Hybrid Athlete WO wrong rest


Well-known member
Ninja Posts: 143
Hybrid Athlete WO states: "30 sec rest" between sets.
Rest between exercise is undefined therefore one thinks that it's the same.
Could you always specify it? It can be tricky.

But EC is:
Extra Credit: 1 minute rest between sets.

Also after 20 minute fast run how much can you rest?


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 671
@broli we have fixed the EC. When we pull the workouts together online they come from different areas of the site and options. The EC should be 15 seconds. As for the run, that is up to you. You test yourself, what is the minimum time you can wait before launching into the weight exercises and performing up to your expectations? It is going to be different for each person.


Well-known member
Ninja Posts: 143
Is there some suggested time for the after run rest?
How much did people take?


Warrior Monk from Terra
Pronouns: He/Him
Posts: 671
@broli we are not prescriptive on this for a reason. During testing times varied wildly even within individuals whose overall as-a-group fitness level is good. Some took 5mins, some 10. Sone took longer because of the intensity of their run. So really, here. you need to be your own supervisory coach. How long do you need to rest before you can do the weights part of the workout at a satisfactory level?