Is it good to combine two workout programs


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What will be the effect of doing boxer prime with millitary fit simultaneously


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Mercenary from Portugal
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"Boy will I be causing trouble today! A reeeaaaalll ruckus!"
You will be more tired for the one you do second :LOL:

But it's fine to combine 2 programs, I guess one thing to keep in mind would be that when they make those programs they have in mind body rest and stuff since it's a daily thing, so depending on which days overlap (idk exactly what exercises then ones you mentioned have day by day) you might be more exhausted/overworked than intended. Naturally, none of this applies to programs with the add-on tag.

Bottomline, I don't think it will make you get stronger faster by stacking programs, might increase your endurance though, but you can still go for it especially if you think you can manage it, just listen to your body as you do.


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Ranger from Australia
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"Motivation is temporary. Discipline is forever."
The programmes are designed to be done individually. Depending on which programmes you combine, you could be overworking certain areas of yourself, not providing enough rest, and ultimately not getting as much benefit from either of them as you would have had you done them separately. Personally, I wouldn't do it, especially not with the two you have suggested. There are some programmes identified as Add-Ons which you can do with other programmes, but other than that... It's your choice, of course, and you might find it works fine for you, but you might also find that you have more benefit doing them consecutively rather than concurrently.


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Alchemist from France
Posts: 1,722
To add to what @TopNotch says, those are two of the hardest programs (level 5) here... Some programs are designed as add-ons specifically. We don't know how fit you are, and maybe you can, but a program by itself is designed (and tested) by the team here to be complete, not overloading any area, and providing adequate rest day for the gain and avoiding injuries. I trust what's validated by the Dareteam!

ETA : maybe an additional idea is to look in people's profiles who did those two programs, look a bit at what they do now to give you an idea of their fitness level, and ask them for their personal experience.


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from NZ
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You will be more tired for the one you do second :LOL:

But it's fine to combine 2 programs, I guess one thing to keep in mind would be that when they make those programs they have in mind body rest and stuff since it's a daily thing, so depending on which days overlap (idk exactly what exercises then ones you mentioned have day by day) you might be more exhausted/overworked than intended. Naturally, none of this applies to programs with the add-on tag.

Bottomline, I don't think it will make you get stronger faster by stacking programs, might increase your endurance though, but you can still go for it especially if you think you can manage it, just listen to your body as you do.
I've decided to do Walking 60 days in AM and Foundation in Evening with my Wife.
We're both beginners and older (64) and a tad over weight.
She's supporting me really, I'm so lucky !


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Pirate from Cabudare - Venezuela
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That's, uh... That's overkill. Those two programs are at the highest difficulty level, and they have very exhausting drills (as they should considering the difficulty). I've done Boxer Prime and I can tell you it does not go well with any other program available in the site other than some of the addon programs. The same can be said about Military Fit, though someone else should confirm it.

I believe you need to do some assessment first before going with either program. Ask yourself what your goals are, why are you choosing those two programs, what is it about them that caught your attention, are you able to do them, do you understand what your condition is, have you tried the fitness test... that sort of stuff. If you are interested in Boxer Prime and you are also looking to add something extra, I suggest you pick up a suitable challenge to get that extra kick. What's a suitable challenge? Well, only you know what's suitable for you.


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Honeybee Posts: 164
Regardless of the actual difficulty of the two programs, it doesn't really make sense to combine them, because if you are so fit that you can do both at the same time, it means that they are too easy for you.

If that's true, then you should go for something harder to make better use of your time and energy. But I doubt if there's anything on this site harder than Military Fit and Boxer Prime.

I am far from being able to do either one program. But let's say I am that fit, then I would pick one of the two depending on my goals and do something else on top of it, instead of doing both at the same time. They are pretty time consuming, too.


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Fighter Posts: 2
Thank you for your answers
Military fit targets upper and lower body
Boxer prime targets upper body + combat strength
Their 'rest' days are not exactly the same. I just wanted to know if someone survived it because of boxers prime power drills.

Currently I'm mixing both while trying to find a balance that will be suitable for a 10 mins workout.

As for level of fitness i feel it's more of a mental thing than a physical thing. I've done military fit and spartan trials multiple times but not simultaneously . The best I have completed without missing a day is military fit lvl 2 and spartan trial lvl 3. I've completed boxer prime in order to get functional strength but I limited it to 15-10min equivalent to 1.5-2.5 sets. It still helps build muscle without costing too much calories or time.