Back Pain


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Amazon from Miami, FL
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"Mantra: I am ready to make my dreams come true and create my happy place."
I was out of it for the last couple days due to back pain, I don’t want to quit my fitness journey tho like I usually do so I’ve been looking thru some of the lower back workouts. I’ve settled on the Fix It workout but I was wondering should I just do that or do I add a couple other ones. Advice?
I'm going to just assume you have pain in your lower back. In that case, I can recommend the aptly named Lower Back Workout. It combines all the exercises which usually do wonders for me.
In a pinch, rubbing the offending muscles wiht peppermint oil of the Japanese variant helps to alleviate some pain, too.
In the next step I'd advise looking for the cause of your back pain. Without knowing where you're coming from, I would guess sitting a lot (general problem of the majority of the western population), not enough movement (dito) and weak glutes (yep). If the first two resonate with you, you probably already know what to do and seeing that you're here already shows that you're taking the right steps. That leaves us with your weak...


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
I'm going to just assume you have pain in your lower back. In that case, I can recommend the aptly named Lower Back Workout. It combines all the exercises which usually do wonders for me.
In a pinch, rubbing the offending muscles wiht peppermint oil of the Japanese variant helps to alleviate some pain, too.
In the next step I'd advise looking for the cause of your back pain. Without knowing where you're coming from, I would guess sitting a lot (general problem of the majority of the western population), not enough movement (dito) and weak glutes (yep). If the first two resonate with you, you probably already know what to do and seeing that you're here already shows that you're taking the right steps. That leaves us with your weak glutes (my guess, feel free to correct me) which usually is a direct effect of the other two causes established. And weak glutes paradoxically lead to back pain that can even go all the way up to your shoulders. If you're ready to fight those weak glutes, the Glutes of Steel challenge is pretty good and even helps with back pain, I feel. Squats are also good for both, so that's something to look into. Either with weights, or without, although I feel a counterweight helps with form. And you want good form for your back.

That's my two cents. Back pain sucks, so I hope my rambling might help somewhat.


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Amazon from Miami, FL
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"Mantra: I am ready to make my dreams come true and create my happy place."
I definitely sit too much I work from home, I’m a couch potato and an aspiring writer. I was looking at the Lower Back Exercises but wasn’t sure if I wanted to do floor exercises right now. I had no idea about the weak glutes thanks! Would you do all 3 workouts at once, alt through the day or alt by day? @Nihopaloa


Well-known member
Duelist from Germany
Posts: 269
I'm the kind of person who does most small workouts somewhere over the course of the day so that's my preference. You probably have to experiment a little, see what works best for you.
If you use the Fix It, Lower Back Workout, and the Glutes of Steel Challenge I would do the first two whenever you feel the need for a bit of movement. You can also spread the sets of the two workouts out, for example, one set of Fix It every hour or so. If you feel like the Lower Back Workout is too much in one go, just do one exercise, the next one 30 minutes later, or whatever works for you. I found that just the exercises themselves already gave some relief, so they worked (for me) outside the workout, too.
I liked to do the Glutes of Steel challenge at that one point of the day when I felt like I was already sitting for a long time and my butt felt like a pancake. I would recommend during the bridges to not just lift your hips from the ground, but "push" with your feet through the ground. And when you're in the bridge position, push and prod your butt a little, see if you feel the muscles working. Depending on how lazy those buggers are, you need a couple days worth of exercise until they start doing their job. Lying side leg raises, Jane Fonda style, are also excellent for the glutes, especially because you can feel them up while doing them.
If you're fine with doing squats, I found that doing a couple whenever I went to the kitchen or bathroom was time well spent, too. There's a lot of small things you can do now and then. While brushing teeth, waiting for the coffee, on the phone, whatever, like calf raises, side leg raises, back leg raises, every bit helps.
Good luck, hope you can successfully combat your back pain.


Well-known member
Amazon from Miami, FL
Pronouns: She, her
Posts: 47
"Mantra: I am ready to make my dreams come true and create my happy place."

Thanks for the advice, I only did the Fix It workout yesterday but I already got amazing results, I was able to walk to the park about 2 blocks away and back today carrying a Big Wheel and instead of the stabbing pain I usually get it was just a little sore. I’m going to add the other two in a couple days.