Just another training log


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
I have definitely lurked and used Darebee for quite some time to do some training. However, I think I am well past the stage to keep track of what it is I am doing and making sure I keep myself accountable.

The other thing I want to see myself doing is record my progress. It is easy to forget how far you have come when when your advancement stagnates; so here I am at what I will call Day 0.

Here is my current plan (February 16, 2023)
Challenge: 50 Push-Ups in One Go - Day 25
Challenge: Everest Challenge - Day 23
Program: 90 days of Action - II - Day 81
Program: 8 Weeks to 5K - Day 16


Challenge: Before Breakfast Cardio
Program Foundation - III
Challenge: Better Legs (2022/12/14)
Challenge: Daily Cardio (2022/12/14)
Challenge: Better Abs (2023/01/18)
Challenge: Cardio Blast (2023/01/18

Stay tuned future me.
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Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,896
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
I have definitely lurked and used Darebee for quite some time to do some training. However, I think I am well past the stage to keep track of what it is I am doing and making sure I keep myself accountable.

The other thing I want to see myself doing is record my progress. It is easy to forget how far you have come when when your advancement stagnates; so here I am at what I will call Day 0.

Here is my current plan (November 12, 2022)
Before Breakfast Cardio (day 30) - complete
Foundation (day 30) - complete level III
Exercise of the Day

These routines will soon reach the end of the program and my goal is to replace it with some new ones.

Stay tuned future me.
November 13, 2022

Took a while for me to come up with what was next. Perhaps I should start browsing in advance of the day of when I complete challenges and programs.

Here is the new menu:
Challenge: Better Legs
Challenge: Daily Cardio
Program: 90 days of Action - II

Goals change over time and right now my short term goals are to complete these challenges and programs.

Outside of exercise, I'll be looking at improving my eating habits and ensure my shopping habits support it. Keeping vegetables fresh has always been a challenge and this might cause me to make multiple trips to the shops in order to ensure I always have a steady stream of vegetables coming into the body.

The past week was a bad week for carb intake. I would describe it as atypical, but I will have to challenge myself to do better this week as that is what I have control over.

For weekly updates I think I'll track the following starting from when I first started the thread:
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 3
Weight Delta (Gain +/Loss -/Net 0): 0

I might add more to this as things go along, but we'll see how it goes.


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
November 20, 2022

One week in and still going strong. It has been a long time since I challenged a "high burn" type of workout regimen. It feels so far like a good reset. My only gripe is that I am reminded that I definitely have a weak core that at some point I will need to overcome or maybe just try to put more attention into training those muscle groups.

Exercise habit, I'm probably super solid. The goal is to keep looking at potential gaps in my current habit. I would say I feel pretty good about it so far.

Food habits, I think I could have done better this week. What was good? Definitely was able to manage to get several servings of vegetables in this week. Some of this was helped by doing more meal prep this week than I did in previous weeks. Fruits was more of a challenge as there seemed to be not as many good or fresh options available at the nearby grocery stores. However definitely did my best to try to use fruits as more of a snack source. I guess the random food shortages kind of affects a lot of the different fresh produce I try to buy. With American Thanksgiving coming up, this will probably prove to be even more of a challenge as everyone will be buying up all of the fruit and vegetables as we get closer to the end of the week.

Weekly Update:
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 10
Weight Delta (Gain +/Loss -/Net 0): 0

I definitely appreciate the love and support the Hive has provided so far. Thank you for checking in!


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
November 24, 2022

Given the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States I thought today might be a good time to post a short mid-week check-in.

We are still going strong with consistent exercise. This is definitely a plus. There are days that feel harder than others, but I am still managing to persevere and hit every rep and set I schedule for myself.

American Thanksgiving and overeating kind of go hand in hand. Today will be more of an exercise in self-control and trying my best not to get swept up into that activity. Afterall, I have other things I have to do later on in the day.

Mid-week Update Summary:
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 14
Weight Delta (Gain +/Loss -/Net 0): Didn't measure today. Will check Sunday.

Thank you for the check-in and hope to have the next one on Sunday.

To those of you celebrating in the USA, Happy Thanksgiving!


