I downloaded a Tabata timer in case the built in thing went funky again - was actually very useful to have the workouts written down to check at a glance (used to have a chalkboard but I'm decorating atm) bit of a pain in the hoop to setup but worked p well

And now I can have brunch and watch my cartoons - safe in the knowledge that I already kicked today's ass!! 💪


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Day Seven: Fighters Codex


Another day done!!

Felt good to fight like Jet Li - he's my favorite!!

Decided to do chair squats this time because my quads are only just recovered from the last 100 squats I had to do on this program (maybe should have started at like level 2? but I can do all the punches and kicking p good - just the push ups and squats I'm struggling with)

Pretty intense for a Sunday - but looks to be nice and mellow tomorrow which is good cos I've got errands (hopefully my quads will still work!?)


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Day Eight: Fighters Codexday08.jpg

This one hardly counts as a workout whole thing took 10 mins including my stretches - great drill tho, if very hard on the ankles!!

Side used to say "if you can't do it slow you can't do it fast" meaning, whilst fast high kocks look very cool - if you can't do them slowly you haven't got the strength and flexibility to put any power behind them
He also said "slower is faster" a lot, meaning by practicing slow we build the strength and balance to do them properly and drill that muscle memory which allows us to move and react quickly

Not fun, but very productive I feel!


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Day Nine: Fighters Codexday09.jpg

I actually have a question about this one;

Are ye for real!!!??? 300 squats on baby slopes "suitable for beginners" level?!! 🥵

Had to go full kamakrazee war boys style for this one (incline push-ups and assisted squats ngl - may god have mercy on my knees!!) But I did it!! ✅

I am awaited in Valhalla!

Witness me!!


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Day Ten: Fighters Codex

Done ✅

Did this one like a regular workout split into 5 sets with some footwork drills thrown in, as much to help me keep count as anything else - I've looked ahead in the program though and there's another of these for 2k and maybe even a 4k by the end!? So I think I'll have to switch from jab+cross+step counting as 1 rep to some kinda Donnie Yen style turbo punches - how I'm going to keep count of that i have no idea..

That's a problem for another day tho

The problem for today is that I have a load of DIY to do this afternoon and my arms might fall off!?

(also it's doing the thing where it won't unbold again 🤷‍♀️)


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Day Eleven: Fighters Codex
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This one was a lot of fun actually, very energetic (added stance switches as usual) and those knee combos were gas! Loads of reps tho - which I don't love (anything's over say 60 I find becomes a grind and it's easy to ADHD and lose count - especially when I'm tired)
I didn't love how much my tummy jiggles on the bounces - but I did like how easy it felt because I was feeling very heavy on my feet before I started this program so that's good progress - starting to unlock those hammies with my daily stretches too which is p great!!


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Day Twelve: Fighters Codexday12.jpg

I'm all sixes and sevens today because the maintenance guy was meant to come this afternoon - but he decided to come this morning instead and it's disrupted my routine something terrible.

I did today's wee workout tho!! ✅

I'm getting pretty low on those side splits now!! Especially since I started using a resistance band on the forward bends (I don't really bend that way so it helps to have something to pull against) problem is my feet are slipping so I just get lower and lower until it hurts and I get stuck - think I'd better figure a way to support myself in this inbetween stage!?


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Day 13: Fighters Codex


Another day done and I'm ngl - I'm getting really tired!! But! I'm also getting real strong!!

My butts and hammies are sore today but inspite of that my kicks are looking pretty good

Did my squats properly - not all the way deep and had hands on hips to help keep my back straight but otherwise - and incline wall push ups but like pushing all the way off - so totes getting stronger at least!!


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Day 14: Fighters Codex

This was a lot for a Sunday morning ngl - altho because I have tweaked a hammie I did feel like Chuck Norris, getting the fun kicked out of him at the colosseum while a load of cats watched iykyk

Had to do most of my kicks pretty slow and low - I don't really have a high kick (yet!) and the sore hammie just wouldn't let me work at my usual level

Nevertheless - I completed the workout (to the best of my ability) and that marks the end of week two!! ✅


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Day 15: Fighters Codex

Y'all will be pleased to hear my hammie is a lil better today - still not at full health but it's not as bad

Fortunately, after doing about a million of the dangit things in this program - I'm finally starting to figure out proper squat form - getting the glutes involved and pushing the knees out (so they don't collapse in) so I'm relying less on the quads and hammies

Supported chair squats and wall push-ups but I'm feeling myself overtraining at this point - so since I'm not in charge of the drills, I'm adjusting my intensity and taking my time and using all the mods I can

I've realized this program is above my level - so I'm going for the bronze (just get across the finish line) on this one and switching down next month and coming back to this again when I can do proper push ups and all that

Chucking the weight off tbh tho - 1kg a week!!


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Day 16: Fighters Codex

Nice and easy today thank goodness!!

Lots of walking today though because dentist + errands and I've knackered my knee (just one today!) with all them squats 🤕 hammie is feeling better though

Shockingly difficult to balance with your eyes closed - I wonder if it was harder today because I had earbuds in as well - or just cos weak knees..? 🤔


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Day 17: Fighters Codex

I do enjoy this style of workout - I find it helps keep me focused because it's always those filler exercises next

What I don't like is high knees 🥵

Fortunately, the overtraining fatigue is letting up some and my hammie is healing up nicely so I was able to do them with a good amount of gusto or at least bitter resentment 😂

Another day towards my goal - and I'm over the hump now!!