A Revolutionary Ranger's Training Log in the Age of Zombie Capitalism

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Today's workout:
  • 4x amrap s-pullups (roughly: 4, 3, 2, 2)
  • 3x10 shoulder press @ 12.5kg dumbbells
    • glad I managed to complete all the reps, looks like I'm getting stronger!
    • I actually alternated these sets with the warm up sets for the squat
  • Squats 3x5 @ 100kg (with belt)
  • Deadlifts 1x5 @ 122.5kg
Can't wait to be less stressed out and overworked, so that I can come back to a more regular schedule (rather than 1-2x a week...)

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Today's workout
  1. quick warmup
  2. 4x
    1. amrap (=2) s-pullups ('chin ups')
    2. amrap pushups
    3. squat warm up sets (20kg/bar; 70kg; 90kg)
  3. stretching (legs, hips...)
  4. 3x5 squats @ 100kg (no belt)
  5. 1x5 deadlifts @ 120kg
  6. 3x amrap shoulder press (arnold variation) @ 12.5kg dumbbells
  7. 2x amrap bicep curls @ 12.5kg dumbbells


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,011
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Hi folks, here's an important update for me.
I've realized that centering squatting and deadlifting (with barbell/heavy loads, I mean) has kinda taken the fun out of exercising for me, because I end up feeling too tired to do other stuff and I thus prioritize these high-intensity exercises.
I'm not saying I'm gonna stop those, because I really like being able to do them, but I'm clearly gonna step back with the weightlifting, at least for a while (I'm still aiming to keep progressing/increasing on my squats and deadlift at some point, but I have no problem taking a break and taking this goal up again later on!)

So what I'm gonna do at least for the upcoming month is this: keep practicing squat(100kg)/deadlift(120kg) once a week, but outside of that mix things up with various types of workouts and exercises - which I think even if they're intense won't exhaust the life out of me (except for 20'-30' running, obviously) as much as multiple sets of heavy squats + some deadlifts tend to do.

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
One of my goals for this year - especially since I'm gonna soon 'head out on my own' (I currently live with my mom, I'm finishing my university studies) in the next few years (not determined yet, we'll have to see if or when I can earn enough money to be financially independent - is to improve my diet (not a fan of this term, but you get what I mean: more greends and vegs, less binge eating, I've always been struggling with overnight eating ever since I got narcolepsy (it's not sth I can completely erase definitively (bcz it's partly a neurological/physiological setback from how I got this, in a auto-immune way that probably impacted parts of the places in the brain that regulate appetite, right next/near to the spot regulating sleeping/etc), but it's possible to manage it better and healthier) and learn to cook (more, and healthily)


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 4,011
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Having fun is an important part of training, shuffling the cards helps not to get bored and always do something interesting :)

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Today's workout was:
  1. pushups (x2) and s-pullups (x1) --> not a really strict rep/set scheme, but basically alternating between them, taking rest as needed, and doing this for a little while
  2. 15min running (~7kph, and last three minutes at 8kph)
  3. bicep curls and shoulder presses (w/ dumbbells) -> 3x amrap for each. I started with curls using 15kg dumbbells, managed to do 1 set of 10 aka 5 each arm then second set was too hard so switched to 12.5kg, which is what I used from then on.
Pretty simple and straightforward, but I'm feeling good and fresh.
For lunch I did a mix of scrambled eggs + courgettes/zucchini + sweet potato (all cooked on stove), with a loaf of bread.

I've also been trying to practice sitting (on the ground, or on my bed in my case), which is sth we've unlearned - see the articles below from the MovNat folks - in western/rich countries especially (but I bet it's a global problem, with exceptions maybe in places like India and/or parts of Africa), and sth I also need because I work from home and I don't like being at a desk for more than max. one-hour periods, so I usually use the iPad on my bed (which is also good for me bcz of lack of energy from narcolepsy - managing energy levels and rythm throughout the day + being able to take some short naps or 'body/neurological breaks' regularly, is crucial to me to feel good). But the problem is that I've gotten used to lying on my stomach, with elbows on the bed (or it could be a sofa, obvs) and some books, ipad, e-reader or whatever I'm currently doing. It's not great posture (except for short/occasional moments, you know) and more concretely (bcz with exercising and stretching I don't actually have pain from posture issues) it means my elbows have started getting darker and basically just developing some kind of outer thicker tougher layers of stuff/tissue that make them uncomfortable (and pretty ugly lol). So for all these reasons (mainly the elbow thing and opening my hip/leg mobility - which in turn is good because I've been having an awkward feeling on my right hip in recent months during especially the squatting, and it's most likely a mobility issue) I'm trying to practice sitting, switching between different positions (some intuitive, some inspired by the articles below -> but the 'side bent sit' is sth I'm practicing as an actual stretch/mobility exercise because it's where the lack of hip mobility especially comes out - I bet most of you would struggle but like other stretches it's only about repeatedly and calmly progressing with it^^).

That said, I truly apologize for the unreadable wall of text I just typed out, with tons of parentheses etc --> this is just how I write down my notes/thoughts lol


Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Here's a pic and link re. the side bent sit, which is (at least from my pov) a good indicator of how we've largely unlearned to live and do things while sitting (and staying in deep unloaded squat is another example - which is why I mentioned india, where it's still (at least sometimes, idk the details) a common pose to hold while doing daily things) "naturally" on the ground (or at least not a chair, is the point).

