[Pull-Up Team Progress 2024] Pull yourself together, again!


Well-known member
Posts: 1,243
Challenge summary:
{pull-ups lvl1} D1-30
138reps @3pts

414 pts in total

My totals (2023):
Dead Hang: 1645s
Horizontal Rows: 10 reps
Negative Pull-ups: 137 reps
Pullups: 138 reps

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 42 <<< (level 3)


Well-known member
Posts: 1,243
30 rows @2pts
47 pull-ups @3pts

201pts in total

My totals (2023):
Dead Hang: 1645s
Horizontal Rows: 40 reps
Negative Pull-ups: 137 reps
Pullups: 180 reps

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 3398 <<< (level 4)
Last edited:


Well-known member
Posts: 1,243
Hi everyone ! I'm joining you guys on @HellYeah 's suggestion. I read the posts but I don't understand the point system (sorry I'm slow...)
I did 3×1 pull-ups and 3×30 secs dead hangs today and that was everything I could give each time. How many points is that ?
First of all, a warm welcome! Great to have you here.

Now, let's talk points:
With 1 pull-up being your rep max at the moment, it is worth 5pts (so 15 pts in total)

30sec hang equals 10reps (3sec is 1rep), with each being worth 3pts. Leads to 30pts for each hang. (90pts in total)

All together you can proudly log 105pts for the day. Well done 👍.


Well-known member
Posts: 1,243
Hi everyone ! I'm joining you guys on @HellYeah 's suggestion. I read the posts but I don't understand the point system (sorry I'm slow...)
I did 3×1 pull-ups and 3×30 secs dead hangs today and that was everything I could give each time. How many points is that ?
105 points
So let's see if I understood correctly. I did 4 times 1 pull-up + 3 chin-ups + 30 secs dead hang
Which should make 156 points?
4 times (5+12+30) --> 188 points
MO MA 08: I received clearance from my Physio Therapist to return to regular training today. First pull-ups in 5 weeks. 3/1/1 = 5
20 points
3x3 overhand on close grip
Total = 27 points

@HellYeah please insert the correct countdown, I lost track of it :eyes:
27 points

Team Challenge 2023
Countdown: >>> 2759 <<< (level 4)