Fail Forward


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Eh, it's not "Let's get this show on the road" any more. I guess it already is, or something like this. On the road, I mean. So, new forum, new thread. Hopefully.

When I started my last thread, sometime around July 2021, I think, I was home alone and needed a bit of company and accountability to get moving. I also was underweight and still recovering from an accident, and that's mostly done now. I'm at a healthy weight again, have my old fitness and most of my old strength back, and I'm currently in a very comfortable place.

Now, I could kick off this thread with lots of cool goals, but, truth is, I'll forget about them anyway. So, no goals. I also started a lot of new things in the last thread, but always forgot about them after a few hours or days, so that's a recurring theme, also. But I haven't stopped doing whatever, so here I'm going to continue.

Failing forward, I guess. Making the most out of it, shrugging off failures and using them to ever proceed. Because that's what life is, at the end of the road.

So, let's go.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
And here's the first post.

Today, I did blissfully nothing, aside from a run through the rainy woods. Yes, it's still raining, and no, I didn't feel like doing a regular workout.

I'm still waiting for the days to get dry to start chopping wood.

I thought for a moment of structuring my posts a bit more, but that'll probably fail because I tend to just write down everything that comes to mind, so, eh.

Btw, this forum is a huge struggle for me atm. Everything's different, there's links and buttons and icons everywhere that weren't here before. It'll take time until it's going to start comfortable and like "home". Already a good sign that I managed to start this thread, already tried the last two days but always lost interest because of the forum. It's going to be better, promise.

Good thing: I'll made the move. And I'm going to keep the good thing, because I like it.

@Sif_Shepard Thomas Kinkade it was. The cottagecore painter. I would post a grinning smiley, but I have no idea where they are o_O


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
I've been frustrated by the rain lately too, hope you get a dry day here soon!

Structure is overrated, do what works for you! :)

Hope you get used to the new forum okay. I thought it was a little different at first but I like it. But I've also had a lot of time lately to hang out here and peruse things and that has helped. (Also the smilies are in the top left bar, right in the middle of the reply area, hope that helps. I have noticed some missing ones but I think I read they'll be added soon.)

The puzzles were very pretty, I enjoyed having them here by my desk to look at. Also my book takes place largely in the woods so I enjoyed having the paintings around for inspiration, but I love mass effect too much to put them back :LOL:


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Sif_Shepard thanks for pointing out the smileys to me, I found them :confused:. Some things are still weird or unusal, but I manage. It's actually been dry here today, and we even had a few hours of sunshine, so that's something. And about your book... I thought it was urban fantasy. But in the woods? Intriguing :LOL:

Today was another run to the lake, followed by a jump into the lake, and a swim in the lake. It wasn't very warm, but I have to use the last days where it's possible to do so as much as I can.
Oh, I also tried to start the Hybrid Calisthenics routine. I kind of failed. I mean, I didn't want to, I started with the 3x50 wall push-ups, but somewhere around the first twenty or so I just wandered off. I probably got bored or something, idk. Maybe I should try on another day, when I'm more in one place with my mind and not in several at once.

Good thing: Family appreciation day. I'm glad my cousin's here, with us, and not in his own home country, which he probably can't leave as easily now any more.


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"ad astra per aspera"
Urban fantasy doesn't necessarily need to take place in a big city, more like the modern world, as opposed to high fantasy realms not set in our world. At least that's how I've always taken it to mean. Mine isn't set solely in the woods, its just one of the main locations. My main character is part of a secret order that exists all across the world.

Your lake day sounds lovely. If your cousin is from where I think he's from, then I'm glad he is with you as well.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Sif_Shepard oh, I just figured Urban fantasy has to take place in a city because of the urban... and here I had an idea for rural fantasy, set in a small village in a rural area and all of that, but wouldn't that be urban fantasy, too? Probably thinking too much about this. I hope you'll let us know when you'll ever get to publishing you rnove, I'm very interested.
And thanks for your kind works regarding my cousin.

@f1shtacular heyyy, welcome to the new Hive :LOL:

Today finally was dumbbell day again, followed by another day of Core Strength and even some 30 Days of Yoga in the evening.

It's been the second day in a row without rain, so I started chopping some wood and relishing in the realisation that I'm much stronger than last year at this time. Feels great, man.