A 30-day challenge idea could be daily practice of A) this side-bent pose and B) deep squatting (better defined as 'resting' in a deep squat position, it's not about muscle endurance (squat hold, wall sit, some yoga stuff) but simple mobility and using our bodies in a functional, "natural" way). Not so much about reps or time, but about re-learning to use our bodies, postures, mobility functionally and purposefully.... Just a suggestion/food for thought!

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
P&P challenge day 3, 3x max pushups (30" rest): 11, 7, 5. Note: we'll have to see if this is just a one off, I really pushed it today but probably went faster and sacrificed form a bit by doing so, whereas I generally try to only do pushups with full range - i.e. almost touching ground with chest - and rather slowly (i.e. it goes back to controllin and prioritizing form over quantity). We'll see, in any case the P&P is perfect for me right now and I hopeffully will add other stuff like running etc as I complete my remaining assignments/papers for this semester...

Al Raven

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Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
P&P challenge day 8, 3x max s-pullups (30" rest): 5, 1, 1. Might be better to aim for 4 then increase sets #2 and #3, but I'm probably just gonna keep doing whatever I can/manage each day without thinking about that... Some days I manage to increase reps (on first set for example) but I'm clearly pushing/forcing it, and other days I'm more in control. I guess it's the nature of training to muscle failure/fatigue: you have to try pushing and testing yourseld but sometimes it's not gonna be pretty/perfect controlled technique...

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Today's Workout
  1. P&P challenge day 10, 3x max s-pullups (30" rest): 4, 2, 1. I don't know why but doing pullups at the gym vs at home is always harder. The bar is clearly higher at the gym, I'm not sure why it makes it harder. I guess it's just gravity huh? Yeah that has to be it lol... I'm heavy (93-94 kg), so being higher takes a higher toll... Anyways, it doesn't matter, I did what was planned.
  2. 30min (treadmill) running, total distance 3.68km, average speed 7.4 kph
  3. Sets of amrap of shoulder press and bicep curls with 10kg dumbbells.
  4. Stetching

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
I think doing more biceps work might be beneficial, because the main thing for making pullups easier would obviously be losing it but I don't want to do it (I feel good as I am today, I'd rather get stronger and maybe through getting back to more frequent cardio workouts I'll eventually lose a couple of kgs, but weight loss isn't a central goal bcz I'm happy and healthy as I am right now). Doing pullups (same with pushups) with 93kg of bodyweight obviously means that progression will be slower (than if I was 10+kg lighter), but I'm a patient dude.

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
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Posts: 459
Yesterday and today I've been far too stressed (yesterday I had to work almost nonstop to complete a paper assignment) and tired to continue the Push & Pull chall. or do any workout. Ive tried the pullups today but as I had guessed I'm just not feeling it today, im just (even) more tired mentally and physically bcz of previous days' intense work.
I will do some stretching however!
Man Utd are almost through to the English cup final, we could be winning a trophy this February, after 5+ years of nothing (and one final we lost in Europa League)

Cheers, I hope you're all doing well and happy (if not I wish you all the best, we all have ups and downs and the world is a fucked up place in many ways, so we can empathize with each other's daily mood/vibe swings and/or struggles)

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
Also, among (too) many other things (to mention), solidarity w/ with the pueblo in Peru rising up, and my heart truly goes out to trans people in the USA facing genocidal barbarism. And to any person wanting abortion but being prevented from it by archaic patriarchal bullshit. I have a couple of trans friends in the US, one of whom is also Asian (she's from a Chinese family, to be specific) and has had to cope with the atrocious things that have happened lately (and the long term anti-Asian racism which spiked up with the pandemic...). Truly scared for her/them... No person should fear for their life and freedom, but that's a far more radical idea than what people assume (because patriarchal, racist, capitalist, fascist, ableist, imperialist and other violence of humans against humans haven't stopped, far from it).

I know this is not really a place to talk about sociopolitical things, but it's a fundamental part of our lives isn't it. We're not (or maybe we are in a pathological sense, but it's hurting and alienating) internally split up between "work", "fitness", "politics" divisions within our selves and our lives, it's all interconnected. My general outlook is radical (and not to be developed here) but to put it simply: total liberation for everyone, and an end to all oppression, exploitation, injustice, dehumanization, and ecological destruction. Indeed, there's a reason why the darebee recipes are now meatless, I've not managed to transition fully to a non-meat diet (and maybe the goal - for me at least (but socially as well) is more a drastic reduction, rather than abandoning it completely - tho there's simply no denying something radical is needed, either way...) but I understand this choice, and I'm glad to have a database of meatless recipes because part of the solution is learning to cook -> and therfore eat, differently.

Okay I promise that's it, no more rambling^^
Love to everyone (or rather everyone who isn't destroying and dehumanizing other human beings)

Al Raven

Well-known member
Ranger from Switzerland
Pronouns: he/him
Posts: 459
I basically fell on my left leg/around the knee (on the outward side), I can't tell for sure obviously but this pain looks like a tendon/non-muscular-type of issue (this is just a guess). If it was a much worse injury (esp. if we consider serious tendon injuries) I would be in far more pain (my sister had a broken tendon, it was atrocious - had to go through surgery and a year+ of physio before walking again freely).

Here's what I can tell so far to describe it:
  • I cannot bend my leg (flexion) while turning the knee outward. I.e. for example I can't hold/get into a sitting position with legs crossed
  • And relatedly, I can't flex my knee (i.e. it starts hurting too much) beyond 45-90°
  • I have sudden (and kinda 'random') bursts (or whatever you call it) of pain, usually when putting weight on left leg (standing up from sitting position, bending left knee while lying or sitting, and during walk)
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