Fitness test says level one but programs have 5 difficulties


Active member
Boxer from Kansas
Posts: 41
So the fitness test gives you a level 1 -3 result which I think is what level you do each program on, but I noticed there are 5 different difficulties of the programs themselves. So I know how hard to go on the program but what level of program should I do? Is there another test?


Well-known member
Warrior from France
Posts: 1,963
There is no other test. You should choose your program based on what you want to achieve, the stuff you have (dumbells or no) the time you have at hand and what you like. If you test level 3 in the fitness test I recommend you stick to level 4 or 5 programs though, because otherwise I doubt you'll have enough of a workout to show progress.


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Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,682
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
The difficulty level refers to the 3 levels provided in the workouts, not the difficulty level of the workouts themselves or the programs.
Add to this that even though programs with the same level of difficulty are actually different from each other, just think of a strength program or a cardio program to give an obvious example.
Let's say that if you are at level 3 of the test you can easily make programs from level 3 upwards and calculate that even level 5 programs have a very different difficulty if you make them at the minimum level, i.e. 1, or at the maximum level, i.e. 3.
This is a complicated way of saying that you have to experiment a bit with what you can and can't do ;)


Well-known member
Honeybee Posts: 164
I think if you get 2 in the test you can already start with difficulty 3 programs. Back then I scored 2 when I took the test and then I did 90 days of Action and it fit me.

Now you score 3, so if you want to be safe you can go for difficulty 3 programs, but if you feel ambitious you can try difficulty 4 or 5.


Active member
Boxer from Kansas
Posts: 41
There is no other test. You should choose your program based on what you want to achieve, the stuff you have (dumbells or no) the time you have at hand and what you like. If you test level 3 in the fitness test I recommend you stick to level 4 or 5 programs though, because otherwise I doubt you'll have enough of a workout to show progress.