Speaking of being strong and strength in general... I sometimes glance at the barbell setup in our house and notice a faint wish to work myself up to heavy lifts, gymbro style or whatever. But then I look at myself and my general build and think... "you're probably better suited to staying lean, forget about that". I'm a bit torn on the whole issue. On one hand, I know that building big muscle takes time, even more so for my legs and arms, while my back has absolutely no problem with hat, but on the other hand....
Thinking everything to death, it seems. Eh.
I'll stick to dumbbells for now.

Good thing: I've read several articles on Jyllandsposten today without looking up even one word. That was pretty great. Reading comprehension in Danish looks solid now, everything else, not at all :LOL:


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"ad astra per aspera"
Yes I believe it would, although I love the idea of rural fantasy as a subgenre.
I've thought about it, and I will consider it; if not publicly I'll at least let you know when it's available ;)

Dumbbell day! That's awesome that you feel much stronger than last year, very cool! I think if you want to workout with the barbell why not try basic exercises in hybrid with dumbbells? Muscle does take time but if you enjoy it or just want to do it then why not? You can still barbell lift without bulking too much too if you do want to stay on the lean side. Good luck with whatever you decide!

Awesome progress with your Danish reading comprehension!


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
You're not going to stick with anything if it doesn't call to you. Don't stress that. Just look to see if there is anything in particular you really really want to do. If there isn't, just keep doing whatever, so long as you're moving and keeping healthy. I'm still working on my own plan because, although I have goals, I know if I don't enjoy what I'm doing to achieve them, things just aren't going to happen.
As far as lifting heavy weights is concerned, the only question you really need to ask yourself is "why?" Is it something you need? Personally I'd opt for lean - but then, as a martial artist, that's what I aim for! :LOL:
Oh, an yeah, the new Hive. It is hard, isn't it? Sometimes I actually have to force myself to come here because I simply can't (yet) find stuff. Still, we're out of our comfort zone and that is where growth starts.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Sif_Shepard if you'd let me know when you publish, that would be super nice. So far, the only urban fantasy stuff I've read were my guilty pleasure books and 50 pages of the first Dresden Files novel. I would read more from the genre, but I don't really have an idea what else :confused:
And maybe I should try out the barbell for the legs. Not sure yet. Ah well, the barbell doesn't run away, so I have time.

@TopNotch your mindest towards exercising actually influenced my own. That's why I drop so many Darebee programs :LOL: I know that I enjoy dumbbells for some time but I haven't found that one thing that keeps me going, yet. I opt for lean, too, because of my size. I refuse to go dwarf-mode, so otter and lean it is, or should be. And I figure with the amount of moving I do over the day, I'd need to eat a lot to actually bulk up.
And yeah, the Hive, it's still a bit of a struggle. I'll keep your last line in mind, that's a good one.

Today's workout, if you want to call it that, consisted of chopping wood and another run followed by a swim in the lake. Looks like we have a few rainy days ahead, followed by some warmer days, so hopefully, plenty of time to get some more swimming in.

Tomorrow we'll head to the city to visit a music instrument flea market(?). Well, a place where people sell instruments, CDs, sheet music and stuff. I have plans and am hoping to find something suitable there.

Good thing: I felt strangely optimistic today. Don't know why, but it was one of those days I felt like the ever-obnoxious stupidly grinning person. Still somewhat euphoric, even now. No idea why, but it feels great.

Have a nice weekend, everyone.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@TopNotch days like those are great, and it's a good thing that they're kind of rare. It makes them easier to appreciate

Dumbbell full body routine was today, as well as another round of chopping wood and a run to the lake. No swimming today, though.

Music flea market was pretty good. I didn't really find what I was looking for, but found someone who might get me in contact with someone who could help. Still, fun all around.

And.... today marks my 8th year of being clean. We had cake to celebrate, followed by a short reminisence of all the stupid things I've done during my worst phase. It helps keeping my eyes forwards, especially because even in my 8th year, I still feel some cravings now and then in certain situations. I can work with them, though, and life's been treating me pretty well since then. So, no real reason for a fallback, really.
I'd say nothing helped me as much as cutting everything out of my life that even led to being addicted. For me, that was working in gastronomy and living in cities. If I would give one piece of advice to someone who really struggles with some influence... do your best to get rid of it and move away from it. It's the only thing that helped me, and I'm glad it did.
Hope you all had a nice day and something to look forwards to in life, personally, I plan to enjoy it as much as I can.