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
November 28, 2022

Well, I fell off the horse. The important thing is to get back onto the horse. What caused me to break the chain? I moved to a new home. Between Saturday and Sunday I could not find the time nor energy to start or complete the workouts. Each day ended with a full body sore. Essentially lots of squats, lots of overhead presses, farmer carries, etc. At least I was not sitting around being lazy and not working out because I gave up.

If anything what was demonstrated for me this weekend was the amount of energy and stamina that enabled me to essentially marathon 16 hour days of painting followed by moving and unpacking with no break. The exercise definitely pays dividends in this respect. As things normalize, back to the routine.

Thanksgiving since family holidays usually spark some transient weight gain. What I will say is that I did not eat to stuff myself into a coma, but I could have done better. I could have gone without the extra beer. I think we always know we can do better and this is healthy as it drives us to keep ourselves in check. Sure, it sucks to say no thank you to the other piece of pie or to another serving of side dishes.

Weekly Update:
Longest Tracked Streak: 15
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 1
Weight Delta (Gain +/Loss -/Net 0): <my scale hasn't been unpacked yet, should be set for the next update>


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
December 4, 2022

This week was hard and difficult in so many ways. There were a lot of demands on my time which limited how much time I had on top of working, sleeping, and eating.
The work week was especially tough due to the workload. I had to balance these demands out with trying to move into the new house and move out of the old one. Meals were late every day, sleep was definitely getting missed in so many ways.

With the little time I had left I managed to always get in those workouts. However, the workout struggles were real. I felt like every day was fighting to complete each rep, each set, each workout. Every day I questioned what I was doing, fending off the voice in the back of my head that said, "if you quit now, then no one will ever know . . ." I held myself accountable, and I can look back on this week with pride as I completed every challenge, every workout,

Next week outlook should be good as the workload will start to taper off. The time pressures will be alleviated and I can start to go back towards a more normal schedule and routine. Good luck me.

Weekly Update:
Longest Tracked Streak: 15
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 8
Weight Delta (Gain +/Loss -/Net 0): -4.0 lb
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from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
December 11, 2022

What a week! We are hurdling over challenges and doing our best. Every time I manage to complete a tough workout it feels very rewarding and it feels like a win. I have discovered that core/abs are definitely not my strong suit. Endurance in those areas can definitely use some more love. This may very well be my limiting factor with trying to get to the next level so with the next round of challenges and exercises to turn over I might look for core/ab centric stuff to help me get that area into shape.

Workout wise I think I have found that my least favorite exercise of them all are sit-ups. To me they seem difficult to do correctly and with the amount of time it feels like I spend finessing it, I feel like I could have done several other types of exercises to work the other muscle groups. I might need to learn more about what the true benefit of these exercises are as they get programmed into the various workout programs and exercise challenges. This being said it does give me something to improve over time.

  • Push ups are definitely easier although core seems to be the limiting factor for me in order to crank out more in one sitting.
  • I can see and feel the effects of the exercises on developing my muscles and muscle groups.
Areas of Improvement (because nothing is a complete loss)
  • My current diet is not where I want it to be. This is very fixable as days have gone long with home improvement projects.
  • Core/Abs are not where they need to be.

Weekly Update:
Longest Tracked Streak: 15
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 15 -> hey we matched our previous streak!
Weight Delta (Gain+/Loss -/Net 0): 0.0 lb -> considering my current state of my diet i'm surprised this didn't go up. that being said adjusting this would have seen weight loss which is the current overall goal.


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
December 20, 2022

The week started strong and then ended on a very disappointing note when I missed my routine on Sunday. I was on track to continue my longest streak until I was woken up on early Sunday morning with an intense cramp in my left calf muscles. I did not feel confident all of Sunday to be able to exert the muscles in my left leg any harder. Thinking back on it, I should have strived to do what I could or try doing some alternative exercising instead. I will know for next time.