Good thing: On top of all of that, I got a box full of Lebkuchen in the mail today. It's already that time of the year, isn't it?


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from germany
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Yeah for 8 clean years, that's great! Keep it going…
:staystrong: :fireworks::staystrong:

and make it to…
Rainbow Infinity GIF


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Thank you all so much, @NancyTree, @TheLibrarian, @Sif_Shepard, @TopNotch, @mavie, @Fremen, @HellYeah and @val.lavigne86 :love:
It doesn't feel that much of an achievement any more, because it gets easier with each year, but I like to imagine that me succeeding at something could help others being able to imagine that they can succeed, too. I mean, everyone has struggles, and I believe we all can overcome ours if we only know how. I'll probably stop counting after year 10 or so. Or when I have one year without any cravings. Time will tell. Trying to do my best, every day anew.

Not today, though. I didn't work out, didn't run, I declare it a rest day. It was raining.

But winter preparations are done. Wood is chopped, coal is stored, furs are out. We're set.

Good thing: Life is good.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Froud thanks a lot! No worries about being late, we have all the time in the world.

Today was Dumbbell Full Body again, nothing else, because I was lazy.

Maybe it was because it was an abnormally boring day. Nothing really happened. No customers, at all. The book about a boring vampire leading a boring life turned out to be boring. I downloaded two games and didn't install either of them, because too bored. It was raining outside, so, eh...
It wasn't a bad day, though. Boring days can be nice, too.

Good thing: I bought a puzzle depicting Napoleon crossing the Alps. I love that painting. Have been looking for one for some time now. When we're finished with it I'll totally hang it nowhere, probably, but I don't care.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
It's still warm over here, but rainy. I'm prepared for the cold months, but they don't come. I don't mind.

Today was a rest day, aside from a lot of walking and cycling into town. I'm considering trying to start an exercise streak again, but first I have to think about what I want to do. This always is the hardest part for me. Old companions in my last thread might remember that I fail at completing what I set out to do. Probably because there's not really a necessity for it. Have said that a lot, too, I think. Over the course of the last twenty years I've found so many hacks to get things done, but so far I didn't have much success with working out. Or I had, when I had my 365 day streak. No idea what went wrong after that. Well, no reason to mope. Fail forward, I just have to start.

And I have this weird itch to learn Finnish. I found a huge batch of Donald Duck comics in Finnish and...

Good thing: Yearly check-up at the doctor's today, everything's fine and dandy, I'll probably make it another year.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@f1shtacular thanks so much, and thanks for reminding me :love:

Slow day, did the WotD (Stopgap) and that's it. I have a weird ache in my right temple, that intensifies when I move in certain ways, so I was a bit more careful today. Probably something that happened during sleep, no idea.

Good thing: I got a massage today because of that. Very nice.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Lady Celerity thank you so much :love: I've read over my last thread some days ago and noticed that last year you wrote "Never give up, never surrender" when I told the story of how I finally cleaned up. It's your new check-in thread title, but it stuck a bit with me. :)

I only did the WotD today because I was away for most of the day.

We had a longish drive to visit a gentleman I got the contacts from at the music flea market last weekend. I mostly was there to look for a new used violin, to play more in earnest, but haven't found one there. The contact I got had a lot and because he considers disbanding his collection, we went there today to have a look over his instruments. I found two good ones, one I would even say would be perfect, but he's still undecided, same as me. We're going to stay in contact, until both of us have made a decision.
I've learnt classical violin when I was a kid/teenager and hated it. But now, more than twenty years later with my other half who likes playing Scottish and Irish folk songs on the guitar, I thought that learning that style of the violin would be great. We could play together and it sounds much more fun than what I used to play back then. But the old violin I found in the house isn't exactly a comfortable instrument to play, so looking for one to call my own seemed like a good idea. I'm thinking about it.

Good thing: The trip felt more like a short getaway, and it was very pleasant. Fantastic day.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
I always wanted to learn the violin when I was a kid, but for some reason kid me went with clarinet instead I have no idea why lol. I dropped that for piano when I was in high school, but I'm just not very musically inclined. I could play well enough, but I couldn't find much enjoyment in the activity.

That's so cool you want to pick it back up to play Scottish and Irish music with your other half, that sounds awesome!

Lady Celerity

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from The Woods. NorCal
Posts: 791
" thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on.."
The violin is a versatile instrument. You can play classical, folk music, bluegrass, country and hard rock. My late spouse played electric violin in a hard rock band. If you're interested in listening to some different violin genres check out Jean-Luc Ponty or Alison Krauss & Robert Plant or Lindsey Stirling For fun, look at Jordan Violins John makes custom electric violins that are incredible. He still works in his garage but gets orders from all over the world. Nice guy too.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Sif_Shepard I actually wanted to learn no instrument at all when I was young because I found it boring af. Damn, I hated the violin so much, the stories I could tell... But even though I vowed to never play the violin again, I realised that I hated the lessons and everything around them, not really the violin. The clarinet is a nice instrument, too. As is the piano. Maybe it would be different for you now, after all those years? I found my love for instruments only a few years ago, and now it's one of my biggest hobbies. You learn differently when you're an adult, and you can make better (lol) decisions.

@Lady Celerity I'll have a look at those links, thank you! Electric violin sounds awesome, never thought about that. Probaby opens up a lot of possibilites to play with effects and... I'm getting ahead of myself :LOL: But, ah, those custom instruments.... I have to admit, I'm incredibly conservative when it comes to many things, I'm not sure if I can appreciate his work as much as it probably deserves.... Those tuners, though... I'd pay extra money for a violin with proper mechanical tuners. I hate the traditional ones so much...

@Whirly thank you so much! :love:

@mavie thanks for the video, interesting, but not really my style of music, I have to admit. But might give some interesting ideas to tinker with, should I get more into the violin again.

Today was Dumbbell Full Body workout and courtesy of the nice weather, a long swim in the lake.

I also gave myself a nice and deep cut of the tip of my left forefinger, so no string instruments for me for a few days. Nothing bad, though, but it itches a little.

Finished reading "The Alchemist and an Amaretto" today and probably head right into book 6 without looking for a "manly" book to read inbetween. Haven't found one that interested me the last time, so I'll skip it this time. And while there's not really a cliffhanger in book 5, there's something that was unresolved at the end. Just a heads-up, @Sif_Shepard.

Good thing: I got another two pumpkins today. Man, I love pumpkins.

Have a nice weekend, everyone.


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Fighter from the Normandy SR-2
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"ad astra per aspera"
Finished reading "The Alchemist and an Amaretto" today and probably head right into book 6 without looking for a "manly" book to read inbetween. Haven't found one that interested me the last time, so I'll skip it this time. And while there's not really a cliffhanger in book 5, there's something that was unresolved at the end. Just a heads-up, @Sif_Shepard.
Oh cool, thanks for letting me know!

I love pumpkins too!

Ouch about your finger, hope it's not too bad! :vibes:


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
Thanks, @Sif_Shepard, @Whirly and @Anek!
And three quarters through book 6 already? How fast/much are you reading? :LOL:

I've decided, now that October has started, to try to build a streak again.
Today was the monthly Challenge, Daily Kicks, the WotD Toughie, and a run during which I got surprised by a lightning storm. 1st day done.

On a whim, I thought it was a good idea to track my weightlifting progress in a fancy digital spreadsheet this time. Those table things. Usually, I just jotted the highlights down into my notebook companion, but that makes it needlessly hard to track actually progress without leafing back and forth and making an effort to decipher my cryptography from four weeks ago. So, a spreadsheet. Easy, I thought, everyone's doing it and I've installed Linux with success, I'm a pro already, right? No. "I have no idea what I'm doing!" turned into a mantra at one point, voice getting louder and more desperate. After an hour of fiddling around, I had a side-scrolling adventure-like spreadsheet that was horribly organised. Frustrated, I closed the program without saving and went for a run. No idea what kind of magic most people are able to wield to make fancy spreadsheets.
I'll probably sketch a table with colourful wax crayons on a long strip of wallpaper. At least I'll have a snack fitting my intellect while doing so. I've heard pink crayons taste like strawberries :sus:

Good thing: Pumpkin soup! I think I had three bowls.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Thanks, @Sif_Shepard, @Whirly and @Anek!
And three quarters through book 6 already? How fast/much are you reading? :LOL:

I've decided, now that October has started, to try to build a streak again.
Today was the monthly Challenge, Daily Kicks, the WotD Toughie, and a run during which I got surprised by a lightning storm. 1st day done.