  • We made it to 20 consecutive days beating my most recent streak of 15!
  • Current diet is improving. Now that most of the initial home improvement projects are completed, I can focus on getting back to a schedule.
Areas of Improvement (because nothing is a complete loss)
  • Core/Abs are better, but I think completion of this program will show the result of focusing on this area.
  • I need to get the mental up. I have to recognize those opportunities to modify my workout routine to suit everything else. I wonder if better programming might help where I look at the week to week rather than the day to day.
  • Looking at the Sunday morning cramp, I think I could have drank more water and stretched more. These will probably be a focus this week.

Weekly Update:
Longest Tracked Streak: 20
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 2
Weight Delta (Gain+/Loss -/Net 0): +1.4 lb, this trended the wrong way this week, but I can't be discouraged.


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
December 27, 2022

We are well in to the end-of-year holiday season. Subjectively, I would say I have done a lot better in terms of not going overboard with festivities with eating and drinking. It has been a struggle for sure. Keeping up with the exercise day-to-day has also been a good test of my mental since I am very much on vacation/holiday mode. Despite all this I have a goal in mind and will keep pushing through into the new year.

Weekly Update:
Longest Tracked Streak: 20
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 9
Weight Delta (Gain+/Loss -/Net 0): +1.2 lb

  • Building the streak back up definitely helps. This week has been more ab/core focused and it hurts. I did not give up.
  • Definitely getting the right mix of things in the diet, just need to start cutting back on the amount consumed. Holidays also don't help with the transient weight gain.
Areas of Improvement (because nothing is a complete loss)
  • Got to look where I can improve on weight loss. Intensity is about the same, so this leads me to think diet adjustments are required.
  • Core/ab endurance needs more improvement for sure.


Well-known member
Shaman from Italy
Posts: 3,896
"“Keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.” Percy Weasley, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone."
Happy New Year


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
January 11, 2023

Happy New Year! I know it's late and it's been a little over two weeks since doing a check-in post. This being said I try to keep the original post up-to-date. Delays have been due due to my time being devoted to a lot of things and scraping by enough time to get my workout plan menu completed each day. Since the last update I broke the streak twice. Once was due to time management; I just run out of hours in the day (these were accompanied with a few home improvement/fix-it projects that took longer than expected). The other time was just due to my own need for a physical and mental break that came with the return to a normal work schedule after the new year, the start of the new year was particularly rough for me.

Weekly Update:
Longest Tracked Streak: 20
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 4
Weight Delta (Gain+/Loss -/Net 0): -0.8 lb

  • Staying positive and committed to the plan as best as possible.
  • I overcame my mental hurdle to never quit.
Areas of Improvement (because nothing is a complete loss)
  • Stress management
  • Core/ab endurance needs more improvement for sure.


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
January 28, 2023

I feel as though my current program wasn't strenuous enough so I decided to add running back into my regimen. Although I have run 5K and 10K in the past, it has been several months since I did any running due to life and winter weather. This being said, the winter has been relatively mild for snow and ice so I feel more confident going out and running. Unfortunately I don't own a treadmill so running is very much an outdoor activity. Guess I'll bundle up as best I can.


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
February 6, 2023

Almost a week and a half into the 8 weeks to 5K and it feels good to get acclimated to running in the cold. My goal is to hit 10K before the end of summer and maybe sign up for at least 1 10K+ race this year. Got to keep my eyes on that goal and structure everything else around it. This being said I'm now in the last third of the 90 Days of Action workout and although I love the body weight exercises, I think my next program I would like to tackle will involve dumb bell weights structured in a push pull legs rotation/split. I have several days to figure that one out in the meantime.

Longest Tracked Streak: 20
Training Consecutive Day Streak: 2
Weight Delta (Gain+/Loss -/Net 0): -1.6 lb


from Michigan
Pronouns: He/His/Him
Posts: 13
February 12, 2023

It's been a real struggle to get my full menu of workouts done this past weekend. Just too many high priority activities stacked on top of each other so I had to prioritize running and at least continuing on one of the challenges. Next week should settle down more so I can continue more adequately. It just feels really frustrating with time management because it feels like a failure to me. Overall it feels like I am letting myself down since it overshadows the bigger win of just fitting something in as best as I could. So looking forward I need to focus on having better mental fortitude and staying positive.

This being said, I look forward to completing some of the current programs/challenges in the coming weeks and transitioning back into some dumb bell weight training.