On a whim, I thought it was a good idea to track my weightlifting progress in a fancy digital spreadsheet this time. Those table things. Usually, I just jotted the highlights down into my notebook companion, but that makes it needlessly hard to track actually progress without leafing back and forth and making an effort to decipher my cryptography from four weeks ago. So, a spreadsheet. Easy, I thought, everyone's doing it and I've installed Linux with success, I'm a pro already, right? No. "I have no idea what I'm doing!" turned into a mantra at one point, voice getting louder and more desperate. After an hour of fiddling around, I had a side-scrolling adventure-like spreadsheet that was horribly organised. Frustrated, I closed the program without saving and went for a run. No idea what kind of magic most people are able to wield to make fancy spreadsheets.
I'll probably sketch a table with colourful wax crayons on a long strip of wallpaper. At least I'll have a snack fitting my intellect while doing so. I've heard pink crayons taste like strawberries :sus:

Good thing: Pumpkin soup! I think I had three bowls.
There's actually a Discord server that helps people with spreadsheets, but if you do need help with a pivot table and chart, I don't mind providing assist. I only know what I'm doing (if you can call it that) because it was a VERY recent (fresh in my mind) required course for my chosen career path.


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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
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"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
Don't give up! Excel is an awesome thing once you get the basics. Although your crayon project sounds pretty good too, and probably cuter :happy:

As for reading, I usually manage about 3-4 hours a day, more on the weekends unless we're on the construction.


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Hbomb thanks a lot!

@OJJJEM thanks for your offer, but I just wanted to do a very simple table where I can enter some values, without anything fancy. I actually managed that today! Although I am not really satisfied and rue the time wasted on the table, but I have one now, and I'll use it, even if it hurts, damn it :LOL:

@Anek see above, I haven't given up :LOL: It's not the kind of software I'd like to use regularly, but I now have a healthy respect for people who use it at work. And 3-4 hours reading is a lot! Where do you get the time for that? Found a hack for extra hours in the day? :confused:
Btw, are you planning on reading the other books in the Guild Codex world?

Dumbbell Full Body routine today, as well as the Daily Kicks challenge. I suck at kicks. That was Day 2.

Good thing: Otherwise, it was a relaxed day. Very Sunday-like.


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Mother of Dragons Posts: 609
Soo... just today I saw this... It's basically saying that on Tuesday, this channel will have an instruction video for an Excel fitness tracker... No clue if you have the mental stamina to try it, but just in case, you now have the link...


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Sorceress from Bavaria, Germany
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"If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember Cedric Diggory."
I'm thinking about it! Possibly the one about the druid, not sure about the MPD or the Robin ones. Let's see how the series ends, I just started the last one.


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Hunter from the sticks
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"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Sif_Shepard I wasn't sure if you're already reading the books or haven't started yet. I found the reading order in book 5 and thought to myself "cool, you've already missed a short story, a novella, and the first book of a side story, thanks :sus: " :LOL:

@Anek I started the whole series first because I wanted to read the one with the male protagonist originally, but after the short story at the end of book 5 I'm not so sure any more. Didn't like the young man all that much, tbh. And you've blasted through the seventh one since the last time already? :confused:

WotD (Walker), Daily Kicks Day 3 and a run with Hime today. This was Day 3.

Good thing: The cut on my finger is mostly good now, so I played the bass today again.


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"ad astra per aspera"
Just the first one so far, but the others soon. I'll check out the reading list, she has written a lot in that universe it seems! I'll probably just stick to one series at a time instead of the chronological order though.

Glad your finger is better!
Last edited:


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Hunter from the sticks
Posts: 593
"Tomorrow do thy worst, for I have lived today"
@Sif_Shepard I'll stick to the main series for now, too. I'll decide if I want to read one of the others after I'm done with that. Maybe after a break. But you seem to have enjoyed the first book already, reading in your thread that you've already ordered the others.
I'm glad that you and @Anek like it so far, that's one burden less weighing on my mind :LOL: